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Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

He is staying right there in Greece. Cheap intimidation of this sort doesn't always work.
Of course he is!:pakistan:

Greece can lose alot if it does not stop crimes against Pakistani farm hands. It will be difficult to replace that kind of labor from the Pakistani agriculture industry.
yes, thats a hundred % true, thats would be the last nail in the coffin of Greece, if Pakistan ever should call its high skilled farm workers home!
No one is getting beaten up, if he/she stays below the radar, but you clearly wouldn't accepted if, let's say, Germans would come to Pakistan to party Oktoberfest, everyone in strange dresses, everyone partying, everyone drunk, right?

So why do we have to accept that you come here, because obviously even in poor Greece life is much better than in Pakistan, but then you live exactly the same lifestyle you lived at home, what is part of the reason, that your country is rather poor.

Explain to me please!
What Greek laws were these Pakistanis breaking?

In Pakistan, drinking (allowed in designated places such as authorized restaurants, hotels, private residences) and appropriate dress (not sure about that last one actually - don't think there is a law on dress) in public is part of the laws, and laws should be followed, and most European visitors follow these laws.

What laws weren't the Pakistanis following?
What laws weren't the Pakistanis following?
In the way they life, they stand out from the crowd, and they make everybody hate them.
I don't just mean Pakistanis in Greece, I mean Muslim in general in Europe.

In Pakistan, drinking (allowed in designated places such as authorized restaurants, hotels, private residences) and appropriate dress (not sure about that last one actually - don't think there is a law on dress) in public is part of the laws, and laws should be followed, and most European visitors follow these laws.
Clearly you didn't understand what I mean, but that's okay!
In the way they life, they stand out from the crowd, and they make everybody hate them.
I don't just mean Pakistanis in Greece, I mean Muslim in general in Europe.
Muslims will always have a problem if you institutionalise 'culture'. Their way of life is a human way of life which should be treated as their human right
In the way they life, they stand out from the crowd, and they make everybody hate them.
I don't just mean Pakistanis in Greece, I mean Muslim in general in Europe.

Clearly you didn't understand what I mean, but that's okay!
'Way of life'?

What does that mean? So if you're a nudist, would you argue that 'anyone who doesn't follow the nudist way of life' should be beaten?

What's important is that the laws are followed. If someone wants to drink alcohol, let them drink alcohol. If someone doesn't want to drink alcohol, let them not drink alcohol.

If someone doesn't want to date, or have sex before marriage or walk around half naked, then so what? Let them be. Following the laws is important, not what YOU want them to do.

You are no different from the religious extremists if you FORCE your views and 'way of life' on others.
No one is getting beaten up, if he/she stays below the radar, but you clearly wouldn't accepted if, let's say, Germans would come to Pakistan to party Oktoberfest, everyone in strange dresses, everyone partying, everyone drunk, right?

So why do we have to accept that you come here, because obviously even in poor Greece life is much better than in Pakistan, but then you live exactly the same lifestyle you lived at home, what is part of the reason, that your country is rather poor.

Explain to me please!

Notice how this Hitler twists the arguments. There are many other nationalities with different religions living inside European capitals. Muslims just happen to be one of them. When white racists attack immigrants they don’t only look at religion. They are mainly focused on the color of the skin because this has always been their prime concern. White racists hate all people of color. When you read white hate manifestos you will find one common theme. The white race is about to die. The white race is being bastardized. The white race is the victim. The white race needs to start a crusade. Hating and picking out Muslims is just a new hobby of white racists. The white angry man has always needed something to hate.
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Of course he is!:pakistan:

yes, thats a hundred % true, thats would be the last nail in the coffin of Greece, if Pakistan ever should call its high skilled farm workers home!

Why do you fascists join our forum and peddle your conspiracy theories and racist revisionism here?

Has your obsession with Pakistan become so much that you have to dump your nonsense here?
Why do you fascists join our forum and peddle your conspiracy theories and racist revisionism here?

Has your obsession with Pakistan become so much that you have to dump your nonsense here?

White insecurity. When the white angry man hears Pakistan he starts jumping up and down. He has spasms.
White insecurity. When the white angry man hears Pakistan he starts jumping up and down. He has spasms.
Look, as distasteful as I find his views against immigrants, this reaction and trait isn't unique to Europeans/White people.

Take the example of Pakistan - anytime someone talks about giving citizenship to Afghan refugees or resettling Biharis left behind in Bangladesh, we get all sorts of negative reactions and at times even racism. We see racism towards Pashtun, Punjabis, Muhajir, Sindhis etc from people in other ethnic groups.

In India, there is plenty of 'racism' towards internal migrants from the poorer Easter/Central states to the more prosperous ones, discrimination on the basis of caste, and racism between various ethnic groups.

There's been plenty written on the subtle and not so subtle racism or negative attitudes in both India and Pakistan towards 'darker skinned' people, reflected in the societal obsession with fair skin and fair skinned brides and grooms.

My reason for bringing this up here is not to provide justification for @Reconquerer comments, but to use the opportunity to perhaps help push dialog on addressing our own racism and discriminatory attitudes towards other ethnic/racial groups.
White insecurity. When the white angry man hears Pakistan he starts jumping up and down. He has spasms.

Reminds me of that terrorist who killed those worshippers in NZ. That crusader even went to Northern areas of Pakistan to check out some places of battles where Muslims lost to British.

Now that Western civilization is on the downturn, they are looking for scapegoats. Muslims are convenient because they fear no retaliation from Muslim countries and generally Muslim minorities are unorganized and kept out of power in Western countries.

They spent 20 years murdering innocent Muslims and wasting lives to destroy Muslim nations which bore no threat against them, only to find a resurgent China hitting them in their blind spot.

They will keep doing this in an effort to expel Muslims, but this will only accelerate their demise.
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