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Maryam asks fake injured patwari in the Battle of Freedom-e-Nawaz "What Happened?" on Twitter


Feb 7, 2013
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United Kingdom
I swear these tooi wal are nothing more than poojari and khabees of the highest order. They are fake of feku like someone in the neighborhood. Then its their poojari following. I swear why do we have to put up with these kanjars.

The fake profile in question

A simple reverse Google Image search will take you to the real post.

The original post/picture of the person who actually suffered said injury

The image used in question is of a renowned American Christian Author, Coach.

Welcome to the World of #MediaCells ... sitting in same room tweetting each other from multiple IDs... same like some Gangadeshis use different IDs here on PDF....

@The Eagle have you noticed?

Here in PakPolitics sections certain posters... copy/pasting tweets... just check the timing of post-after-post. the speed of posting in different threads..wow.. they come prepared.. What is this world coming to?

Zinda hae Post-Truth-World Zinda hae

And suddenly the tweet is unavailable now. So much for the injury and that World Bank Economy Report about Pakistan for the fiscal years 2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018. Interestingly, the social media campaign is now having the taste of its own medicine, the side affects of malicious & ill intended ambition & coming to an end with an embarrassment to the owners by exposing their own corruption. This is a Karma as now she is helping to destroy & expose Sharif Clan.
Exactly. You know I am glad, feel a bit validated, by the WB report...that #LifafaJurnos #HelicopterGroup and #MarasiMedia was creating a false narrative with broad daylight #EconomicTerrorism .

You shall seen no one on the TeeVee/print is going to express an outrage... I am critical of the current GoP on many fronts... however, this government recieved charge when Pakistan was hit hard through #EconomicTerrorism ... being the strongest part of Hybridwar.

Anyhow, I find it amusing that so many here on PDF fall into this #MediaCells trap and give them oxygen... we have three coming months to be the toughest!

The few of us are unnecessary innocents & some are clueless that never digs into the details and call for the logic but take it like a gospel whatever being shared on Media. Once everyone realized that be it Nawaz, Zardari, IK or anyone; we must remain committed to fairness & call the wrong wherever it is. Rest about social media campaigns, we know that how it works like dozens of operators can create multiple IDs and will flood the internet with specific agenda.

I agree that currently, there is no strong setup to curb down on fake media, propaganda warfare & ill intended journalism and that is all because of deliberate lack of interest by the previous administrations being corrupt and partners in crime with all the corrupt entities/officers.

Our good deed is not some kind of license to be corrupt on the same time and expect being unnoticed. In fact, this was the mentality observed that if one is corrupt then no issue because he/she did the good for public as well. I mean, what kind of person will call a corrupt practice with good deed and then expects everyone to be fateful for Nation. The Hybrid Warfare has so many faces & tactics and we are too low on proper counter strategies due to lack of equipment as well as a strong system but I can see that it will not last longer. Things have started to move in right directions and there are lot of efforts, working, time spent & sacrifices as well and that all will start to show fruits very soon.

Another issue with the public is that, we are victims of short memory & forget the root cause of miseries/ hardships which is like if we are not helping ourselves hence, no help will ever arrive. Accountability is the dire need of time and everyone needs to start by ourselves at first. As long as we remain committed for the fairness & honesty, these hardships will vanish. The thugs under political disguise have ruined our lives & the lives of generations to come hence, there will be no free walk and that has to be done.

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