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Martial Law in Thailand


Feb 12, 2006
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Thai military launches coup against PM

Martial law declared as tanks roll through streets of Bangkok

BANGKOK, Thailand - Thailand's army commander staged a coup Tuesday night and ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra while he was in New York, circling his offices with tanks, declaring martial law and revoking the constitution.

Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin, who is known to be close to Thailand's revered monarch and is a Muslim in this Buddhist-dominated nation, took power without a shot being fired. He will serve as acting prime minister, said army spokesman Col. Akara Chitroj.

Thaksin, who was first elected in 2001, has faced calls to resign amid allegations of corruption and abuse of power, and the coup came on the eve of a major rally — the first in months — that was scheduled for Bangkok by a coalition of his foes.

"The armed forces commander and the national police commander have successfully taken over Bangkok and the surrounding area in order to maintain peace and order. There has been no struggle," the new leaders said in a statement on national television. "We ask for the cooperation of the public and ask your pardon for the inconvenience."

As soldiers and armored vehicles moved through drizzly Bangkok, the military declared a provisional authority loyal to King Bhumibol Adulyadej, calling itself the "Council of Administrative Reform."

The council, it said, soon return power to a democratic government but did not specify what reforms they would carry out.

The military ordered all troops to report to their duty stations. There was no sign of resistance to the coup in the hours after it was announced late Tuesday.

The coup leaders also said schools, banks and the stock market will be closed Wednesday. Civil servants, including permanent secretaries of ministries, heads of state agencies, and heads of universities in the Bangkok metropolitan area were ordered to report to the council on Wednesday morning.

Akara said Deputy Prime Minister Chitchai Wannasathit had been removed from his post.

An army general, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, said Chitchai and Defense Minister Thammarak Isaragura na Ayuthaya — two Thaksin loyalists — had been arrested.
"The government is no longer administering the country," Akara said.
Thaksin was in New York at the U.N. General Assembly, and he declared a state of emergency in an audio statement via a government-owned TV station in Bangkok in a vain attempt to stave off the coup.
Thaksin, who had been scheduled to address the General Assembly, canceled his speech.

Government spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee, who was with Thaksin in New York, said the coup leaders "cannot succeed" and was confident they would fail "because democracy in Thailand has developed to some ... measure of maturity."

At least 14 tanks surrounded Government House, Thaksin's office. A convoy of four tanks rigged with loudspeakers and sirens rolled through a busy commercial district of Bangkok, warning people to get off the street for their own safety.

The coup went largely unnoticed in Bangkok's popular tourist districts, where foreigners packed bars and cabarets, oblivious to the activity about two miles away. But word raced among street vendors hawking T-shirts, who packed up their carts quickly and started heading home.
Hundreds of people gathered at Government House, taking pictures of themselves with the tanks.

"I don't agree with the coup, but now that they've done it, I support it because Thaksin has refused to resign from his position," said university student Sasiprapha Chantawong. "Allowing Thaksin to carry on will ruin the country more than this. The reputation of the country may be somewhat damaged, but it's better than letting Thaksin stay in power."
The White House was monitoring the events closely, "but the situation at the moment is unclear," said Frederick Jones, a spokesman for n a period of stability." President Bush's National Security Council. "We look to the Thai people to resolve their political differences in a peaceful manner and in accordance with principles of democracy and rule of law."

Former Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, and a member of the opposition Democrat Party, said Thaksin had forced the military to act.
"As politicians, we do not support any kind of coup but during the past five years, the government of Thaksin created several conditions that forced the military to stage the coup. Thaksin has caused the crisis in the country," he told The Associated Press.
It was the first coup in Thailand since 1991, when an attempt by Prime Minister Suchinda Kraprayoon, a military general, to retain power was later countered by mass street demonstrations and Suchinda's ouster. After that, the military vowed to remain in its barracks, in contrast to earlier decades when military coups were a staple of Thai politics.
Massive rallies earlier this year forced Thaksin to dissolve Parliament and call an election in April, three years early. The poll was boycotted by the opposition and later annulled by Thailand's top courts, leaving it without a working legislature.

Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai Party twice won landslide election victories, in 2001 and 2005 and had been expected to win the next vote on Oct. 15, bolstered by its widespread support in the country's rural areas.
In March, Sondhi sought to ease speculation the military might join the political fray, as it last did in 1992 and more than a dozen other times during earlier crises.

"The army will not get involved in the political conflict. Political troubles should be resolved by politicians," Sondhi said at the time, echoing comments of other top military officials. "Military coups are a thing of the past."
On Monday, Thaksin had said he might step down as leader of Thailand after the upcoming elections but would remain as partly leader, despite calls for him to give up the post.

The first sign of the coup came when army-owned TV channel 5 interrupted regular broadcasts with patriotic music and showed pictures of the king. Later, several hundred soldiers were deployed at government installations and major intersections in Bangkok.

Thaksin's critics wanted to jettison his policies promoting privatization, free trade agreements and CEO-style administration.

Opposition to Thaksin gained momentum in January when his family announced it had sold its controlling stake in telecommunications company Shin Corp. to Singapore's state-owned Temasek Holdings for a tax-free $1.9 billion. Critics allege the sale involved insider trading and complained a key national asset moved to foreign hands. Thaksin also has been accused of stifling the media and mishandling a Muslim insurgency in southern Thailand that flared under his rule.

In the mostly Muslim south, separatist insurgents have waged a bloody campaign that has left at least 1,700 dead, mostly civilians, since 2004. Citizens there have complained of rights abuses by soldiers and discrimination by the Buddhist majority.

Bhumibol, a 78-year-old constitutional monarch with limited powers, has used his prestige to pressure opposing parties to compromise during political crises. He is credited with helping keep Thailand more stable than many of its Southeast Asian neighbors.
He is the world's longest-serving monarch, celebrated his 60th year on the throne with lavish festivities in June that were attended by royalty from around the world.

Many Thais had been counting on him to pull the country through its political crisis, which has left it with no functioning legislature and only a caretaker government after the inconclusive election.
Bhumibol was born in Cambridge, Mass. He became the ninth king of Thailand's Chakri dynasty on June 9, 1946, succeeding his older brother, Ananda, killed by an unexplained shooting.

Since then, he has reigned through a score of governments, democratic and dictatorial. He has taken an especially active role in rural development. In 1992, demonstrators against a military strongman were gunned down before the king stepped in to end the fighting and usher in a period of stability
At the very highest level, from a Pakistani-centric stanpoint, this is actually a welcome news as it takes off pressure from Pakistan (aside from myanmar, we were the only ones with a military ruler (albeit no martial law as the constitution has not been abrogated in Pakistan). Lets see the world's reaction to it....maybe Musharraf has softened up people a bit about military rulers..who knows..:smile:
Don't know if this is true or not but word has it that the Thai military Commader who took over control of the country was a Muslim. This could get a bit more interesting as the days go on and more details comes out.
Yes it is true the leader who took over the nation is not only the new prime minister but also a muslim
For a country that is dominately Bhudda will the New Commader get the support from the public in anyway?
Profile: Thai coup leader

Tuesday, 19 September 2006, 23:20 GMT 00:20 UK


-Gen Sonthi is the first Muslim to be commander-in-chief :tup:

The leader of the coup in Thailand, Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin, has made his mark in recent months with some very public disagreements with the man he has overthrown, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Appointed commander-in-chief last year, Gen Sonthi is known to be close to the country's King, Bhumibol Adulyadej, and has been seen as an unofficial spokesman for the monarch.

After parliamentary elections in April, which were later annulled because of concerns about their legitimacy, he said that King Bhumibol was "saddened" by the situation.

Gen Sonthi, 59, graduated from Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy in 1969 and was commissioned to the Royal Army Infantry Corps.

A decorated combat veteran, he headed several top Thai army units including the elite Special Warfare Command.

Muslim insurgency

Gen Sonthi was appointed commander-in-chief last year, the first member of Thailand's Muslim minority to hold the position.

The move was seen as an attempt by the government to curb an Islamist insurgency in the south of the country which has killed more than 1,400 people in the last two-and-a-half years.

His first major spat with the government came when his proposal for talks with the militants was rejected.

And when the political crisis blew up earlier this year, with the opposition Democrat Party boycotting elections amid claims that Mr Thaksin was abusing his power, Gen Sonthi voiced his - and the king's - concerns.

"The country's problem, which originated some time ago and has prevailed until now, has saddened his majesty, which has upset and worried me," he was quoted by local media as saying.

"As a soldier of his majesty, I would like to help him relieve his worry and the army will adhere strictly to whatever advice he gives us."

No real statements coming from the State Department.
Looks like that US had some thing to do with it.
Q&A: Thailand's coup impact

A military coup in Thailand has seen the ousting of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Why did the coup happen now?
Mr Thaksin, who came to power in 2001, has proved a controversial and divisive leader.

Although he was extremely popular with Thailand's rural poor, his abrasive style and huge wealth won him many enemies and appeared to split the nation.
Mounting protests earlier this year undermined his position.
But it was his easy victory in April's general election - subsequently declared invalid - that may have prompted the generals to act.

Their assessment may have been that since Mr Thaksin's wealth and politically dominant Thai Rak Thai party made him electorally unbeatable, a coup was the only way to get rid of him.

All that remained was to choose a date. With new elections set for later this year, they seem to have decided to act swiftly, taking advantage of the fact he was out of the country at the UN's General Assembly.

What does it mean for Thailand?

That depends on how long the military holds on to power.
The coup's leader, Gen Sonthi Boonyaratglin, said he wanted to restore democracy after a year, once a new constitution had been written.

If that timetable is achieved, many Thais will probably give a sigh of relief.
But there will be real worries that Gen Sonthi, like previous coup leaders, may find it hard to give up power - or rebuild democracy to the military's liking - so quickly.
The longer he stays, the greater the risk that the same groups who protested in their thousands against the "autocratic" Mr Thaksin will turn their frustration on the high-minded military.

What does the coup mean for the region?

It is a severe setback.

Thailand had not suffered a coup in 15 years, and had started to boast about being a stable democracy at the heart of South East Asia.

Now, as pictures flash around the world of tanks in central Bangkok, the country's institutions have again been proved to be flimsy, and its military shown up to be still untrusting of democracy and its conflicts.

The coup is also bad news for Western hopes of change in Thailand's neighbour, Burma.

Thailand is one of the few countries with real influence over Burma's repressive military junta.

But Gen Sonthi is hardly likely to press Burma's leaders to introduce democracy, and they will see his coup as a justification for inaction.

What about Thailand's economy?

As well as being hit by the 2004 tsunami, Thailand's economic growth was already being pegged back by political uncertainty as this year's protests against Mr Thaksin rumbled on.

The problem is now likely to get worse as nervy companies delay investment and the former government's spending programmes come under scrutiny.

While tourists may keep coming, foreign investors will be watching extremely closely to see what happens to Shin Corp, the mobile phone group which Mr Thaksin's family sold to Singaporean investors in January.

The sale of such an important Thai business was seen by many Thais as unpatriotic and triggered the anti-Thaksin protests.
Any moves to regain control of the company would send shock waves through Thai business.
well the big "Q" ? is this which world power is backing the coup d 'at in thailand this region has also been contested for influence before take for eg the vietnam war so actualy which of the big power's stratagical ambition will this coup d 'at serve? We have all heard of the "GREAT GAME" being played in this ever changing shift in geopolitical allainces in todays scanario
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