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Mars missions race. India takes lead


Sep 1, 2011
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India aims at sending an orbiter to Mars in 2013. The race for the Red planet unwinds with NASA planning a launch for the same 2013 fiscal year and China somewhat lagging behind. Earlier this month Europe gave a go ahead for a Mars mission with Russia in 2016. Russia and India have also a plan for a joint lunar mission scheduled for 2014.

The Moon for Mars?

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) plans to reach Mars with an automatic lander to be launched in 2013. The news was not totally unexpected since the first announcements were made back in 2009, but the actual date nonetheless seems too close. The project, according to some reports, was initially scheduled for 2016 or even 2018, but it was brought forward thanks to larger funds allotted by the Indian government last year, soaring from US$1.99 million $24.9 million.

Although the information on the mission is scarce, the orbiter will most likely be rather light with scientific payload of about 25 kg. A batch of ten experiments was proposed by scientists, with only some of them to be finally chosen for the mission. Most probably, the main scientific aim of the project is to study Martian atmosphere. It is planned that the orbiter will be carried to a highly elliptical orbit around the planet with perigee of about 500 km and apogee of 80,000 km.

The spacecraft will be launched by Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) frequently used for delivering remote sensing spacecraft to Sun synchronous orbit. It is the launcher that is supposed to lift Luna-Resurs, the joint Russian-Indian lunar mission in 2014, which remains the closest planetary project currently under development in Russia. For India, on the other hand, this lunar endeavor will be just a second mission to the Moon after quite successful Chandrayaan-1 that lifted off in October 2008 and was closed in August 2009 after the radio contact with the satellite was lost.

As some reports point out, the success, partial as it may be, of the first lunar probe might be good enough to postpone the second one so that to give precedence to the Martian spacecraft.

A Matter of Choice

Every Martian expedition is a risky business, and involves years of development followed by long journey in deep space. Will India with its rather limited experience of interplanetary travel be able to develop a spacecraft in time for 2013 launch? Some experts are highly skeptical about the viability of the plan, while others emphasize the great Indian successes of the last years. Moreover, as currently neither Japan nor China plan their missions to Mars (Chinese microsatellite YH-1 for Mars plasma environment studies was lost due to Phobos-Grunt failure), India seems to have good chances for at least partial success. Moreover, as no landing is planned, the mission tasks do not seem utterly impossible, even though one year to the launch is still a great challenge.

NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Mission is now halfway to the Red planet and is expected to hit its surface in August. Next American Martian flight is about to be launched in 2013.

Shall Russia consider this opportunity with regard to its Martian plans? Current Russian planetary program include lunar mission (above mentioned Luna-Resurs and Russian Luna-Glob missions for lunar polar studies) with possible participation in ExoMars, the European two-mission orbital and landing project currently discussed by European and Russian space officials. Last year ExoMars was left without launcher and part of the payload after the US has announced their withdrawal from the project.

If Russia participates in the project, its part will encompass both launch services and development of the part of the scientific payload, thus reviving the opportunity for Russian scientists to obtain new data from the planet. The mission is supposed to be launched in 2016 - 2018. For the second mission Europeans will provide ESA-built Mars rover. The mission would carry a second entry, descend and landing module (80 per cent built by the Russians and 20 per cent by the Europeans) This is certainly a bit later than Indian orbiter, but the expected outcome will be greater as, too.

Mars missions race. India takes lead | Russia & India Report
reaching MARS is like a doing the greatest feet of all times and its not one country that takes the lead in this feet, all nations have to work together to achieve this feet, it requires the best of minds and adventures people to accomplish it.
First of all
We should increase the pace of Development of GSLV series. How many sophisticated equipments we can pack up into just 25Kg!
First Moon then Mars & I eblieve We should have a Space Station of our own also....

Hhmmmm.... now that wud be great...Wont it be???:what:
indo-russian lunar expedition is Chandrayan II...right??
there should be two groups handling Mars Missions and Moon Missions simultaneously ..
First let us send an Indian to space on our launch vehicle.
ISRO May Trump NASA with Methane Sensor Equipped Mars Orbiter
Posted by vkthakur on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 (EST)
ISRO plans to launch a Mars orbiter using a PSLV-XL launcher during the November 2013 launch window for the planet. The Mars orbiter could potentially make as important a finding as Chandrayaan-1's confirmation of water on the moon.

The PSLV-XL launcher used to launch the Chandrayaan-1 will also be used to launch ISRO's Mars Orbiter. Photo Credit: ISRO
March 28, 2012, (Sawf News) - ISRO plans to launch a Mars orbiter using the PSLV-XL during the November 2013 launch window for the planet. The Mars orbiter could potentially make as important a finding as Chandrayaan-1's confirmation of water on the moon.

The following are the payloads short listed for the Mars orbiter: [via Wired.com]

Infrared spectrometer
Thermal emission spectrometer
Color camera
Radiation spectrometer
Plasma and Current Experiment
Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyzer
Methane Sensor for Mars

Past Mars orbiter missions launched by other nations have carried all the above payloads except the Methane Sensor.

Methane Sensor

Observations over the last decade suggest that methane clouds form briefly over Mars during the summer months.

Release of methane has been observed to occur from discrete surface locations on Mars, although the exact location and mechanism of release is still unknown.

The presence of methane on Mars indicates the planet is still alive, in either a biologic or geologic sense, according to NASA and university scientists.

Dr. Michael Mumma of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. says:

"Methane is quickly destroyed in the Martian atmosphere in a variety of ways, so our discovery of substantial plumes of methane in the northern hemisphere of Mars in 2003 indicates some ongoing process is releasing the gas.

"At northern mid-summer, methane is released at a rate comparable to that of the massive hydrocarbon seep at Coal Oil Point in Santa Barbara, Calif."

NASA scientists are hard at work modelling the methane cycle on Mars and the agency is keen to study in detail the methane cycle of the martian atmosphere using an orbiter, but ISRO might actually beat NASA to it if ISRO's Mars Orbiter is able to make the November 2013 launch window.

The Mars orbiter will be placed in an orbit of 500 x 80,000 km around Mars and will have a provision to carry nearly 25 kg of scientific payload on- board.

Besides studying the Methane cycle on Mars, the orbiter will join the international effort of assessing the suitability of Mars to life by searching for subsurface groundwater trapped in aquifers for thousands of years. It will also study the effect of solar wind on the Mars' atmosphere and its surface magnetic field.
ISRO May Trump NASA with Methane Sensor Equipped Mars Orbiter
First Moon then Mars & I eblieve We should have a Space Station of our own also....

Hhmmmm.... now that wud be great...Wont it be???:what:

I wish to have one of my own but who would foot the bill? You and me indirectly with our taxes. We don't need a space station just because China has the itch to make one to "show those US imperialists". In fact, even the Mars mission is a show of capabilities more than any immediate benefits. But since it has a long term interest, that's a good thing.

Let's send some men up in space and bring them back here on earth safely. That's more important as we could be an important part of the existing ISS. Let's not pollute the space with so much space debris by making one more.
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