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MarkusSs favorite reliable source: the Spiegel, an overview


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation









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Markus is young german idiot, I give a shit on this "Spiegel". Putin is the right President for russia, and most educated germans support Putin !

Der Junge Markus hat keine Ahnung von Weltpolitik, und er weiss auch nicht, wie das Land und Boris Jelzin versaut worden ist und Putin es wieder aufgebaut hat !
Der Spiegel Is Worried | DeepResource
22AUG 2014
Der Spiegel Is Worried
Der Spiegel is wondering what’s keeping the MH17 investigators from publishing preliminary results and speaks of a “strange silence”. Well, well, well, de(a)r Spiegel… where is the need for ‘results from investigators’ anyway? Wasn’t it you, who trumpeted that the catastrophe was the work of Putin’s Russia? Where is the certainty? The moral outrage? Gone silent, no?

Der Spiegel, who meanwhile has understood that a true free press exists out there (the internet), parallel to the so-called ‘main-stream media’ State Department mouth pieces, launches a weak attempt of defense by talking about ‘conspiracy theorists, taking advantage of the investigators’ silence’. But why shouldn’t these ‘conspiracy theorists’ draw conclusions from that silence, when Der Spiegel is already preparing its readership that essential elements of proof are not going to be released to the public:

Fraglich ist allerdings, ob die Aufzeichnungen der Flugschreiber komplett veröffentlicht werden. So scheint der Sicherheitsrat in seiner neuesten Mitteilung die Erwartungen bremsen zu wollen. Materialien, die bei der Untersuchung genutzt würden, seien rechtlich geschützt, heißt es darin; nicht alle Daten würden publiziert. Der OVV geht nach eigener Aussage nicht der Schuldfrage nach, sondern lediglich der Absturzursache. Strafrechtlich wird der Fall separat aufgearbeitet, auch hierbei haben die Niederlande die Führung übernommen.

Bis es so weit ist, dürften sich die vielen alternativen Erklärungsversuche und Verschwörungstheorien zu Flug MH17 hartnäckig halten. Popularität genießt etwa die These, wonach die Boeing nicht (nur) mit einer Boden-Luft-Rakete, sondern mit der Bordkanone eines Militärjets abgeschossen wurde – eine Theorie, die für die ukrainische oder russische Regierung als Schuldigen spräche, denn die Separatisten besitzen keine Luftwaffe.

Lame reason: the flight recorder data are probably not going to be published because of [drummroll]… copy right issues! Der Spiegel immediately realizes that there could be people (‘conspiracy theorists’) who will not accept this and stubbornly will hold on to the ‘fighter jet downed MH17′ theory.

Let’s cut the crap. The lying & corrupt western communist media-politics complex, committed to the destruction of Putin Russia, is embarrassed to the core and correctly feels cornered. We are not conspiracy theorist enough to assume that there has been a gathering of a few thousand Western and Ukrainian politicians and media moguls, who agreed on fooling the public with a false flag operation. It could very well have been an action by the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior (as reported by ‘SpainBuca’) and/or Kolomoisky, without knowledge of anybody else, not even the rest of the unelected Ukrainian junta, who clubbed themselves into power. But immediately western politics and media started to broadcast the messages theywanted to believe. And now they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Good for them.

As mentioned before, we quietly hope that Russia was alert enough to have made a copy of the black box data, during the four days when these two black boxes were in the possession of the rebels. When the preliminary report is going to be published at the beginning of September and the Dutch investigators, intimidated by very heavy Anglo pressure, will attempt to cover the whole affair up, there could be the possibility that Russia will organize a press conference, shortly after the presentation by the Dutch and present their little bomb shell, the audio recordings of the final minutes of the MH17, including statements from the pilot that they are under attack and need to make an emergency landing at the nearest airport. This would be the ‘Mother of all Embarrassments’ and game, set and match for Wladimir Putin.

Thanks to the relentless campaign of several weeks against Russia and president Putin in particular (“Putin’s Missile”), based on zero evidence, an avalanche of economic sanctions was initiated by the media, resulting in billions of damage for industry, trade and agriculture. Now if it should turn out that it was Kiev who shot down MH17 (as is almost certainly the case), why should the tax-payer bleed for this and not the media, who were responsible for the damage? Perhaps that it is about time for the disadvantaged parties to initiate law suits against the media

[spiegel.de] – Absturz von Flug MH17: Das seltsame Schweigen der Ermittler

The newpaper business is dying. Has been for the last decade. They need this sensational bullshiit for the brain dead masses to want to buy so that they can make money off advertising. Its simple propaganda. Its rather amussing when some brain dead twits take it seriously.

These news paper organizations maintain their livelihood through online printing as well as physical copies. An example is the Wall Street Journal, Times Magazine, etc.
Markus is young german idiot, I give a shit on this "Spiegel". Putin is the right President for russia, and most educated germans support Putin !

Der Junge Markus hat keine Ahnung von Weltpolitik, und er weiss auch nicht, wie das Land und Boris Jelzin versaut worden ist und Putin es wieder aufgebaut hat !

And Merkel is the right chancellor for Germany. She pushed germany to absolute economic power and the master of entire Europe.

And why should a strong russia be good for germany?
And Merkel is the right chancellor for Germany. She pushed germany to absolute economic power and the master of entire Europe.

And why should a strong russia be good for germany?

Junge hör auf Müll zu labern !
As opposed to what, rt or press tv?

They are all bullshit, the opposite of something does not mean it is correct either, you need to find a balanced news source, RT/spiegel/cnn/presstv are all laughable, everybody knows this except people who believe either one.

RT is a news source for annoyed Americans/Europeans who hate their government and talk about illuminati and conspiracy theories openly in the comments section and they all tend to agree with each other, collective lunacy.
And Merkel is the right chancellor for Germany. She pushed germany to absolute economic power and the master of entire Europe.

And why should a strong russia be good for germany?

Schroeder pushed germany to reforms get a reality check. And one of his policies was stronger relationship with russia instead importing energy from arabs

As opposed to what, rt or press tv?

They are all bullshit, the opposite of something does not mean it is correct either, you need to find a balanced news source, RT/spiegel/cnn/presstv are all laughable, everybody knows this except people who believe either one.

RT is a news source for annoyed Americans/Europeans who hate their government and talk about illuminati and conspiracy theories openly in the comments section and they all tend to agree with each other, collective lunacy.
rofl? RT gets spammed with nato bots have you seen their videos? RT = truth, its you spread conspiracy theories when it comes to russia without any poof.
Spiegel was propaganda set up by British occupying authorities after WWII for "de-Nazification" purposes, but also to indoctrinate the population into the new "Atlanticism" ideology.
Spiegel was propaganda set up by British occupying authorities after WWII for "de-Nazification" purposes, but also to indoctrinate the population into the new "Atlanticism" ideology.
in the earlier days it used to be anti CDU against Adenauers nato policy instead going for a neutral germany. But since rudolf augstein retired its like the rest of the atlantic media. If germany would have been neutral there wouldnt be any division just like austria wasnt ended up divided. Its america and the atlatntists who are to be blamed for the berlin wall
A new book just got published by an old journalist who worked for 17 years for the Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ). the name of the book is Gekaufte Journalisten – Bought Journalists. Within a few weeks it has become a bestseller.

There, he uncovers the networks with all its direct connections to the State Department of the US that can directly influence articles to force them to get in line with its policies.

More info: "Bought Journalism" in Germany | Ersjdamoo's Blog
As opposed to what, rt or press tv?

They are all bullshit, the opposite of something does not mean it is correct either, you need to find a balanced news source, RT/spiegel/cnn/presstv are all laughable, everybody knows this except people who believe either one.

RT is a news source for annoyed Americans/Europeans who hate their government and talk about illuminati and conspiracy theories openly in the comments section and they all tend to agree with each other, collective lunacy.
BBC rates quite high on the scale of balanced journalism although they are biased too.. I find Al Jazeera quite good in documentary.
BBC is generally fine, hence why during the recent Gaza conflict there was a number of complaints in regards to pro israeli and pro Palestinian journalism, and I find Al Jazeera to be fairly unbiased as they basically just report what happens without taking to much of a personal stance.

Go onto BBC/Al Jazeera now and they literally just report the news, reports of the protests in Hong Kong, some reports about battles with ISIS fighting near Baghdad etc, mostly unbiased and with little anti western/eastern viewpoint.

Go onto RT and the articles are almost all obscure twisted anti western views on really strange stories that affect people in limited geographical areas and are often just hearsay which warrant a small page of a newspaper in the UK, its the type of crap that posters like Senheiser love to post out of sheer anti western desperation, they are stories yes but they are one of their top headlines......UK fracking firm accused of 'bribing' land and property owners, so the key battles in Syria, mass protests in Hong Kong dont even get mentioned because there is a really trivial possible bribe story (ironicially being posted from a Russian news source, the land of bribery and corruption) which smears the UK.

Oh they do have one headline on Syria and what a surprise, its only a story because its got an anti American headline in it, By mistake? US-led jets bomb grain silos in Syria, 'civilians killed', nothing about the people killed or much evidence of the area, just a dig at the Americans, major battles taking place outside of Iraqs capital but nope, theres an anti American story here thats more important, they are reporting something as truth where the facts are literally coming from ISIS rebels...scroll down to the comment section and oh look "USA TRAINED ISIS" and oh look a joke about Hitler killing jews and people are giving it thumbs up, moronic fucking crowd.

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