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Margaret Thatcher dies of stroke aged 87

Good riddance. Right after the collapse of the USSR this worthless piece of s.hit had declared islam an enemy and the next target of western plunder. May she rot in hell.

Vay ahmak vay, vay cahil vay.
Ahmak senin babandir,even if its your enemy you should respect the dead.
But brainwashed mullahs like you cant be nice to none muslims.

here we goes, we lost another capable polly, looks like nowadays only retard polly are left behind....
forgive my lingo...
Arguably the last real 'leader we had, made some controversial decisions but at least she followed them through with some conviction. She retook the Falklands and for good or bad completely changed our economy.
RIP the Iron Lady.
Hong Kong is now much more richer then UK. What more do you want ?

Hong Kong GDP per Capital
1997 - 24,000
2012 - 37,000

U.K. GDP per Capital
1997 - 22,000
2012 - 28,000

Hong Kong is doing very well too.

Don't let these stats fool you my friend. There are serious wealth disparities in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has the social security system of land in the middle of nowhere. The UK is far better off in those two important areas.

Also, the economy should never be the only indicator of how a city is doing. Socially and politically, we are doomed. We didn't have elections for our leader under British rule, and China has made plenty of false promises in the last two years about universal suffrage. We get a new influx of mainland and foreign immigrants every single day and so our resources are becoming more and more scarce.

In a few years this city will be nothing. It would have been a different situation if the so-called Iron Lady actually allowed Hong Kong representatives into Sino-British negotiations in 1984. Full independence should have been an option and we would have been better governed.
Good riddance. Right after the collapse of the USSR this worthless piece of s.hit had declared islam an enemy and the next target of western plunder. May she rot in hell.

Vay ahmak vay, vay cahil vay.

Why lie ? she left office in 90 and the USSR collapsed in 91.
i support Argentina on Falklank Island (Malvinas) cause

and im sure lots in Argentina drank lots of beer and celebrated yesterday
Why lie ? she left office in 90 and the USSR collapsed in 91.

The threads started by this buster guy are mainly propagandas.

i support Argentina on Falklank Island (Malvinas) cause

and im sure lots in Argentina drank lots of beer and celebrated yesterday

There is no need of oppose or support because both Argentina and Falkland were colonized by Europe. Population of Argentina is not even Mestizo.
Don't let these stats fool you my friend. There are serious wealth disparities in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has the social security system of land in the middle of nowhere. The UK is far better off in those two important areas.

Also, the economy should never be the only indicator of how a city is doing. Socially and politically, we are doomed. We didn't have elections for our leader under British rule, and China has made plenty of false promises in the last two years about universal suffrage. We get a new influx of mainland and foreign immigrants every single day and so our resources are becoming more and more scarce.

In a few years this city will be nothing. It would have been a different situation if the so-called Iron Lady actually allowed Hong Kong representatives into Sino-British negotiations in 1984. Full independence should have been an option and we would have been better governed.

Facts are facts. Facts do not fool anybody.

Hong Kong under the one country two system has never been more democratic in its entire history including the 150years under British rule. That is also a fact.
Hong Kong prosperity has always been because of the mainland China. Without mainland China there would not be a Hong Kong. Without Hong Kong there will always be a China.

You have no issues to complain about Hong Kong that is why you are complaining about having free election as if only with free election Hong Kong be better :argh:. Hong Kong is already better under the 1C2S. Much much better without any of those messy chaotic elections. Which is more important, results or the means. If the cat catches the mice does it matters if it is black or white ? The ends justify the means, does it not ? :agree:

Elections are nothing but talks (Like vote me and I will fix everything) and promises that will always be broken. :no:

The British Empire has already set :tdown:. Hong Kong future is now with China. :china:
Facts are facts. Facts do not fool anybody.

Hong Kong under the one country two system has never been more democratic in its entire history including the 150years under British rule. That is also a fact.
Hong Kong prosperity has always been because of the mainland China. Without mainland China there would not be a Hong Kong. Without Hong Kong there will always be a China.

You have no issues to complain about Hong Kong that is why you are complaining about having free election as if only with free election Hong Kong be better :argh:. Hong Kong is already better under the 1C2S. Much much better without any of those messy chaotic elections. Which is more important, results or the means. If the cat catches the mice does it matters if it is black or white ? The ends justify the means, does it not ? :agree:

Elections are nothing but talks (Like vote me and I will fix everything) and promises that will always be broken. :no:

The British Empire has already set :tdown:. Hong Kong future is now with China. :china:

As I said, we couldn't elect Hong Kong's leader under British rule, and I never claimed HK has been made less democratic by China. But that doesn't make HK's lack of democracy right.

You can keep your views about why elections for a leader are a bad idea to yourself. Let our massive protests in January, July, and September last year show you that we want elections for ourselves. When an unelected executive board has failed terribly in achieving social and political aims for Hongkongers term after term, the ends never justify the means.

I'm glad the British have left Hong Kong. They did not deserve to be here, and the Qing Dynasty officials were quite probably drugged while signing the Nanjing Treaty. But bygones are bygones and Hong Kong now has a special identity that China should not tamper with. Hong Kong's future is with China, but only if the Communists treat our city with more autonomy rather than gradually cuddling us towards their system with their appointed puppet leaders here.
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