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Marathwada becoming Pakistan, says Bal Thackeray

Marathwada has become epic center for hindu extremists too. There were some bomb blasts in nadead. So government should ac fast and do something on extremists from both religions.

Why use Invented Words like "Hindu Extremists" to Hide the Shame of your Religion Islam? :rolleyes:
Agreed. But Hindu extremists are also growing and we should get rid off it as early as possible.

The issue of 'Hindu extremism' is overhyped for political reasons.

Anyway lets not go offtopic.

Lets hope -- against hope -- the current MH govt can take an active role in curbing this growing extremism in Marathwada.

Why use Invented Words like "Hindu Extremists" to Hide the Shame of your Religion Islam? :rolleyes:

Dude how do you know he is Muslim ? :rolleyes:
bal thackrey has his ways of exaggerating things...but most of the times clowns from congress downplay it...so it is better to handle these situations without exaggeration...
For example?

Ok let me guess one. Tell me if i am wrong.


Not whole cities or towns, just some pockets in cities are called that, - Its not an official term, just what people call certain areas among themselves.
Lako me idhar udar ek do khota sikka rehtha hi hey ..
Well! Gud to see that Pakistan is still a nightmare for hindu extremists. Terrorists Pakistan k nam se dartey hain.;)
Only if there will be pakistan left as u are having many liberation movements.
Liberation movement operated from foriegn lands with few thousand followers? :lol: :disagree:
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