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ہمارے محنتی قبائلی بھائی

تمام افراد جو یہ دعویٰ کرتے ہیں کہ پاکستان کے قبائلی علاقوں میں منشیات کا کاروبار روس افغانستان جنگ کی وجہ سے آیا، اس وڈیو کو دیکھیں.
یہ وڈیو دسمبر انیس سو ستر میں ایک غیر ملکی خبر رساں ایجنسی کے صحافی نے ریکارڈ کی تھی اور خیبر ایجنسی میں ہشیش اور چرس بنانے اور گدھوں پہ
لاد کر سمگل کرنے کا کاروبار دنیا کو دکھایا تھا.
روس افغانستان جنگ اس وڈیو کے نو سال بعد شروع ہوئ تھی.
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تمام افراد جو یہ دعویٰ کرتے ہیں کہ پاکستان کے قبائلی علاقوں میں منشیات کا کاروبار روس افغانستان جنگ کی وجہ سے آیا، اس وڈیو کو دیکھیں.
یہ وڈیو دسمبر انیس سو ستر میں ایک غیر ملکی خبر رساں ایجنسی کے صحافی نے ریکارڈ کی تھی اور خیبر ایجنسی میں ہشیش اور چرس بنانے اور گدھوں پہ
لاد کر سمگل کرنے کا کاروبار دنیا کو دکھایا تھا.
روس افغانستان جنگ اس وڈیو کے نو سال بعد شروع ہوئ تھی.
Who's saying that?
You should know that opium was cultivated in Pakistan till 78 and was only banned, when Governement came to know that some Ghiratmands have started synthesising Heroin out of opium and it is being smuggled.

No bearded Fundos??
Can't be FATA
Beard culture was imported during Afghan Jehad.
Who's saying that?
You should know that opium was cultivated in Pakistan till 78 and was only banned, when Governement came to know that some Ghiratmands have started synthesising Heroin out of opium and it is being smuggled.

Beard culture was imported during Afghan Jehad.
Oh ok.. So now you change statement?
So now that your rhethoric has been proved wrong that before 1979 Afghan war Qabnaii were Farishtay...Now you say Beard was imjkported after 1979 :lol:
People did not grow beard before that?
Doghla pann koi tumhari nasal say seekhay :lol:

Faurann bayan tabdeel kertay hou
Oh ok.. So now you change statement?
So now that your rhethoric has been proved wrong that before 1979 Afghan war Qabnaii were Farishtay...Now you say Beard was imjkported after 1979 :lol:
People did not grow beard before that?
Doghla pann koi tumhari nasal say seekhay :lol:

Faurann bayan tabdeel kertay hou
You gotta improve your comprehension.
What is here in FATA only started after flow of cash from Gulf after 1979.Rapid construction of multiple madarsas in FATA did changed a lot in terms of thinking and culture.
You gotta improve your comprehension.
What is here in FATA only started after flow of cash from Gulf after 1979.Rapid construction of multiple madarsas in FATA did changed a lot in terms of thinking and culture.
OK So Islam is the problem ?
Thjs happens most worstly if you go to u.s.In u.s mobile apps are available for home delivery of such drugs causing addiction and it is legal like pizza home delivery business.Islam has nothing to do with such crimes
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