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Maoists demand mosque at Babri site

Maoist are the voice of oppressed hindu dalits ruled by minority brahmins.Every minority and oppressed people must support Maoist for justice from terror perpetrated by hindu groups in india.

If u hav no idea who they are just keep ur ignorance to urself and stop spreading lies....all maoist top leaders belong to upper castes including ur so called brahmin minority.....and its high time that u change ur flags...:sniper:
there were no hindu temple on the site of the ajodha babri mosque and the ram did not born here . it was created in the mind of hindu fanatic but dismissed by even the hindu scholar expert on this site . sitting on the myth the hindu extremist wants to get political benifit . now high time for india to build the mosque again in the same place and prove itself in world that india is a secular country proggracing toward became world leader keeping aside mythical matter.

How come you know there was no Hindu temple? It was proved in the court of law otherwise

We don't need to prove nothing to nobody, we know what we are (and what others are) we are happy with that :)
there were no hindu temple on the site of the ajodha babri mosque and the ram did not born here .
All the revered texts in Hindu mythology claim Lord Rama was born there. A non-Indian need not teach us about Lord Rama.

it was created in the mind of hindu fanatic but dismissed by even the hindu scholar expert on this site . sitting on the myth the hindu extremist wants to get political benifit .
And who is that Hindu scholar?

now high time for india to build the mosque again in the same place and prove itself in world that india is a secular country proggracing toward became world leader keeping aside mythical matter.

India need not appease the world community by offending the sentiment of the majority.

BTW...keep your BS to yourself that Lord Rama was a mythical character. It might be to you but not for us. The revered one which you pray is not so revered to me...but i wont claim he is unfit for a place of worship. Give respect..get respect.
Maoists should first worry about their survival, where as sooner or later (the home minister has said 3 years) they will be wiped out either through ballot or through bullet
Here is some reality check for you to come out of your delusions....

The naxal movement which started from naxalbari village in west bengal in 1967 has today engulfed most of the east and south east indian states in 21st century which are now called red corridor in india today.


This shows how strong is naxal movement and it has support of indian opresseds.instead of dieing down its engulfing more states in india.
If u hav no idea who they are just keep ur ignorance to urself and stop spreading lies....all maoist top leaders belong to upper castes including ur so called brahmin minority.....and its high time that u change ur flags...:sniper:
maoist reject the class system of hindu society.Its you that who is looking them with your colored hindu class lenses.
Here is some reality check for you to come out of your delusions....

The naxal movement which started from naxalbari village in west bengal in 1967 has today engulfed most of the east and south east indian states in 21st century which are now called red corridor in india today.


This shows how strong is naxal movement and it has support of indian opresseds.instead of dieing down its engulfing more states in india.

Ever heard of Operation Green Hunt Maoists have been slaughtered like dogs. Their power, influence, support from locals is going downhills. Maoists and their sympathizers (likes of Arundhati Rai) are panicking big time

Azad was shot dead a couple of months ago Kishenji just had a narrow escape from STF yesterday (he is willing to negotiate big time now ;) LOL)

500 Crore package of development per tribal districts announced by HM and 50+% voting in Bihar elections in Maoists affected areas tells a different story dude
maoist reject the class system of hindu society.Its you that who is looking them with your colored hindu class lenses.

Class system or caste system?

Even RSS rejects caste system..err..class system. :)
Here is some reality check for you to come out of your delusions....

The naxal movement which started from naxalbari village in west bengal in 1967 has today engulfed most of the east and south east indian states in 21st century which are now called red corridor in india today.


The map's dated. Most of the deep red areas in AP should now be colored as light-yellow. These areas have been cleared of Maoist presence. The AP Police Greyhounds were pretty successful in their ops against the Maoists in these areas.
maoist reject the class system of hindu society.Its you that who is looking them with your colored hindu class lenses.
if u say so they r definitely not fighting Brahmin's as u claimed earlier...but u choose to give caste color in ur earlier post and contradict urself with this post...now whos wearing a colored glasses...and the above map u posted is outdated there is no maoist activity in south India, they are long dead by 2008 in AP.

If u r an Indian u wuld hav got the ground reality...again its high time u change ur flags and spare us ur verbal diahorea. :sniper:
Caste system was based on trades each caste performed in earlier times and has nothing to do with class. It is wrong if you assume someone's class from his/her caste.
Maoist are the voice of oppressed hindu dalits ruled by minority brahmins.Every minority and oppressed people must support Maoist for justice from terror perpetrated by hindu groups in india.

why r they then targetting schools and pity ambulances carrying patients?
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