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Maoist rebels kill 24 paramilitary commandos in central India

These were commando unit troops.

CRPF Cobras.
Cobras dont guard road construction...duh.

saw on Zee news Report that about a month ago another attack happen near this place, according to Zee the number is 25 CRPF personnel who lost their lives, it seems like a well coordinated Ambush ..Seems like India needs to send BSF is not Army to clear those Areas .
Nah CRPF , CISF and state police are enough for them... only thing lacking is intelligence.
Dont worry ; we have a Very HUGE Army

And Millions of Boys Turn up for Recruitment Rallies
EVERY year ; all over the country

The Motivation to Fight with Pakistan is VERY STRONG :chilli:
Good muja tu ae gae fir.
You have got huge army who can't be properly fed.
F**king cowards, they know that more a region develops the less likely people are to sympathize with extremists.
They know construction of roads will neutralize their
guerrilla tactics.

Maoists kill 25 CRPF men in Chhattisgarh jungle ambush
Rashmi Drolia & Neeraj Chauhan| TNN | Updated: Apr 25, 2017, 04.24 AM IST

RAIPUR/NEW DELHI: Twenty-five CRPF jawans were slaughtered in one of the deadliest attacks by Maoist rebels on Monday.

Around 300-400 Leftist insurgents ambushed and outgunned 99 troopers deployed to help with the construction of a road through the Maoist stronghold of Sukma in Chhattisgarh.

This was one of the three biggest attacks on security forces in seven years, and the second in the last one and a half months. In 2013, 27 people, including Congress functionaries V C Shukla, Mahendra Karma and Nand Kumar Patel, were killed in an ambush by Maoists in Darbha valley.

On March 11 this year, 12 CRPF personnel of a road opening party were ambushed in Sukma, barely 20km from Monday's attack site.

In a statement, CRPF said there were "tell-tale signs from the ground" indicating that a considerable number of Maoists could have been eliminated in the gun-battle. CRPF sources said a "road opening party" of its 74th battalion, deployed to provide security for road construction, had walked about 2km from the Burkapal camp in Sukma when it came under attack from all sides in the dense jungle that has been a base of the red insurgents. They used their familiarity with the terrain to ambush the jawans around 12.30pm.

The CRPF contingent returned fire and managed to keep the attackers at bay until 1pm. The attackers looted arms, ammunition and radio sets before retreating.

The CRPF personnel had split into two groups. One team had ventured 1.5km deep in the jungle when it came under heavy fire. Eleven jawans died on the spot while six others, including an inspector, were seriously injured.

With rebels taking away their radio sets, the survivors couldn't call for help. The second group, alarmed by the failure of their colleagues to call them at a scheduled time, went looking and walked into the ambush, sources said.

In all, 24 personnel were killed while one died while being taken to hospital. "The troops replied in a befitting manner but taking advantage of their geographical position, Maoists succeeded in inflicting losses to CRPF," the paramilitary force said in a statement.

The attack sparked suspicion of intelligence failure. PM Modi called the attack "cowardly and deplorable". "The sacrifice of martyrs will not go in vain," he tweeted. Home minister Rajnath Singh, who will visit Sukma on Tuesday, said the government has taken the attack as a challenge.


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Facist, terror sponsoring, overflowingly deceptive and lying Bhart govt getting a taste of its recipe.
All oppressed nations of india will get their freedom.
I wonder if Pakistan has ever directly or indirectly spoken with these rebels.
my my my what happened



What is all this ?

Are these the outcaste group in India ????!!!!

They look like they want out !!


Do you need help ? Nextals we can raise your issue in United Nations
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I thouht she looked fantastic as a Rebel so added her in

If indians can find time away from Tripple Talaq issue they can fill me in why they are forming a new state

Now now don't go in hiding , come forward and let us know who these wonderful folks are demanding a seperate statehood
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I thouht she looked fantastic as a Rebel so added her in

If indians can find time away from Tripple Talaq issue they can fill me in why they are forming a new state

Now now don't go in hiding , come forward and let us know who these wonderful folks are demanding a seperate statehood
Good Come back, but evident u have failed in your post! One Posted a old Map and Second an actor from a Movie and the other Photo is a from a political rally for elections not to Fight!!

Here is a current map


Please do some quality Research and not a Sad Failed and pathetic Post!
Wow problem on eastern front and central area , boy that sure is a problem
Hopefully Nextalite have proper moral support from world


India trying to hush down the real figures , just so that nations on east and western front won't take advantage of situation

They should change the name of country now to Modiland the yellow part and just create seperate states
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Since 2005, around 1900 CRPF Jawans have been martyred during Counter Insurgency operations against Maoist terrorists. But since 2011, more than 15600 maoists either have been killed , or captured or have surrendered! This fact proves operations against maoists are still now much successful . But CRPF need a total overhaul , they must be equipped with advanced gears, because their lives are precious .
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