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Manohar Parrikar's statement proves India involved in terrorism in Pakistan: Aziz

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Manohar Parrikar's statement proves India involved in terrorism in Pakistan: Aziz
By Web Desk
Published: May 23, 2015

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday expressed its serious concern over comments made by Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar where he said that India will use terrorism to counter terrorism from other countries.

In a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said that Parrikar’s statement confirms Pakistan’s apprehensions that India is involved in terrorism in Pakistan.

“It must be the first time that a minister of an elected government openly advocates use of terrorism in another country on the pretext of preventing terrorism from that country or its non-state actors,” the statement read.

Aziz said Pakistan is pursuing a policy of good neighbourly relations with India.

“Terrorism is our common enemy and it is vital for the two countries to work together to defeat this menace, from which Pakistan has suffered much more than almost any other country.”

Khawaja Asif deplores Indian counterpart’s statement

Responding to Parrikar’s statement, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said state sponsoring of terrorism to counter terrorism confirmed their assertions of Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistani soil.

Asif said the Indian defence minister’s statement was an open and blatant admission, declaration of sponsoring terrorism.

He added that this was the worst kind of declaration by a state functionary of cabinet level which confirmed that India sponsors terrorism against its neighbours in the name of preventing terrorist activities.
This defence minister has caused enough damage to the hardwork of all those who managed to bring India under confidence of many countries. :p:
This statement must be seen as a categorical acceptance of india in its involvement in terrorism

They had no issues supporting groups like the LTTE who killed thousands of sri lankans (sri lanka with many sacrifices and help of allies like Pakistan and China cleared indian terrorism )
Chor ki darhi mein tinka . . Are we terrorists? India is talking about terrorists. Terrorism must be eliminated in any way possible!
His statement also proves Pakistan is a terrorist state. Do you agree on that too?
No we do not but his admission is credible because he is admitting. Actually he forgot to mention at least 3 instances, India helping create Mukti Bahni, helping train terrorists to cause disruption in Karachi since 1985/86 and trying to help Mustafa Khar during 80s. India has been messing in Balochistan and Sri Lank for a long time. This confession is not enough.
Manohar Parrikar's statement proves India involved in terrorism in Pakistan: Aziz
By Web Desk
Published: May 23, 2015

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Saturday expressed its serious concern over comments made by Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar where he said that India will use terrorism to counter terrorism from other countries.

In a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said that Parrikar’s statement confirms Pakistan’s apprehensions that India is involved in terrorism in Pakistan.

“It must be the first time that a minister of an elected government openly advocates use of terrorism in another country on the pretext of preventing terrorism from that country or its non-state actors,” the statement read.

Aziz said Pakistan is pursuing a policy of good neighbourly relations with India.

“Terrorism is our common enemy and it is vital for the two countries to work together to defeat this menace, from which Pakistan has suffered much more than almost any other country.”

Khawaja Asif deplores Indian counterpart’s statement

Responding to Parrikar’s statement, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said state sponsoring of terrorism to counter terrorism confirmed their assertions of Indian involvement in terrorist activities on Pakistani soil.

Asif said the Indian defence minister’s statement was an open and blatant admission, declaration of sponsoring terrorism.

He added that this was the worst kind of declaration by a state functionary of cabinet level which confirmed that India sponsors terrorism against its neighbours in the name of preventing terrorist activities.

You guys are the best at twisting statements
Parrikar is Defence Minister of India and his statements are confined to the boundiries of India. Now its either Pakistan that thinks its country falls within Indian boundries? If so say it openly. :D

On the otherside, Parrikar was talking bout 'Ikhwanis' and Pakistan once again seem to get oxygen out of his comments.

And ya, world knows the ground realities so Pakistan can be desperate. :)
That means Pakistan did not have any proof till date :D
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