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Manipur : Hindu vs Christian civil war

Manipur: 3 RAF officials detained for allegedly trying to set fire to a shop​

The shop belongs to a Muslim man and was located on the ground floor of a building owned by a member of the Naga community.​

Arunabh Saikia
May 27, 2023 · 05:06 pm

Manipur: 3 RAF officials detained for allegedly trying to set fire to a shop
Closed shops seen at a market in Imphal on Thursday, amid fresh violence in the state. | PTI
The Manipur Police on Saturday detained three security officials, including one of an inspector rank, belonging to the 103 battalion of the Rapid Action Force for allegedly trying to set fire to a meat shop in Imphal’s New Checkon area.
The men – identified as Kuldip Singh, Pradip Kumar and Somdev Araya – were deployed to the area in view of the violence that has gripped the state. The incident took place two days after fresh violence was reported in the northeastern state on Wednesday.

The shop is owned by a Muslim man named Tanish Malik and located on the ground floor of a building owned by a member of the Naga community.
“I checked the footage of the CCTV camera installed next door,” Malik told Scroll. “We saw three men getting out of a white gypsy. The men proceeded to collect a jute sack from the shop next door, set it on fire and placed it on a table outside my shop.”
The officials have been suspended by their unit, a senior police officer told Scroll. He added: “They were drunk and have apologised”.
The men are being detained at the Porampat police station. On Saturday afternoon, several local Meitei women staged a protest outside the police station, demanding strict action against them.
“These people are not here to save us but make things worse,” a woman told Scroll. “Can you imagine doing something like this in times like these?”

Several incidents of violence have been reported from the northeastern state since May 3 after thousands participated in a protest march organised by the All Tribal Students’ Union of Manipur to oppose the demand of the majority Meitei community to be included in the Scheduled Tribe category.
The protestors included the Kukis, one of the larger tribal communities in Manipur. They have been at odds with the state government, and, in particular, the chief minister who the community claims harbours Meitei “majoritarian” sentiments. The clashes have left at least 74 persons dead and over 35,000 displaced.
On Thursday, a mob, largely led members of the Meitei community, had attacked the home of Union minister of State for External Affairs and Education RK Ranjan Singh to express their anger against Wednesday’s unrest. The Union minister also belongs to the Meitei community.


Caught in the middle of Manipur’s ethnic conflict, Meiteis who follow Christianity​

The community of around 3 lakh people has been at the receiving end of violence by both Meitei and Kuki mobs.​

Arunabh Saikia
A day ago

Caught in the middle of Manipur’s ethnic conflict, Meiteis who follow Christianity
A Bible teaching centre A Robindro ran in Thoubal district was torched by mobs. | Arunabh Saikia.
Hours after K Somokanta fled his home on the afternoon of May 3, it was burned down by a mob.
A teacher in a private school in Manipur’s Churachandpur town, Somokanta now lives in a “relief camp” in adjoining Bishnupur district’s Moirang sub-division. Twenty-three such camps – which have come up in schools, guest houses and market complexes – house nearly 5,000 Meiteis who were forced to escape rampaging Kuki mobs in Churachandpur since ethnic clashes broke out in the state earlier this month.

The same day, around 80 kilometres away in the Manipur valley, in Thoubal district’s Wangjing area, another mob set fire to an institution for underprivileged children run by A Robindro, a pastor in a church nearby. Strikingly, the arsonists were men from the Meitei community to which Robindro himself belongs.
A Meitei Christian church burned and vandalised in the ongoing ethnic clashes in Manipur. Credit: Special Arrangement.

A community ‘sandwiched’

In strife-torn Manipur, where clashes between the Meitei and Kuki communities since May 3 have left thousands of people homeless and more than 80 dead, one set of people has been at the receiving end of violence by mobs from both sides: Meiteis who follow Christianity, like Somokanta and Robindro. The community of around 3 lakh people are a minority among the Meiteis, most of whom are Hindus or followers of an indigenous faith called Sanamahism. Many Hindu Meiteis also practise some elements of Sanamahism.
“Some Meiteis believe that because we have converted, we have become tribal,” said a resident of Thoubal who asked to remain unidentified. “They associate Christianity with tribal people.”
In Kuki-dominated Churachandpur, homes of all Meitei Christians, who are over 1,000 in number, according to local estimates, have been set afire by Kuki mobs.

In the valley, where Meiteis are the majority group, there are no reported instances of Meitei Christian homes being targeted. But mobs have torched scores of churches and other religious institutions belonging to the community. In Churachandpur, the mobs spared the community’s churches. Most Kukis are Christians.
“We are sandwiched in the middle,” said a person from the community who lives in Imphal. The person asked not to be identified by name given the community’s precarious position in the conflict.

‘They associate Christianity with tribal people’

Although this is the first instance of the community coming under attack for their faith, many said there had always been distrust.
The church attends one person to whom Scroll spoke to was razed by a mob which also tried to scale the walls of his brick factory – according to him, because the complex houses a prayer hall. “I had switched off all the lights so they couldn’t find it. So it was saved,” he said.

The pastor, A Robindro, was not so lucky. A Bible teaching centre he ran for orphans was torched and vandalised. The mob scribbled profanities on the walls of the prayer hall.
Robindro’s home behind the centre, however, was not touched. Regardless, he continues to live elsewhere. “I feel scared,” he said.

Being Meitei and Christian

If their faith is making them feel insecure in the valley, it has not come to their rescue in the hills either. The Kukis have made no distinction between them and other Meiteis. Neither their homes nor their business establishments have been spared by the Kuki mobs in Churachandpur. “I don’t think they see us in a very different way as they see the other Meiteis,” said Somokanta.
Members of the Meitei Christian community, for their part, share diverse beliefs. Some say both identities matter to them equally. “I am a Meitei and I just happen to follow Christianity–Meitei will always be my ethnicity,” said Robin, a resident of Churachandpur currently in exile in Moirang. He asked to be identified only by his first name.
Another Imphal resident, however, said it was his religious identity that he held dearer. “Even though by bloodline I might be a Meitei, I would lean towards my Christian identity more since I do not follow any of the Meitei traditions,” said the person who requested not to be named.

Expected this fakery from Quint/ Scroll. Meitei is the one who follows Hinduism while Kuki, coming from other countries, converted to Christianity to get leverage. The whole issue is narcotics, which are grown and controlled by Kuki. Govt is coming hard on banning the narcotics trade and terror group earning money from banned substances are inflaming the inter-religious riots. The state highcourt stepped out of the way and gave a decision which fueled the existing fued.
What the actual fvvvk!!
These foreign news are directly quoting the incompetent and misleading Indian media,which can't even
bother to accurately report why the current mayhem is occurring in the state of Manipur.

The whole violence has been preplanned by Kuki militants and intelligencia against the backdrop of Manipur gov crackdown on illegal poppy cultivation(heroin drug production) in hill areas,many of which are reserved forest ,and the kukis ,many of which are illegal immigrants from myanmar ,let alone those from mizoram are being led by terror outfits.
( *kuki population increased from 1% to 14 % in 2011 census,now projected near 35%,which is impossible without illegal immigration).
Kuki mlas are all involved in terrorist groups and many of them were born in Myanmar,one was even a MP in Myanmar before settling in churachandpur.
This kuki is a community that seek to seek to procure money and firearms using drug production in the hills ,and this MAnipur Nongthombam biren gov is the biggest obstacle toward it.The kukis has been led to believe that their terror activities against the meitei civilians can warrant them separate administration where they can do whatever they want.

These Kuki leaders -MLAs/terror outfit leaders ,they are now part of golden triangle drug circle,Indian gov would be doing the nation a dis-service by meeting these druglords and terrorist that planned and executed the volence.
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The reason that the 10 kuki mlas are taking selter in mizoram, they are all part of the kuki led drug cartel involving the mizoram cm,who is very much involved.
Mizo are same chin-kuki tribe ,they are the same people.

It's not some minor issue like st quota protest,if it was just about st quota it would be meitei vs naga ,meitei vs kuki, but it's not. It's just meitei vs kuki.

This is not about ST quota at all,and other community has no right to meddle in st quota aspiration of another.


It's baffling how biased the mainstream media has been against the meetei and they way the msm has failed to identify the actual causes of the turmoil shows the obvious incompetence of Indian media,or do the GOI condone kuki-chin group running a drug cartel and being part of the golden triangle of drugs ?

Kuki are mainly immigrant origin group which has caused mayhem in Manipur with their drug activities and terrorism.

Your right

It's never the endless stream of hindutva extremists causing problems for other communities across India at fault
Indian hindutwa Nazi nation must be broken down and split into 20 smaller countries.

How Fake News Created Pretexts to Lynch Kuki-Zo Women in Manipur

Hoineilhing Sitlhou | 01 Jun 2023

Disinformation and rumours lead to brutalities against women and leave Manipur more divided.
Police personnel stand guard in a violence-hit area of Imphal town, Manipur, Sunday, May 28, 2023.

Police personnel stand guard in a violence-hit area of Imphal town, Manipur, Sunday, May 28, 2023. Image Courtesy: PTI
[Editor’s note: Widespread atrocities have occurred in the recurrent violence in Manipur since May 3. The author of this article throws light on one critical dimension, which highlights the immensely damaging role of fake news and misinformation when it is allowed to spread unchecked.]

The debate on the ethnic violence that began in Manipur on May 3, is so engrossed with its broader political implications that there is complete silence on atrocities against women, though they are the easiest targets during violent episodes. It also turns a blind eye to the apparent connection between the circulation of fake news (based on fabricated or non-existing facts) about brutalities against women and actual instances of such atrocities. In Manipur, such fake information about rapes of Meitei women is being used by perpetrators of that community to justify their atrocities as “vengeance”.

Women’s Bodies as Instruments to Demonise the ‘Other’​

To promote their propaganda and strengthen public support, militant Meitei groups circulated the fake news that the Kukis were raping Meitei women in Churachandpur district. The Director General of Police (DGP) of Manipur, P Doungel, clarified there were no cases of rape of Meitei women in Churachandpur.
There was also an allegation that a Meitei nurse in the Churachandpur Medical College was raped and killed. A picture was circulated as “proof”, but it turned out to be of a woman killed in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, in 2022. What is more, the father of the purported Meitei nurse, K Achouba, clarified via ISTV, a local news channel in Imphal, that his daughter was safe and the rumours about her were incorrect.
Some Meitei protesters displayed a huge photo of a woman during a recent protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi. They claimed it was of a Meitei woman who was physically assaulted by members of the Kuki community. While the image strengthened the portrayal of Kuki-Zo males as “hordes of rapists”, the photo was confirmed to be of a domestic abuse victim from Arunachal Pradesh (See image 1).
Another widely-circulated disinformation was that the “bodies of 37 Meitei rape victims along with that of a 7-year-old child are lying in the morgue of Shija Hospital in Imphal”. But the hospital has strongly denied the claim. In fact, it has firmly stated that the Shija Hospital does not perform post-mortem examinations.
Although each of these misinformation campaigns has been discredited and their falsity confirmed, the damage these have caused could not be undone. Many Kuki-Zo women bore the brunt of such misinformation campaigns, and became victims of targeted violence and varied forms of sexual assault. This author has spoken to locals, survivors and families of some of the victimised women. Several of them told me the perpetrators used the disinformation being circulated and considered or justified their own atrocities as “acts of retribution”.
Here is how it seems to have unfolded: First, fake news about the rape of Meitei women was spread, maligning the Kuki-Zo community. This inflamed (instead of dousing) communitarian feelings and, ultimately, it resulted in the targeted lynching of Kuki-Zo women.
Manipur violence

Image 1: The picture in the poster used by Meitei students in Delhi’s Jantar Mantar turned out to be of a domestic abuse victim in Arunachal Pradesh.

Who Bore Brunt of ‘Retributive’ Violence?​

Rape and ‘revenge rape’ are an ultimate attack against the enemy or ‘other’. These are regularly used as psychological tools to diminish and dishonour a targeted community through attacks on its female members. This is in sync with what several survivors, witnesses and their family members, whom this author spoke to, have reported: that often, the perpetrators justified their heinous deeds as retribution.
One such survivor Hahat told me that on May 4, Meitei mobs comprising men and women and members of the Meitei extremist groups Arambai Tenggol and Meitei Leepun burnt down her village. She told me the attackers came from a neighbouring village. She also reported that one of the attackers said, “Your people have raped and killed our people in Lamka [in Churachandpur district], so we will do the same to you.”
The mobs bludgeoned Hahat’s older brother and nephew to death in a paddy field. She alleged that they disrobed her niece and the widow of the village chief, paraded them naked, and then encircled and raped them in public. Hahat recalled that the Meitei police commandos remained mere spectators to the mob lynchings and burning of homes. She said they even handed over the two sexually assaulted women to the mob, which further beat them up.
On the same day, in another location, members of a 40-strong mob of men and women told 22-year-old Agnes Neikhohat and her friend that if her community’s members can “do all those bad things”—meaning rape Meitei women in Churachandpur, as the rumour went—“then do you think we will let you off easily?” Neikhohat told this writer that members of the mob directly confessed they were seeking revenge, for they said, “Why won’t we be able to do the same to you all?” At around 4 p.m on May 4, a mob battered Agnes and her friend, students at the Nightingale Nursing Institute at Porompat, Imphal, with sticks, punched them in the head and face until their teeth fell out, kicked them on the stomach and back till they were unconscious, and left them for dead or to die, she said.
On the next day, 5 May, Themnu and Chongpi [names changed] from the H Khopibung village of the Kangpokpi District, were raped and murdered just 2.9 kilometres from Porompat. The two women in their 20s worked at a car wash in Konung Mamang, Imphal. Their grieving family members told this writer that Meitei miscreants allegedly gagged and dragged them inside a closed room and confined them from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. They alleged it was local Meitei women who handed over the young women to the mob, and even urged the crowd to assault them “as a retaliation”.
The family told me Themnu and Chongpi’s co-workers could do nothing to help the young women but heard them screaming and pleading for release from outside the locked room, indicating the possibility they were raped, molested, and tortured. When the room was finally opened after 7 p.m, it was filled with a mixture of the victims’ blood and hair. They had succumbed to the brutality. The victims’ parents were told that the bodies of their daughters were in the morgue at the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal or JNIMS (See image 2).

Image 2: Themnu and Chongpi
On May 6, 45-year-old Thiandam Vaiphei, a widow and mother of two, was allegedly butchered, shot and burned by Meitei mobs in the Pheitaiching village of the Kangpokpi district. Her body was identified on May 7, by Pastor Thianna Vaiphei Suantak, who accompanied the Gorkha Regiment and Andro Police officers to claim whatever was left of her mutilated body.
Eighteen-year-old Kim was abducted from Checkon in Imphal on May 15. She was taken to a compact Meitei settlement on the Wangkhei Ayang Palli Road, where a mob of men and women allegedly assaulted her, kicking her in the stomach; hitting her eyes with the butt of their gun. When she resisted their sexual advances, they allegedly threatened her with dire consequences, including chopping her to pieces. Her medical report, when she was later examined at a hospital in Kohima, confirmed assault and rape. After regaining consciousness (she fell unconscious due to the pounding on her head), she reported overhearing their plans to kill her. But, feigning the need to urinate, she managed to escape with help from a Muslim auto-driver she met completely by chance.

Collective Denial or Conscious Self-Deception?​

Misinformation, disinformation and rumours can incite many people to violence during a volatile situation. But information can easily be cross-checked, validated, or negated. Sometimes, all it takes is a phone call to confirm or deny information—as this writer has sought to do.
Therefore, two questions arise in the context of the violence in Manipur: did the perpetrators believe (or still believe) that “Meitei women were raped in Churachandpur by the Kuki-Zo men”, which is fake news that has been negated many times?
Or, was this ‘news’ spread as part of a planned disinformation campaign, which hoped to create a pretext and allow the perpetrators to justify their premeditated atrocities?
In another context, journalist Syed Ali Mujtaba reported on the “misinformation unleashed against Muslims by the Meiteis” during the anti-Muslim violence in 1993, in which 130 Pangals were killed by the Meiteis over three days. That episode provides us with a precedent to deduce the possibility that misinformation, disinformation and outright lies can be strategically used as propaganda and pre-planned to create or deepen social rifts and foster violence.
Manipur boasts of many internationally renowned organisations that call themselves “civil society”. Where are these organisations, which say their objective is to save women and rehabilitate women survivors? A meeting ground between the Kuki-Zos and the Meiteis can be found only when both sides of the narratives are equally considered. This will enable the restoration of faith in the current government.


BSF Jawan Killed, Two Assam Rifles Troops Injured In Firing By Terrorists In Manipur​

Imphal: A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan was killed and two Assam Rifles personnel injured in an encounter with suspected Kuki insurgents in Manipur's Serou area early Tuesday, officials said. The exchange of fire between the two sides took place in a school in the Serou area of Sugnu in the Kakching district, the officials said.

A BSF official said suspected Kuki miscreants resorted to indiscriminate and heavy firing targeted at BSF troops deployed at the Serou Practical High School around 4.15 am.

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Constable Ranjit Yadav sustained a bullet injury during the gunfight and was evacuated to Kakching's Jivan Hospital where he was declared dead, the official said.

The two injured Assam Rifles personnel have been air evacuated to Mantripukhri and search operations are in progress, the Indian Army's SpearCorps, headquartered in Dimapur, added on Twitter.

"Extensive area domination operations by Assam Rifles, BSF & Police undertaken in areas of Sugnu/Serou in #Manipur. Intermittent firing between Security Forces & group of insurgents took place throughout night of 05/06 June. Security Forces effectively retaliated to the fire," SpearCorps posted on its official Twitter handle.

Manipur extends internet ban till June 10​

Meanwhile, the Manipur government on Tuesday extended its ban on internet services till June 10. The suspension of mobile data services, including broadband, has been extended till 3 pm of June 10, an order issued by Commissioner (Home) H Gyan Prakash said. The ban was imposed on May 3.

Nearly 98 people lost their lives and 310 others were injured in the ethnic violence in Manipur that broke out a month ago.

A total of 37,450 people are currently sheltered in 272 relief camps

Clashes first broke out in the northeastern state on May 3 after a 'Tribal Solidarity March' was organised in the hill districts to protest against the Meitei community's demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status.

Meiteis account for about 53 per cent of Manipur's population and live mostly in the Imphal Valley. Tribals Nagas and Kukis constitute another 40 per cent of the population and reside in the hill districts.

Around 10,000 Army and Assam Rifles personnel have been deployed in the state to bring back peace.

They are doing wonderful job with WWII weapons, China and Pakistan should help rebels in that areas at least with good weapons.

@Areesh @Windjammer
Rest in Peace.

They are doing wonderful job with WWII weapons, China and Pakistan should help rebels in that areas at least with good weapons.

"You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors," Clinton said.

The rest is history!

Explainer: What sparked deadly ethnic clashes in India's Manipur?​

By Krishn Kaushik
May 9, 20235:35 PM GMT+5Updated a month ago
A view of a truck with its windshield broken, in Manipur

[1/2] A view of a truck with its windshield broken, in Manipur, India, May 6, 2023, in this screengrab obtained from a social media video. Instagram @the_mj_rider via REUTERS

NEW DELHI, May 9 (Reuters) - Thousands of security personnel maintained vigil in India's restive northeastern state of Manipur on Tuesday as a curfew was relaxed after days of rioting and ethnic clashes killed at least 60 people and displaced 35,000.
The violence in the state bordering Myanmar began on May 3 when tribal groups clashed with a non-tribal group, the ethnic majority Meitei, over economic benefits and quotas given to the tribes.

The trouble was quelled after New Delhi rushed thousands of paramilitary and army troops to the state of 3.2 million people.


On May 3, members of the Kuki and Naga tribes, who inhabit Manipur's hills and are regarded as Scheduled Tribes, or India's most disadvantaged groups, launched a protest against the possible extension of their benefits to the dominant Meiteis.
The Meitei have sought special benefits for more than a decade, but received a fillip last month after the Manipur High Court recommended the government should consider the demand and set a deadline of mid-May.

Meiteis account for half of Manipur's population and extending limited affirmative action quotas to them would mean they would get a share in education and government jobs reserved for Kukis and Nagas.
Meiteis have traditionally lived in Manipur's more prosperous valley region that makes up 10% of the state's area.
They have also had better access to employment and economic opportunities.
Nagas and Kukis live in the poorly developed hills.
The development imbalance favouring the valley over the hills has been a point of contention and rivalry between the ethnic groups.


The groups coexisted peacefully until unrelated events in recent months exposed old faultlines.
Manipur shares a nearly 400-km (250-mile) border with Myanmar and the coup there in 2021 pushed thousands of refugees into the Indian state.

Kukis share ethnic lineage with Myanmar’s Chin tribe and Meiteis feared they would be outnumbered by the arrival of the refugees.
Separately, the state government in February launched a drive to evict tribal communities from forests in the hills, saying they had encroached on government land, sparking anger among tribal people that they were being forced out of their homes.
"It has been building up for a long time, in some ways unseen and some ways quite openly, but the government was not paying attention," said Pradip Phanjoubam, editor of the Imphal Review of Arts and Politics.



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