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Man forced to marry girlfriend

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Was that the meaning you're trying to imply? Because I thought you were equating chivalry with chauvinism.
well Well , i always came across girl being forcefully married to some one.

Mariage is a serious business and this relationship cannot merely be built upon force. Aint that extremism in one way .. Poor guy .. my sympathy for him .!
Was that the meaning you're trying to imply? Because I thought you were equating chivalry with chauvinism.

I used them both in the same sentence , does not mean I am equating them.
both ..Male Chauvinism and knightly chivalry were two benchmark traits of medieval men ..both are being increasing replaced by insurgent Feminism ..women are asserting themselves much more, than they use to do back then.
Good good. This step should be legalised and formulated into a law :D
hahhahahhahahahha man you seee the man his face cant stop laughing hahhahhahahah amazing video friends thanx alot for cool work by you all salut to you friends
Well, I cant Imagine the first night between them....
Yeah, the marriage and family courts are straight up messed up in the west. No two ways about it. The woman is the jury and the judge.

Same in India and the rest of sub-continent.

Looks like @SMC is a fellow MRA :tup:
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