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Man fined for beating puppy to death

their is fine for beating puppies but no one cares for people dying in drone attacks and in iraq afghanistan by american and nato butchers

He's a hypocrite, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan, thinks Iraq is responsible too for the US to declare war on them. He ain't feeling unjustice for all the deaths in Iraq but cries over a guy who killed a puppy and didn't get any jail sentence.
He's a hypocrite, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan, thinks Iraq is responsible too for the US to declare war on them. He ain't feeling unjustice for all the deaths in Iraq but cries over a guy who killed a puppy and didn't get any jail sentence.

Looks like Gordon Chang not only hates China now he's digging dirt on Chinese people too. He's trying to use an individual act to smear the whole race. A hypocrite label is perfectly suited for his types.
Looks like Gordon Chang not only hates China now he's digging dirt on Chinese people too. He's trying to use an individual act to smear the whole race. A hypocrite label is perfectly suited for his types.

I can easily find plenty of news of white people mistreating animals or killing them and still get away with a fine. This guy says he doesn't care if anyone who has a Chinese, Islamic or Anglo name yet he picked this article involving a Malaysian Chinese. The Japanese go kill whales in the name of scientific research, which is bullsh!t as we all know it's for consumption why doesn't he go post this? Disgusting propaganda, and this article is not worth being placed on world affairs or on the PDF forum.
I can easily find plenty of news of white people mistreating animals or killing them and still get away with a fine. This guy says he doesn't care if anyone who has a Chinese, Islamic or Anglo name yet he picked this article involving a Malaysian Chinese. The Japanese go kill whales in the name of scientific research, which is bullsh!t as we all know it's for consumption why doesn't he go post this? Disgusting propaganda, and this article is not worth being placed on world affairs or on the PDF forum.

I believe people with two ethnic bloodlines, more often than not, have some kind of trouble facing realities. But in his case, while glorifies one side of the bloodline and all out condemn the other side, is rare and I think it's considered a mental case.

Let's face it, there are practically millions of cases a year where people kill some kind of animals in the world and one can find similar stories all over local news everywhere. Why chooses one that makes the other side of his bloodline looks bad if he doesn't have some kind vengeance against that particular side.
The puppy must have done something to earn his death by beating...:whistle:
Are you implying that Malaysia is not a CIVILIZED country? It is probably more developed then your country.


That judge is probably not as sentimental as you are, which is good thing. Their is no room for sentiments in court rulings. They should be according to LAW.

The judge penalized the man or he didn't? He understands laws better then you do and that is why he is a judge.

Penality for taking animal life shouldn't be similar to that of human life. Try to understand this.

Honestly, i do not have a grudge against any people who live in whatever living standard they are living in, they have no say, you born to live in Pakistan, you born to live in Malaysia, you born to live in China, you born to live in America.

You do what you do in China, you do what you do in Malaysia, you do what you do in America, i got not say or no grudge for it, as my OP said, i don't know what it's the animal right in malaysia, i want to know.

But once whoever you are are invited or move to a country like Australia, you cannot use your old habit anymore, unless you claim not following law is civilized people doing, then i will say THAT MALAYSIAN is not civilize, again, as i said i don't know what happen behind other door, i cannot say Malaysia is a backward country (I have NEVER SAY MALAYSIA is a backjward culture, i only say if ONE (PEOPLE!!!!) perfer to live in a backward culture. You choose how you live, not the society, nor the country can force you, i do believe there are animal lover in Pakistan and Malaysia who would be sadden and outrage on this news.

From the begining to the end, this had nothing to do with the Country he is from, you cannot use where you country used to do to get out of taking responsibility of what you do illegally in another country, oitherwise there WILL be no law as law are different from country to country, but if you move to another place, it's only civilize to follow the local law.

So, answering your question, YES, i do think THE PERSON is backward, and he DID break the law, my OP is not targetting him per se, is to point out how lax the enforcement of the law could be in Australia. If you fail to see it, tough luck

And mate, i can probably show you 50 cases where people abuse animal in Australia and go to jail. I can certainly tell you this, hitting a human have less consequence with hitting a dog, most case (More than 50%) aggrevated assault will go to good behavior bond (Not even a conviction), but most case (more than 50%) of Animal Cruelty goes to criminal conviction. I may know less of the law then the judge, but do you think you know more than i do?
He's a hypocrite, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan, thinks Iraq is responsible too for the US to declare war on them. He ain't feeling unjustice for all the deaths in Iraq but cries over a guy who killed a puppy and didn't get any jail sentence.

Looks like Gordon Chang not only hates China now he's digging dirt on Chinese people too. He's trying to use an individual act to smear the whole race. A hypocrite label is perfectly suited for his types.

I can easily find plenty of news of white people mistreating animals or killing them and still get away with a fine. This guy says he doesn't care if anyone who has a Chinese, Islamic or Anglo name yet he picked this article involving a Malaysian Chinese. The Japanese go kill whales in the name of scientific research, which is bullsh!t as we all know it's for consumption why doesn't he go post this? Disgusting propaganda, and this article is not worth being placed on world affairs or on the PDF forum.

I believe people with two ethnic bloodlines, more often than not, have some kind of trouble facing realities. But in his case, while glorifies one side of the bloodline and all out condemn the other side, is rare and I think it's considered a mental case.

Let's face it, there are practically millions of cases a year where people kill some kind of animals in the world and one can find similar stories all over local news everywhere. Why chooses one that makes the other side of his bloodline looks bad if he doesn't have some kind vengeance against that particular side.

I do not need be be a hypoctie to show how some people in China is backward, you just did it for me :)

Beside troll in another thread, this have nothing to do with IRaq or Afghanistan or what my view to it, it's about Dogs in AUSTRALIA. UNless you live in Australia, how do you know what is legal and what is not? OR do i need to show you my Australian Citizenship Certification to be entitle to be called an Australia and comment on it?

And IMO, it's his Chinese name that save him from Jail, there was a case not long ago, while a White Aussie do similar thing (only using a TV instead of a hand) he got 6 months. Having a Chinese name save him as the judge seems to think this is what they do in Malaysia and long habit can't change.

I am not bashing on Chinese from the top to bottom, if you filling seat with your number that's your problem, i maintain the view Australian law is quite lax in practicing, so if you don't know, shut up, this is not some Chinese City where eating dog is allowed, he broke the law, hell he did, that's why he have a criminal conviction, nobody was agruing with that, even he admit that. If you have to use your misplace ideology to counterdict my point, use a better one, unless you can somehow connect Iraq and Afghanistan with killing a dog in Australia.
He's a hypocrite, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan, thinks Iraq is responsible too for the US to declare war on them. He ain't feeling unjustice for all the deaths in Iraq but cries over a guy who killed a puppy and didn't get any jail sentence.

And you are the one who said US only looking for Nuclear weapon, not WMD....(So you are saying only Nuclear weapon is WMD???)WOT?

I can easily find plenty of news of white people mistreating animals or killing them and still get away with a fine. This guy says he doesn't care if anyone who has a Chinese, Islamic or Anglo name yet he picked this article involving a Malaysian Chinese. The Japanese go kill whales in the name of scientific research, which is bullsh!t as we all know it's for consumption why doesn't he go post this? Disgusting propaganda, and this article is not worth being placed on world affairs or on the PDF forum.

So, you said i am targeting Chinese eh?

Let look back at this thread

At post 7, i pointed out he is the owner of the pet (Not a CHINESE BUT OWNER OF THE PET)

At Post 8, someone (A CHINESE LIVING IN AUSTRALIA) pointed out wot? no Jail time? What did i said on post 9?

At post 9, i said Law is very lax in Australia, apperently....Think i am gonna write to RSPCA about this...

At poist 13, the Chinese Australian provide the sentencing guid to the State of WA.

At post 17, i reply stating i don't know how this become a Indian-Pakistan rift but i believe owner of the animal (NOT CHINESE) should be more responbsible for the animal.

All the Racist rift start flying after post 28 when somebody stated i care only bescause he have a CHinese name and i didn't start that post.

At post 29, i reply that he is a Malaysia living in Australia, doesn't matter who he was he need to follow the law in AUSTRALIA. so tell me since when did i get racist on all my post. People have eyes can see i never once say anything racist to start with. So who is the hypocrite now?

And so if i use this Article to illustrate how lax the Asutralia law is will you shut the hell up?

in Australia, no jail

or this?

http://news.yahoo.com/butterball-fa...l-cruelty-223956826--abc-news-topstories.html in USA 30 days in Jail

or this?

http://news.yahoo.com/idaho-dairy-workers-charged-animal-cruelty-075033056.html in USA and 6 months jail

or this?

http://uk.news.yahoo.com/farmer-jailed-over-horrific-animal-cruelty-162407553.html in UK, 12 months jail time

or you want more?

I have never try to bash the Chinese or even that guy in the first place, but seems to me, you see it that way just because i use a case with Chinese name on it. Well, then you give me the whole racist and hypocrite speech, but who exactly are a hypocrite and who is exactly racist?

The guy who raise the question, or the guy who see the question and determine this is a racist article with only seeing a Chinese name in it? Let me think, who start a neutral discussion or who started a racist rift assuming the post is about Chinese after seeing only a Chinese Name? You have just been proven racist by a simple racistism test brother. You choose how you see an arictle, you can assume all article related to Chinese to the west are racist, but to think that you have to be a racist yourselve. As you assume what the west is always trying to damage the Chinese, without even thinking or looking at the article and how people response. That's not only racist, but dumb too/
You want to make a point of someone breaking the law in a civilized country and got away with it with a simple fine? Oh yeah it's about a PUPPY.
Why should this article be posted on PDF again? Post more articles of crimes in Australia and how lax the law as THREADS (and not replies) then we might start to believe you a bit that you are not targeting Chinese. AGAIN WHY IS A PUPPY CASE WORTH BEING POSTED ON PDF?

Hoarding - 19 dogs starved - Nelson, EN | Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database
Sentence: under a two-month night-time curfew and ordered her to pay 250 pounds. Now F*CK OFF with your anti Chinese article.
You want to make a point of someone breaking the law in a civilized country and got away with it with a simple fine? Oh yeah it's about a PUPPY.
Why should this article be posted on PDF again? Post more articles of crimes in Australia and how lax the law as THREADS (and not replies) then we might start to believe you a bit that you are not targeting Chinese. AGAIN WHY IS A PUPPY CASE WORTH BEING POSTED ON PDF?

Hoarding - 19 dogs starved - Nelson, EN | Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database
Sentence: under a two-month night-time curfew and ordered her to pay 250 pounds. Now F*CK OFF with your anti Chinese article.

LOL Mr Gordon didn't say the man's was Chinese at all and he didn't write the article either, so where's the Chinese bashing? :rofl:
Really i'm just amazed why a simple puppy case involving a Malaysian Chinese is worth being posted as a thread. Animal cruelty or people getting a lighter sentence happens all the time. If he wanted to make a point of injustice then he can create loads of threads of worldwide cases involving murder, rape, etc.. but no he just picks this one animal case which happens to involve a Chinese. Look who is talking about racist. This guy is pathetic.
Really i'm just amazed why a simple puppy case involving a Malaysian Chinese is worth being posted as a thread. Animal cruelty or people getting a lighter sentence happens all the time. If he wanted to make a point of injustice then he can create loads of threads of worldwide cases involving murder, rape, etc.. but no he just picks this one animal case which happens to involve a Chinese. Look who is talking about racist. This guy is pathetic.

LOL.......it's not up to you now is it,even the mod don't share the same sentiment with you, it's just s normal article about a normal dude kill a normal dog, how you see it is your problem, how you guess my motive is also your problem.

However, the Mod does not think this is racist, people of Australia do not think this racist, Australian Chinese don't think it's racist, people in yahoo don't think it's racist, people with the RSPCA don't think it's racist, most people who read this article think why animal worth to lift a finger, but not racist, only you, a Chinese of unknown origin, found that it is racist, so i wonder who's actually racist here??

You can think what you want people with brain can see all the original title unaltered and they will find this article acceptable to general standard. If majority of the people don't find it racist but you do, are you the one that actually racist??

Enough talk about racistism, we can probably start a 100 post about it and it never got end, i will not reply to you in this thread anymore unless you are willing to discuss the animal curetly problem, you can go on about it and label me a racist, that does not mean it's necessarily true.
The puppy must have done something to earn his death by beating...:whistle:

Maybe, the guy claim the dog bite him but the hosusemate does not beleive this is the case. And the 2 female housemate are acutally standing up to the guy and testified against the guy's charge.
Jail isn't the answer. He needs counselling.

Keep the fine and force him to get counselling for 6 months on his dime. After 6 months he should be evaluated. He should be banned from having a pet for at least a decade while his brain heals from whatever problems he has.

Muslims need to stop following the arabs and their culture of hating dogs. Who gives a **** what arabs think about animals? Dogs were first domesticated in West Asia around the Zagros Mountain region (Iran/Iraq). Let them hate dogs, the rest of you muslims need to grow the fuu up. He says animals get treated differently in Malaysia and he's prolly correct, but that doesn't mean he's not a mental case. He needs to be counselled so he can change his asss backward mentality.

Well, if you sentence him to councelling it would be the same as jail or community service (In Asutralia you don't go to jail full time, for a charge like this, you probably got weekend detention or periodic detention...

Lawlink NSW: 6. Periodic Detention

Which in case you don't know, it's more like a resort than jail, with TV in each room and A/C
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