He is likely to receive a prison sentence and would be ordered to pay a compensation to the victim and his family. But I am not sure. I would give him a very long prison sentence personally and 1000 lashes. 100 for each year. 10 years seems fair enough. Not just due to the crime but for the bad publicity he gave the country and its people who are innocent of his idiotic behavior.
The cameraman should receive 5 years and 500 lashes. Half the sentence.
Well, if it was up to me that is.
A death penalty for that is WAY too cruel. We are not talking about murder, extreme violence, drug smuggling in large quantities, organized crime etc.
I wasn't aware that people can survive 1000 lashes probably my knowledge on the subject is too limited. But i agree the image that has been created is even more harmful in a lot of ways this time my uncle went there and he himself had a lot of doubts mainly regarding such events but i guess its only natural that the outside world usually has a somewhat flawed perception due to the media hype same thing is here in Pakistan.