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Man Bashed With Hammer By Cow Vigilantes As Gurgaon Cops Watch


Sep 30, 2019
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No one has been arrested in the incident in Gurgaon yet but the Haryana Police have sent the meat for testing in a lab.
GurgaonReported by Mukesh Singh Sengar, Edited by Divyanshu Dutta RoyUpdated:

August 01, 2020 12:54 am IST


The attack took place in Gurgaon on Friday around 9 am.

New Delhi:

With impunity and a hammer, an unarmed man is savagely beaten and kicked to pulp while the police and dozens of people do little more than watch, shows the video, demonstrating the horrific collapse of law near the country's capital.

Around 9 am on Friday, not too far away from Gurgaon's glistening towers that house the offices of multinational software companies, a group of cow vigilantes chasing a pick-up truck for about 8 km managed to flag it down.

The driver, identified as Lukman, was pulled out and brutally assaulted on the suspicion that he was smuggling cow meat in an incident with chilling echoes of the 2015 Dadri mob lynching in Noida, also very close to Delhi.

Just like Dadri, the police were faster at sending the meat to a lab for testing than catching any one of the suspects. No arrests have been made even though the video of the incident recorded by witnesses shows the faces of the assailants.


The police were seen doing little to stop the attackers.

After being beating to an inch of his life, Lukman was bundled into the pick-up truck and taken back to Gurgaon's Badshahpur village where the men started thrashing him again.

This is when the police stepped in and stopped them - only to find the assailants fearless enough to even take on them.

Lukman was taken to a hospital and the police filed a complaint against "unidentified individuals".

The owner of the vehicles said that the meat was buffalo and he has been in the business for 50 years.

So far, the police have refused to give a statement on record on the incident and explain their inaction as seen on video.

Slaughter of cows, considered sacred in Hinduism, is illegal in most of India and several vigilante groups take to enforcing the law themselves, often violently. In most cases, the victims of the mob beatings are Muslim.

In 2017, after a steady rise in attacks by these groups over three years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had spoken out about the incidents, saying that killing people out of devotion for cows is not acceptable.


Then on top of this, you throw in rape, gang rape, rape of 2-year-old children and you get India, I find it hard to believe that Indians on this forum defend this country.
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When serial rapists and killers are treated better than someone who eats beef smh :disagree:

Almost zero % conviction rate for rape in Pakistan(including child rape)



In Pakistan, rape victims are the criminals :tup:


"But even if the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to spend 10 to 15 years in prison as the result of her rape, said Rukhshanda Naz, who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat. As many as 80 percent of all women in Pakistani jails have been convicted under laws that ban extramarital sex, according to Aurat."

Meanwhile, conviction rate for blasphemy in Pakistan is 100% :yahoo:. Actually, more than 100%, you even execute non blasphemers on trumped up charges.

Indian conviction rate for rape is 27%, not great, but more than 10 times that of Pakistan
Almost zero % conviction rate for rape in Pakistan(including child rape)



In Pakistan, rape victims are the criminals :tup:


"But even if the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to spend 10 to 15 years in prison as the result of her rape, said Rukhshanda Naz, who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat. As many as 80 percent of all women in Pakistani jails have been convicted under laws that ban extramarital sex, according to Aurat."

Meanwhile, conviction rate for blasphemy in Pakistan is 100% :yahoo:. Actually, more than 100%, you even execute non blasphemers on trumped up charges.

Indian conviction rate for rape is 27%, not great, but more than 10 times that of Pakistan
Nobody has been executed on blasphemy charges in Pakistan yet!
Almost zero % conviction rate for rape in Pakistan(including child rape)



In Pakistan, rape victims are the criminals :tup:


"But even if the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to spend 10 to 15 years in prison as the result of her rape, said Rukhshanda Naz, who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat. As many as 80 percent of all women in Pakistani jails have been convicted under laws that ban extramarital sex, according to Aurat."

Meanwhile, conviction rate for blasphemy in Pakistan is 100% :yahoo:. Actually, more than 100%, you even execute non blasphemers on trumped up charges.

Indian conviction rate for rape is 27%, not great, but more than 10 times that of Pakistan

Nobody has been executed on blasphemy charges in Pakistan yet!

How has this atrocity in Gurgaon and the shocking fact of police inaction and complicity with the assault get converted into an India-Pakistan thing?


Was it due to the abominable closing remarks made by the OP that you went off at a tangent?
Nobody has been executed on blasphemy charges in Pakistan yet!

Maybe not by the courts, but courts don't have to bother, because the people finish off the blasphemy accused even before he reaches court.

That way it is the same in India for cow slaughter. No one has been imprisoned or executed for cow slaughter by the state, but why bother when the mob finishes the job.
India the most disgusting, racist, sexist, bigoted shithole on the planet. Then on top of this, you throw in rape, gang rape, rape of 2-year-old children and you get India, I find it hard to believe that Indians on this forum defend this shithole of a country.

If you have personal issues with India, as that is what seems to come out of your post, keep it on the personal plane. Please don't comment about the country as a whole. Please don't preach to us what we should be doing or not doing.
Maybe not by the courts, but courts don't have to bother, because the people finish off the blasphemy accused even before he reaches court.

That way it is the same in India for cow slaughter. No one has been imprisoned or executed for cow slaughter by the state, but why bother when the mob finishes the job.

Your point is valid: the mob takes over on these emotive issues.

However, the post is by a gazetted India-hater doing his business. Why drag in Pakistan? It removes the focus from the crime in India, from our reactions to that crime, and from the blatant hatred shown by the OP, and most of all, it impels decent Pakistani members to start defending themselves and their country on a thread started to highlight India as a shithole of a country.

We should look at that underlying proposition more than at any distracting diversion.
However, the post is by a gazetted India-hater doing his business. Why drag in Pakistan?

I dragged in Pakistan because of Figaro. Besides, I was being proactive rather than reactive. Regardless of my comment, there would have been dozens of posters here talking about rape, toilet etc. So my comment might serve to show them the mirror.
Maybe not by the courts, but courts don't have to bother, because the people finish off the blasphemy accused even before he reaches court.

That way it is the same in India for cow slaughter. No one has been imprisoned or executed for cow slaughter by the state, but why bother when the mob finishes the job.

The issue is that of how common such things are in either country. Both have a problem, however in Pakistan such violence happens occasionally. Also the last chap was sent to the gallows (Mumtaz Qadri for his murder in the blasphemy case) despite a lot of pressure from some, it was not everybody, in the right.
I dragged in Pakistan because of Figaro. Besides, I was being proactive rather than reactive. Regardless of my comment, there would have been dozens of posters here talking about rape, toilet etc. So my comment might serve to show them the mirror.

Your the only country in the world whose capital is called "Rape Capital of the World", don't know what sort of mirror you trying to show Sanghi.
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