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Mammoth "Go America Go" rally in Karachi demands end to US interference

I agree!! We have no business interfearing with Pakistan. Why are we giving billions of dollars in aid to your country? I think Pakistan should refuse the billions in aid, and repay any money that was given in the past. Supporting Pakistan is a BIG mistake.:usflag:


US also responsible for current situation in Pak: Hillary

WASHINGTON, Apr 24 (PTI) Even as she came out strongly against the Pakistani establishment for lagging willingness to take head on the
terrorists, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday said that the US was also partly responsible for the present mess as it virtually abandoned Pakistan after the Soviets left Afghanistan.

"There is a very strong argument, which is: It wasn't a bad investment to end the Soviet Union, but let's be careful what we sow, because we will harvest. So we then left Pakistan. We said, okay, fine, you deal with the Stingers that we've left all over your country. You deal with the mines that are along the border. And by the way, we don't want to have anything to do with you," Clinton said testifying before a Congressional committee.

After the downfall of the Soviet Union, Clinton said the US stopped dealing with the Pakistani military and with the ISI.

"We can point fingers at the Pakistanis, which is -- you know, I did some yesterday, frankly. And it's merited, because we're wondering why they don't just get out there and deal with these people. But the problems we face now, to some extent, we have to take responsibility for having contributed to," she said.

Clinton said the US has a history of moving in and out of Pakistan. "I mean, let's remember here, the people we are fighting today we funded 20 years ago. We did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union. They invaded Afghanistan, and we did not want to see them control Central Asia, and we went to work," she said.

"It was President (Ronald) Reagan, in partnership with the Congress, led by Democrats, who said, you know what? Sounds like a pretty good idea. Let's deal with the ISI and the Pakistani military, and let's go recruit these mujahidin. And great, let's get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places, importing their Wahhabi brand of Islam, so that we can go beat the Soviet Union. And guess what? They retreated. They lost billions of dollars, and it led to the collapse of the Soviet Union," Clinton said.
And what is happening in Pakistan today is a result of that policy, she acknowledged, so the US should also take a part of the responsibility.
I agree!! We have no business interfearing with Pakistan. Why are we giving billions of dollars in aid to your country? I think Pakistan should refuse the billions in aid, and repay any money that was given in the past. Supporting Pakistan is a BIG mistake.

u have no business interfering anywhere. Stay where u r and no one will have any problems with u for a while.
first of all, do you really think US Government is so stupid to people's money away for nothing :crazy:

They are spending to protect their intrests (dont force me explain everything) i gues you are clever enought to understand why

What a bunch of emotional retards. Cant fight the government despite the fact that it has failed to protect them, provide them with running water, provide them with un-interupted electricty supply in major cities, did not offer any tax breaks to the average joe on the street.

I can go on... Why is it that these retards come on the street and start shouting "Death to Isreal" "Go America GO"... They should be stating the obvious and asking why the Quaid's portrait has been repalced by BB's Zardari and Bilawal! :(
What a bunch of emotional retards. Cant fight the government despite the fact that it has failed to protect them, provide them with running water, provide them with un-interupted electricty supply in major cities, did not offer any tax breaks to the average joe on the street.

I can go on... Why is it that these retards come on the street and start shouting "Death to Isreal" "Go America GO"... They should be stating the obvious and asking why the Quaid's portrait has been repalced by BB's Zardari and Bilawal! :(

Listen R/R thats what we are saying forget the american retards , and stay calm
These people are largely brainwashed by Jamati Islami (which should be banned ASAP).While i agree that American interference has caused a lot of problems but have these religious bigots ever protest against Terrorism or Talibans?No, they all are innocent and the videos and beheadings are all done by CIA Secret agents.lol These people are totally brainwashed.
Never trust a religous party, they are nothing but a nuisance to society..

These asshats won't protest for social equality and justice, they won't protest for a proper healthcare system, they won't protest condemning the Taliban and their beheadings in SWAT, they won't protest for a good education system, they won't protest for advancement in technology... but they will protest against other countries, just exactly how stupid are you to support Jamat-e-Islami?

Why won't they protest against the arab tribal muslims who killed more than 400,000 muslims in Darfur.. Biggest bunch of hypocrite..

Let me be clear on this.. THESE Jamat people when they get the chance will hurt Pakistan like no other. They are the biggest enemies of modernity, progress and reformation something that Pakistan needs to survive and thrive in todays world. Make no mistake they will destroy Pakistan promoting their garbage mentality and thinking that will throw Paksitan and its people into Oblivion. These guys have always played with peoples emotions, anger, and have taken advantage of it without realizing the basic needs and necessaties of the people. Ask me.. NWFP was at a complete Stalement because of these bafoons
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Never trust a religous party, they are nothing but a nuisance to society..

These asshats won't protest for social equality and justice, they won't protest for a proper healthcare system, they won't protest condemning the Taliban and their beheadings in SWAT, they won't protest for a good education system, they won't protest for advancement in technology... but they will protest against other countries, just exactly how stupid are you to support Jamat-e-Islami?

Why won't they protest against the arab tribal muslims who killed more than 400,000 muslims in Darfur.. Biggest bunch of hypocrite
The fact is we have given these asshats too much freedom.They need to be dealt with iron fist.Religious parties are just dangerous for any country whether it's Islamic Party, Jewish or Christian.I was visiting some Christian forums and man those people too like our Talibans totally brainwashed.These people their whole purpose is to protest against other countries and dont do any constructive work.Why cant these ******** people use their brains.It really saddens me to see our country people messed up in this religious bigotry.Right now billions and billions are being spent on trying to get rid of this curse. Lives are lost. Property is destroyed. People are displaced. ALL because of this stupidity.Just stay at home, do whatever you gotta do and let others live their lives. Even from a religious prespetive, no one is responsible for anyone else. You go to your grave and others to their. Leave them be. The crap about "it's our duty to spread" doesn't fly in a country which is 98% Muslim anyway.In my opinion, if God is really what he is made out to be, I am sure He will prefer economic development, better education system and health care system over any stupid rally.No nation has ever developed or progressed on the basis of "religion". Religion holds you back from progress.NONE of the "religious" countries have developed (even with all the money in the world, e.g KSA) and ALL the developed countries are "non-religious".
You don't need to be a Tableeghi to learn those things. When I was in college, I spent many of my summers working in different villages around Pakistan conducting research on poverty. It was a valuable experience that showed me just how much of a bubble we all live in. I'm sure you can have a similarly eye-opening experience by working with different NGOs that help the underprivileged.

The problem with the Tableeghi Jamaat is the same problem you have with all organizations that devote themselves to the propagation of religion; an unthinking adherence to dogma and scripture, and an excessive emphasis on personal, selfish piety at the expense of society. This is a debate for some other time, but part of the problem with contemporary Islamic proselytizing is an emphasis on ritual (pray five times a day, do wudhu in a particular way, raise your shalwar above your ankles) rather than on essence (be kind to people, be tolerant etc.) Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and if you want to be a tableeghi that's your metaphorical cross to bear, but I think it's important to think hard about what you believe and preach. Is it really very useful to have people adhere to ritual belief?

I'll give you all an example of what I'm trying to say here. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to speak to some tableeghis. I'm not a religious person, but I saw no reason why I shouldn't listen to them, and patiently heard what they had to say about piety, faith, and the state of the world. After they were done, I asked if I could hear their views on a few questions that I thought were important. I told them that I was deeply troubled by the injustice in the world, and that I wanted to work to make things better for people. As such, I asked them what their view was on land reform, given that 'feudalism' in Pakistan was a tremendous source of injustice.

Silence. They had nothing to say in return. They mumbled something about Allah helping people, and left it at that. I then asked what they had to say about the crippling poverty in Lahore's katchi abadis. Once again, they had nothing to say. Not even empty rhetoric about helping the poor. All they kept on repeating was the need to reform oneself (by observing Islamic ritual). Not once did they display any concern for the welfare or wellbeing of their fellow citizens. The entire conversation was extremely cordial, and we were all very polite, but it was clear to me by the end that this was an organization that was not interested in helping anyone. All they were concerned with was their own spiritual well-being, and that too through a focus on ritual.
This is how these Tableegh people roll.
I agree!! We have no business interfearing with Pakistan. Why are we giving billions of dollars in aid to your country? I think Pakistan should refuse the billions in aid, and repay any money that was given in the past. Supporting Pakistan is a BIG mistake.:usflag:

Mate my country has served you better than you'll ever realise. We were your strongest ally during the Cold War, provided you military bases and intelligence, supported your war agains the Sovjets in Afghanistan and later cleared your mess. We saved your A** for atleast two similar major attacks like 9/11. We fought your WoT for seven years (at gunpoint) till it became ours...do I need to say more?

I'm no supporter of USaid, all we want is trade and fair access to US market but you have to stop meddling in our business. We're done here.
What a bunch of emotional retards. Cant fight the government despite the fact that it has failed to protect them, provide them with running water, provide them with un-interupted electricty supply in major cities, did not offer any tax breaks to the average joe on the street.

I can go on... Why is it that these retards come on the street and start shouting "Death to Isreal" "Go America GO"... They should be stating the obvious and asking why the Quaid's portrait has been repalced by BB's Zardari and Bilawal! :(

Well said mate!

Go Jamaat-e-Islami Go! :sniper:
What a bunch of emotional retards. Cant fight the government despite the fact that it has failed to protect them, provide them with running water, provide them with un-interupted electricty supply in major cities, did not offer any tax breaks to the average joe on the street.

I can go on... Why is it that these retards come on the street and start shouting "Death to Isreal" "Go America GO"... They should be stating the obvious and asking why the Quaid's portrait has been repalced by BB's Zardari and Bilawal! :(

I aslo heard about Zardari replacing Quaid portrait with that of BB and Bilawal.

What a shamefull act...who is BB? who is Bilawal? are they more important then our great Quaid-e-Azam and Iqbal?

To me BB was simply PPP leader an she have done so many wrong things as she have done some good things too...but Bilawal who the hell he is? to me he's nothing! did Bhutto family bought Pakistan? did they have all the rights and the rest of the nation have just to have them as our unwanted leaders?:angry:
i'm not Jamat-e-Islami supporter nor a big fan of Tablighi Jamat, i'm even not a good Muslim (i'm trying to be a good Muslim, Inshallah) but one thing that i don't tolerate is people who always speak against Tablighi Jamat without knowing some main things about them.

Their main concept is to bring people on the right path in a peacefull way! they always predict to love and don't harm anybody(Muslims or non-Muslims) with your words, hands or by using any brutal force.

They really show to others that Islam is a religion of peace and tolernce. For this you can't get any comment from them on politics or anything else...from them you can get only knowledge about Islam. obviously if everyone seek the right path, that our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) shown us there would be no injustice in this world. You will note that they never support Taliban Jihad and condem any civilian casuality bcz Islam never tolerate the killing of any humanbeing Muslim or Non Muslim, because nobody has the right to take a life that Allah give's to us. I'm not one of Tablighi Jamat but i never speak against them!

Beside all this i'm still and will forever remain an Anti-American, Israeli and indian until they changed their foreign policies spescially towards the Muslim world, free Palestine and Kashmire and respect their rights!

For this i'll say GO America Go (to hell):flame:

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