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Mamata And Khap Jat Panchayats ; A Wake Up Call For Indian Policy Makers


Oct 10, 2012
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Mamata And Khap Jat Panchayats ; A Wake Up Call For Indian Policy Makers | PKKH.tv


PKKH Editorial

When the media will be filled with obscenity, vulgarity and glamour; when sex will be the subject of 99% of our TV/Cable channels; when even the news channels will make it a norm to catch one rape crime and cover it in every top-of-the-hour bulletin and keep it on the ticker for days, when a thousand other severe crimes are never even mentioned; then what are the boys and girls going to be up to?

This is the wave frequency at which we are setting our brain-vibes on; this is what we are training our memory to replay; this is where we are setting our desired morals; we are teaching our youth and the very young ones, right from their cradles what is acceptable and what is not; obviously what you see happening all around you is acceptable!

Secular India, with its entire cultural boom, hastening to copy the western model, inch by inch, as it evolves there, is finding itself in the gravest social dilemma in all sorts of sex crimes. The difference between them and us is that our religion identifies the signs of sex-corruption in the society from their very beginnings and condemns them openly and severely, but Secularism unfortunately do not condemn sex-abuse and gender-bias on strict lines, because of which reason, they can only identify the fouls of this disease only when it has reached its last, un-rectifiable stages.

In recent report from all around India the accounts of rape, sex-abuse and sex-assaults in public have risen manifolds and have become an everyday norm of local news. Most recently, the news of 20 rapes in 40 days in Haryana, is circuiting Indian news; but anyone who has an eye on the matter, knows that these are very small numbers compared what is actually happening in India.

Chief Minister, West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, on Monday said on the rising cases of rape in West Bengal, that is considered a comparatively more conservative society, that, “Earlier, girls and boys were beaten up when their parents got to know about affairs of their sons and daughters with someone. Now the things have changed and a global world has emerged. Boys and girls are now mixing freely,”

This is indeed an apologetic statement, wherein the CM is declaring her incapacity in the global sway, it is not clear if she is applauding the global-world here or condemning it, perhaps the diverse multi-culture of India, it is rendered difficult to come at a decisive stance on such matters. The question is, if society as a whole will make sex its sole source of entertainment and children from the age of 4 and 6 will be indulged in sex-based cartoons, dramas and movies, who will stop them from attempting the only things they have learned well; the police is supposed to catch the odd one out of the society not the whole society.

The same was said by Communist Party of India, Prakash Karat said on Wednesday, who while criticizing CM Mamata added that, “The situation had arisen as a result of medieval regressive values as expressed by the Khap Panchayats and the ‘glorification of market values and the commodification of women’ in the consumerist culture”.

The events of Haryana, have alarmed the many Khap Panchayats of the region and they have moved to go something about the issue; Haryana's Sarva Khap Jat, Khap Panchayat is organizing a petition regarding the official age for marriage, a representative Sube Singh, said ‘lowering the marriage age will now also be prominently discussed to draw up a consensus among the khaps in this regard”, Randhir Singh said "Let the parents decide when they want to marry off their wards. Girls can be married off a couple of years earlier than the stipulated age of 18 years if they have physically grown up".

Early marriage may not be a bad option, but it is in no ways any guarantee for a sex-safe society, if the eyes and the ears, which the basic data accumulators, will not be confined, the rest of the body will not lend itself to confinement either.

Pakistan is a victim of whatever foul is produced by the Indian media, due to the highly porous physical and cultural borders between the two countries, the vilest things surge quickly, into our space. Therefore it is in the interest of Pakistan that the Indian government evolves a media policy that would relieve their own public of the burden of obscenity and a superimposed appetite for sex and the same peace is secured in all Urdu-speakers round the world. It is time for them to stop their Film/TV industry from feeding glamour and craving and set their public on a path of real economy; as yet over 50% of this highly populated country is hungry, under-fed of food and over-fed of sex. We believe that a general air of decency will be the first step for India to curb this national crisis, Mamata has addressed.

We need strict law.. early marriage or how women shd dress is not sol'n.
rapist should be given death penalty , or change the rapist sex gender, make him women and leave him .
Please include the Shariah panchayats also in the list. They think mobile phones cause lovers to elope and music in mobile phones destroy culture.
Please include the Shariah panchayats also in the list. They think mobile phones cause lovers to elope and music in mobile phones destroy culture.
I am going to report you know. Don't talk like this or get ready for strict actions. You speak too much truth :D

BTW if I am not wrong, Indian social issues which has nothing to do with Pakistan is banned topic.

please mind your language, I expect you to be better than mamatha;-)
BTW if I am not wrong, Indian social issues which has nothing to do with Pakistan is banned topic.
Not when Indian local issues are impacting pakistan's society.So it really becomes Pakistan's concern too.Thats what PKKH has pointed out in last paragraph of the article ie pakistan is victim of foul indian cultural assault.
This is why a Pakistani so concerned about indian social issues where it seems sex has became a National Games.........

Pakistan is a victim of whatever foul is produced by the Indian media, due to the highly porous physical and cultural borders between the two countries, the vilest things surge quickly, into our space. Therefore it is in the interest of Pakistan that the Indian government evolves a media policy that would relieve their own public of the burden of obscenity and a superimposed appetite for sex and the same peace is secured in all Urdu-speakers round the world. It is time for them to stop their Film/TV industry from feeding glamour and craving and set their public on a path of real economy; as yet over 50% of this highly populated country is hungry, under-fed of food and over-fed of sex. We believe that a general air of decency will be the first step for India to curb this national crisis, Mamata has addressed.
You are right on point.Treating the symptoms in Pakistan not gonna help what is required is to treat the root of disease which lies in indian society.If that disease is cured in india symptoms of it in pakistan will get cured as well.
Not when Indian local issues are impacting pakistan's society.So it really becomes Pakistan's concern too.
Then better discuss on impact of Indian issues on Pakistan's society instead of discussing what should be done in India. Start a new thread.

Because I can always find a link of Indian social issue affecting Pakistan's society. Ever heard of Butterfly effect.

Still I am waiting for action to be taken. :D

Another typical case of Pakistan putting blame on India on crimes that are committed in their own countries. Yeah, blame India and its media channels for everything but don't cry foul when some Indian blame Pakistan for every terrorist incident around the world.

These type of discussions ruins the forum.
Not when Indian local issues are impacting pakistan's society.So it really becomes Pakistan's concern too.Thats what PKKH has pointed out in last paragraph of the article ie pakistan is victim of foul indian cultural assault.

Dudette if my memory serves me correct we went our separate ways in 1947.
Dudette if my memory serves me correct we went our separate ways in 1947.
Don't you know we are destroying Pakistan without firing a single bullet. Funny thing is Pakistani people are allowing Indian channels to ruin their society, Instead taking action on their end, they blame us for ills in their society, If there is a disease in neighboring part, you have to segregate your own area if the infected part is not cured.
Then better discuss on impact of Indian issues on Pakistan's society instead of discussing what should be done in India. Start a new thread.

Because I can always find a link of Indian social issue affecting Pakistan's society. Ever heard of Butterfly effect.

Still I am waiting for action to be taken. :D

Another typical case of Pakistan putting blame on India on crimes that are committed in their own countries. Yeah, blame India and its media channels for everything but don't cry foul when some Indian blame Pakistan for every terrorist incident around the world.

These type of discussions ruins the forum.
Well this thread intends to do the same ie to discuss how indian cultural assault brings negative impact on pakistani society and what steps can be taken in india to solve the problem .Remember that root of this cultural disease is in india hence it got to be treated in india so that its symptoms in pakistani society can be treated as well.

Dudette if my memory serves me correct we went our separate ways in 1947.
sirji zameen par lakeer kheec dene se cultural division nahi hota.
Well this thread intends to do the same ie to discuss how indian cultural assault brings negative impact on pakistani society and what steps can be taken in india to solve the problem .Remember that root of this cultural disease is in india hence it got to be treated in india so that its symptoms in pakistani society can be treated as well.
Why should we treat it when it is hurting Pakistan that bad. At least we are not sponsoring terrorism.

Its the weakness of your society if you can't take care of it. Don't say Pakistan should file case against India for this.

All they have to do is ask their cable operators not to broadcast Indian channels and ask your media and ISP to block any India related content.

Stop things at your own end.
Don't you know we are destroying Pakistan without firing a single bullet. Funny thing is Pakistani people are allowing Indian channels to ruin their society, Instead taking action on their end, they blame us for ills in their society, If there is a disease in neighboring part, you have to segregate your own area if the infected part is not cured.
What you are suggesting is to treat the symptoms of the disease in pakistan and what pakistanis suggest is to treat the root of the disease in india itself.Even if the symptoms get treated in pakistan they can come back coz disease in india is not treated.
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