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Male snubs Delhi again, likely to return gifted Dhruv Helicopters

Meh , the stupid island will sink in 30 years anyway

How dare they do this to super power India .
Check our the Chief's body language as well as of his counterparts. Tells a lot.

Another Indian investment sunk.
Lets be honest they should refuse to fly indian junk purely on safety grounds...

Indians dcik head attitude and hindutva hubris is pissing off everyone in the region
All the India's neighboring countries are sick and tired of this terrorist nation. Only Seikh Haseena bitch is in bed with Modi, whereas people hate India. They now want to be independent in a real sense.
India is second only to the sick and retarded terrorist Israel. With China's backing aboard, countries have started slapping Supa pawa more and more. Very disgraceful and humiliating situation for all call center agents LOL!
Ok. To all the Pakistanis rejoicing- do take them in when their islands sink. Help the ummah out.

We don't mind taking back our assets.

Maldivians can considering migrating to China when their atolls completely drown in the ocean.
dont worry about it . they will ask china to make artificial islands on their drown islands :) .
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