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Maldives suspects 'in Pakistan'


Feb 6, 2006
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Police in the Maldives say 10 suspects in a bomb attack on foreign tourists in September, which wounded 12, are on the run in Pakistan.
A police spokesman told Reuters they were seeking support from Interpol to arrest the fugitives.

Eleven suspects are already in custody for the 29 September attack near a mosque in the capital Male.

Maldives attracts more than 500,000 tourists every year, who provide an estimated two thirds of its income.

Growing militancy

Of the 11 suspects in detention, police say three have confessed to planting the device to "target, attack and injure non-Muslims, to fulfil jihad".

President Gayoom has confronted Islamist militants

"Several of the fugitives, as well as some of the suspects detained in the Maldives, received training in bomb making in Pakistani madrassas (Islamic schools)," the police spokesman said.

Maldives, where a moderate form of Islam was practiced for the past 700 years, fears an infiltration of Islamic radicals.

The country's leader since 1978, President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, intends to ban the full veil and prevent foreign preachers entering the country.

But his plans have encountered resistance from religious scholars and an increasingly popular conservative Islamic political party.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Maldives suspects 'in Pakistan'
Everybody is got a problem...with pakistan.

Here's the deal. Either you prove to me that 6 billion people on the planet have a problem with Pakistan or else you are banned for just using this forum to vent out some hidden anger of yours with the country.

The news article was fine. Your comments were not.

Here's the deal. Either you prove to me that 6 billion people on the planet have a problem with Pakistan or else you are banned for just using this forum to vent out some hidden anger of yours with the country.

The news article was fine. Your comments were not.

USA,UK,India,NATO all trace back the terror problems to your nation. What more do you need?

Take you arrogoance elsewhere!!! Ban, my foot. Ban isnt a tool to scare members or to subjudicate, or is it?
USA,UK,India,NATO all trace back the terror problems to your nation. What more do you need?

Take you arrogoance elsewhere!!! Ban, my foot. Ban isnt a tool to scare members or to subjudicate, or is it?

Over to you Asim

i guess BS had been let for a long time
USA,UK,India,NATO all trace back the terror problems to your nation. What more do you need?

Take you arrogoance elsewhere!!! Ban, my foot. Ban isnt a tool to scare members or to subjudicate, or is it?
It's a fair deal, you are making claims you can't prove. That makes it slander. It's a thread with the intent to slander. Which has been quite rampant from your end.

As I said the thread's fine. You are not.
We share a porous border with one of the most lawless nations in the world, one where even NATO, despite its superior technology, firepower and money, cannot prevent the Taliban from overrunning several districts within a week. It is a nation home to foreign militants and terrorists from Chechnya, Uzbekistan and the Arab countries, some of whom have set up shop in the historically lawless and autonomous Tribal areas of Pakistan. It stands to reason that such an environment would be conducive to criminals of all ilk. Unfortunately Pakistan is the easiest transit point to get in.

But none of this points to Pakistani complicity, as Bull seemed to be implying, rather it serves to point out the inefficient processes and lack of coordination between immigration authorities around the world. How were these people able to get out of the Maldives? They had to transit through several other countries along the way, most probably India as well, so why weren't they apprehended along the way? Using Bull's logic, all of those countries would be complicit as well. And Pakistan cannot do anything unless proper information is provided to it before they pass through immigration.
Everybody is got a problem...with pakistan.

And yet eveybody seems to be supporting pakistan and giving us military hardware. Talking about US and UK you forget to mention that it was pakistan that made the terror attacks stop in UK and stoped tailban and Al-Q from attacking NATO troops across the boder and capturing top of the line Al-Q memebers. There is only one nation that has problem with us and that is India, and there isnt a damn thing you can do about it. So go and **** yourself and your pathetic kind.
Everybody is got a problem...with pakistan.

Asim bhai and Bull calm down :cheers:. A coin has 2 sides, one is good the other one is bad. Yes Pakistan probably hosts terrorist camps and it's not like we don't want to stop it. Its not just the people in countries like USA,Uk, India etc. who are scared and dying, but also people in Pakistan. Now if you may have a problem with us, we have the potential to bury these countries alive if they don't co-operate with us. As far as India goes, you guys have not helped Pakistan in eliminating terrorists at all. In fact you haven't done anything in your own country to prevent terrorist attacks for example Sanjay Dutt was found guilty for Mumbai train bombings and was off the hook in no time. At least we have stopped bombings in other countries and Pakistani citizens have been taking the toll for supporting countries like USA, Uk and etc.

So you realllly wanna re-think the problem you have with Pakistan. Now don't take it as a threat. I am only explaining this problem to you in a peaceful manner. :pakistan:
Maldives is flash point for both China and India. Pakistan is playing active part since last few decades and lot of influence on govt. But since China has entered that region and start building offshore semi navel platform made India so worried. So, the rift has started or been started long ago....let see where the game ends.
There is no damn game. Maldives is verry India centric. India has a huge amount of influence in Maldives.

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