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Malaysian Muslims declare jihad on Cadbury over pork-laced chocolate

You said it was British ,NO it's not and your own link proves it. I may have got the the thing about it being wholly owned by the US Kraft wrong, but now its part of mondelezinternational which is American. The de-merger stuff is rebranding and delegating.


The firm is still is American, but a global firm with a substantial European portfolio.

Mondelēz International, Inc. - Home

Fair enough. We were both partially correct. Cadbury's head office is in the UK. I can accept that. :D


Back to the topic:

A question comes to mind: A pig that dies in a sugarcane field decomposes and becomes fertilizer. The pig is haram. The sugarcane is halal. So decomposition converts haram to halal in this case since the atoms and molecules remain the same, but their composition changes. How is this decomposition process any different than producing gelatin?
Fair enough. We were both partially correct. Cadbury's head office is in the UK. I can accept that. :D


Back to the topic:

A question comes to mind: A pig that dies in a sugarcane field decomposes and becomes fertilizer. The pig is haram. The sugarcane is halal. So decomposition converts haram to halal in this case since the atoms and molecules remain the same, but their composition changes. How is this decomposition process any different than producing gelatin?
simple , if they could find DNA and Protein strain in the product , it means it was not decomposed enough .
don't forget sugarcane can't absorb such big molecule as proteins and DNA or RNA , just small molecules as nitratet or phosphates and water and such
I am sure they use pork etc in Pakistan too, cause WHO the hell checks over here and its probably much cheaper!!
simple , if they could find DNA and Protein strain in the product , it means it was not decomposed enough .
don't forget sugarcane can't absorb such big molecule as proteins and DNA or RNA , just small molecules as nitratet or phosphates and water and such

A sensitivity of 5 picograms - five trillionths of a gram - means nothing. Try swabbing the mouth for animal DNA after a drive in the countryside and you would be surprised what one could find.
A sensitivity of 5 picograms - five trillionths of a gram - means nothing. Try swabbing the mouth for animal DNA after a drive in the countryside and you would be surprised what one could find.

if you check for dna that,s not nothing
and even if the sensitivity of test was 5 picogram , it won't imply that the bar didn't contain 1 gr of pork derived materials .
Good, all of you guys stop eating chocolate, it will bring the price down a bit for me.
if you check for dna that,s not nothing
and even if the sensitivity of test was 5 picogram , it won't imply that the bar didn't contain 1 gr of pork derived materials .

The data presented are insufficient to conclude anything, but perhaps enough for the irrationals to fly off the handle. :D
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