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Malaysia Malay anti China riot

The Malay gang bashing up PRC OPPO.

OPPO is not even the shop Malay mob try to steal from. But happen that the OPPO staff did good and help apprehen the Malay thug earlier.

Then a gang of Malay showed up to beat up OPPO staff and bash OPPO.

Fortunately nobody was killed. One Chinese badly beated up needed surgery.

Here is a higher quality video of the "FAILED" revenge on Oppo staff by the Malay thugs.
The event before the massive fighting. They were looking for OPPO staff after thrashing the shop.

Are there any armed factions, ethnic Chinese or malay, in the country? What are their sources of weapons, and income?

Well bro remember what we discussed in private group chat? PRC foreign office may talk diplomatic BS, but others don't need to be. Jungle hunting seems like a nice sports, many people here in China especially the rich, bored and trigger-happy are interested.
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China mainland is paradise now, Hua Chinese can turn back to your native homeland. Anti Chinese sentiment could stopped immediately.
MCA and MIC are just in for the money, not the struggle. You think MCA/MIC not corrupted? People who speak up, get booted out.
If the parties that tend to represent Chinese (MCA) and Indians (MIC) in Malaysia are not willing to fight for the rights of their voters, blaming Malays and UMNO is downright absurd. Chinese and Indians, if they are so oppressed by the Malays, must stop voting for parties that have practically sold their interest in return of money as per your claim. Please look at the contradictions in your posts.
I had some discuss about this on youtube with some malay guys.

They said malay people were bullied by Hua ren. Those malay accused local policemen for taking bribery from Chinese while the thief was released just few hours later after he was caught .

Those policemen did take bribery not from Chinese abut Malay.

And they kept denying the fact that that malay was a thief even after CCTV footage went public.

I think they just a bunch of nationalists , not a big deal.
Malaysian(Southeastern asia)Chinese are all cowards.I have to say.A slave race,Earning some sympathy is the best they can do.Looks like a crowd of sheeps waiting to be butchered yet keeping bragging how rich(fat)they are.Southern people are cowards.
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Malaysian Malays beating Chinese, destroying Chinese car, shouting their same old chant of Allah hu Akbar.

Islam is again big big victim of anything under the sun.

The good old "God is great" slogan, lol
Do you mean we need to take up arm to fight... (like those so called terrorist in some countries)
or we fight within the system?
Please use your brain.
Malaysian(Southeastern asia)Chinese are all cowards.I haveto say.A slave race,Earning some sympathy is the best they can do.Looks like a crowd of sheeps waiting to be butched yet keeping bragging how rich(fat)they are.Southern people are cowards.
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Malay Chinese need to grow some nuts.
If they are so maligned, then why don't they just immigrate to Singapore or abroad.

@powastick --- is there really a sense of racism you and other Chinese Malaysians experience in Malaysia? When I was there several years ago I didn't get that feeling.
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