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Malaysia clerics issue yoga fatwa

I don't know why HINDU's interfere in our religious matters.I have never done YOGA nor plan to do it.But If the scholars of such an educated ISLAMIC country as MALAYSIA have declared a fatwas then there must be some reason behind it .But the most ppl in this thread that have a problem with this fatwa are HINDUS.What are your problem i mean there's no binding on you so why are you getting angry.I Know that there are more HINDUS in this forum than PAKISTANIS and CHINESE combined.But Even then i don't understand the problem of INDIANS.
Ok I understand what you mean, obviously the article was something I found quickly as I had recollection of this event.

There are International multi-faith Yoga event organised in Indonesia and also in India at various times, there this understanding is fostered directly with the public. You will have to go directly to text of the fatwas and statements to get the thological basis of these positions. One such example of this gathering is here

Swami Ramdev promotes yoga at Deoband gathering

Basically it boils down to the basis that as long as you don't take Yoga as a religious ritual and consider it as a form of exercise, there is nothing wrong with that. To think that just practicing Yoga would affect a persons beliefs or faith in Islam is quite ridiculous and if it does then the problem/solution is not with Yoga but the person himself and the choice he/she wants to make.
Not sure what you mean by "all words and little depth".

The point was as long as Yoga is taken up as an exercise, there is nothing wrong with doing it.
So if you take it as it is ,it is wrong ??!

FYI : Yoga is Hinduism.........100%.You do yoga you do shirk,that's it.
No middle way.:sniper:
Lest face a few truths here.
All forms of ‘exercise/martial arts’ as we call them be it Yoga, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, the Crafts and so on all at the highest level come down to that ‘belief’. That all have at the highest form body, mind and belief.

As most of these stand; the belief aspect is and can be removed or minimised. Many are totally practiced at best at the exercise level and poorly at the mind level. It is only and for the few that they are practiced correctly at all 3 levels, body mind and belief.

Yes yoga was a Hindu aberration of many of the similar practices world wide but to what real extent is it truly practiced?
A religious proclamation against it being conducted at its higher level, which would be in conflict with any specific religion Ok but there is so much in the 2 lower levels that such a directive should be clearly outlined not blanket inclusive.

The fact that at the lower levels there are similarities between all one could question at what point is yoga truly Hindu?

I can take some of the Craft material and I could say I had yoga. This is all full of gray material once you dealt with the depth.

pak-yes: I am not getting angry, I know too much to do that I just find it mildly amusing.
When you can see with your eyes closed we will talk.
Yoga is good for health.One must not have any objections to its practice:victory::victory:
Yoga is good for health.One must not have any objections to its practice:victory::victory:

this is right,even 10000years late the Hinduism were perished, may be left only yago,like Taiji left but wudang perished 1000years ago
this is right,even 10000years late the Hinduism were perished, may be left only yago,like Taiji left but wudang perished 1000years ago

Im not predicting which practice or religion will last how long.What im saying is ,"Yoga is good for health:smitten::smitten:.Hence nobody should have a problem with that:smitten::smitten::angel::angel:"
very interesting comments frm Pak user abt yoga that meditation is to stop from thinking..that is actually a sort of profound observation. :welcome:
Actually yoga meditation at its core is sleeping by being awake. That is sleeping but you are awake..But very difficult to do and needs lots of practise. Stop thinking part is partially correct. Exactly speaking, why we cannot concentrate is bcoz, thousands of thoughts are running at a time per second in our mind..and competing for our attention..so like running a lots of multi-threading programmes vying for attention of the processor. When 1000s of thoughts compete for attention..processor performance slows down..and creeks..In meditation..you close your eyes(generally)..in yoga it is said that 90% of User Input is through eyes..and you give attention to forest of thoughts and they one-by-one gets satisfied..and goes away...
and in ordinary persons..gradually number of thoughts can be brought to a small number.. When thoughts are completely stopped(very advanced ppl only can do this) then...your "SAMSKARAs"(acquired impure tendencies) or VASANAS(..bad habits.. etc) begin to burn ..and
you will be cleansed of your SINS(Negative Karma)...

And yes Yoga is completely Hindu practise..
Since Hinduism is a collection of philosophies(vedanta,vaishanava,shaivism,chakravarta,buddism,samkya etc)
unlike Abrahamic religions..can co-exist..that is Hindu practices are not...You are with us or you are going to hell...thingy..
Hindu philosophies include atheism(yes! Samkya),mocking of Hindu sacred text (Chakravarta)..and latest..and the most modern Hindu philosophy..which won through massive debating...is
Advaita Vedanta..which is the one mostly practised by yogis in India..
and pioneered by Saint Adi Shankaracharya...
why sweat over some nutcase.. njoy Y.O.G.A !

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Christians are very much into Yoga or Reiki etc While It is Branded as Hindu Spiritual Practices By Catholic Church(or anyothers).Church will Try to Control ,But Humanism is much above Religion.it is a personal Choice whether to attend Yoga Practices etc.Be Your Own.
PS: "Art of Living" Sudarshan Kriya is the thing Which Really Catched Among People in India sometime back..from Sri Sri Ravishankar.
Note to self: RaviShankar never ever wanted to convert anyone into Hinduism:partay:
How about meditation? It is extremely helpful to shape ur mind and keep yourself stree free. But it is pracised among the budhists, will these clerics ban meditation as well?
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