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Malaysia asks Pakistan, other countries for data to help find jet


Feb 2, 2007
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KUALA LUMPUR—Malaysia’s government on Sunday asked for help from nearly a dozen Asian countries, including Pakistan, that the missing jetliner may have flown over, saying that finding the plane would be very difficult without additional data on its final movements.

Meanwhile, police were examining a flight simulator belonging to one of the pilots of the Malaysia Airlines plane, which went missing more than a week ago with 239 passengers aboard a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The government said police searched the homes of both of the plane’s pilots on Saturday, the first time they have done so since the plane went missing. Asked why it took them so long, police chief Inspector General Khalid Abu Bakar said authorities “didn’t see the necessity in the early stages.”

Bakar told reporters that he had requested countries with citizens on board the plane to investigate their background. He said that the intelligence agencies of some countries had already done this and found nothing suspicious, but that he was waiting for others to respond.

Satellite data has shown that after losing contact with air traffic controllers, the plane could have kept flying as far north as Kazakhstan in Central Asia or deep into the southern Indian Ocean, posing awesome challenges for efforts to recover the aircraft and flight data recorders vital to solving the mystery of what happened on board. That has left authorities desperate to narrow down a search area now stretching across 11 nations and one of the most remote oceans in the world.

“The search was already a highly complex, multinational effort. It has now become even more difficult,” Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said at a news conference Sunday.

“It is our hope with the new information, parties that can come forward and narrow the search to an area that is more feasible,” he said, adding that the search effort now includes 25 countries.

“The search area has been significantly expanded. And the nature of the search has changed. From focusing mainly on shallow seas, we are now looking at large tracts of land, crossing 11 countries, as well as deep and remote oceans,” Hishammuddin said.

He said the number of countries involved in the search and rescue operation had increased from 14 to 25, bringing “new challenges of co-ordination and diplomacy to the search effort.”

Australia said it was sending one of its two AP-3C Orion aircraft involved in the search to the remote islands in the Indian Ocean at Malaysia’s request. The plane will search the north and west of the Cocos Islands, a remote Australian territory with an airstrip about 1200 kilometers (745 miles) southwest of Indonesia, military chief Gen. David Hurley said.

Given that the northern route the plane may have taken would take it over countries with busy airspace, most experts say the person in control of the aircraft would more likely have chosen the southern route. The southern Indian Ocean is the world’s third-deepest and one of the most remote stretches of water in the world, with little radar coverage. The wreckage might take months — or longer — to find, or might never be located.

Malaysia has asked for help from countries in South, Central and Southeast Asia for assistance in tracing the jet by providing satellite and radar data, the government said in a statement. It said that for now, both the northern and southern routes that the plane may have taken were being treated with “equal importance.”

Confirmation Saturday that someone on board severed the communication links with the ground and flew off course for more than six hours has triggered a formal criminal investigation into who on the plane was involved, and what motive they might have for doing so.

Investigators are trying answer these questions: If the pilots were involved in the disappearance, were they working together or alone, or with one or more of the passengers or crew? Did they fly the plane under duress or of their own volition? Did one or more of the passengers manage to break into the cockpit, or use the threat of violence to gain entry and then pilot the plane?

Malaysian authorities have not ruled out any possibilities, and to establish what happened with any degree of certainty investigators will likely need to examine information, including cockpit voice recordings, from the plane’s flight data recorders should the jet be located.

The government gave few details on the police investigation into the pilots. Khalid, the inspector general, said police had confiscated the flight simulator belonging to Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the 59-year-old pilot, and reassembled it in their offices to examine it. He said police also were investigating engineers and ground staff who may have had contact with the plane before it took off.

Zaharie, who has three grown children and one grandchild, had previously posted photos online of the flight simulator he built for his home using three large computer monitors and other accessories. Earlier this week, the head of Malaysia Airlines said this was not in itself cause for any suspicion.

Malaysian officials and aviation experts said that whoever disabled the plane’s communication systems and then flew the jet must have had a high degree of technical knowledge and flying experience, putting one or both of the pilots high on the list of possible suspects.

Malaysia asks Pakistan, other countries for data to help find jet | Pakistan Today
Malaysia seeks Pakistan's help over missing jet issue
Posted: March 16, 2014 - 1750 PKT
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia on Sunday asked nearly a dozen Asian countries including Pakistan to share information that may help finding the missing plane.

The number of countries involved in efforts to find a missing passenger jet had nearly doubled to 25 as it began a new push to find the plane across a vast arc of land and ocean.

"The number of countries involved in the search and rescue operation has increased from 14 to 25, which brings new challenges of coordination and diplomacy to the search effort," said Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia's defense and transport minister.

AFP adds:

The week-long search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has taken a major new turn as evidence indicated that its communication systems were manually switched off and the airliner was deliberately diverted.

The first concrete, verified lead as to the possible reason behind the disappearance has fuelled speculation over how and why MH370 might have been commandeered -- and its likely fate.

Here are some of the possible scenarios being weighed up by experts.

THEORY: Terror attack - WHY: As the theory that the plane was deliberately taken over gains traction, questions over the involvement of terrorist organisations have come back to the fore.

The presence of two passengers travelling on stolen passports fuelled early fears of a terror link. Authorities now believe the two Iranian men were simply illegal migrants, but CIA director John Brennan has said a terror attack has not been ruled out.

The search area covers a massive region -- a northern corridor from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through northern Thailand and a southern corridor from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean -- with no potential target or destination pinpointed so far.

EXPERT VIEW: The extensive inside information and expertise needed to commandeer a plane for hours without detection would need an unprecedented level of pre-planning, says Gerry Soejatman, a Jakarta-based independent aviation analyst.

"If that was deliberate, we may be dealing with something beyond the mission planning for 9/11," he said.

While the southern corridor is less monitored, the northern zone would be bristling with radar. Dropping altitude to fly as low as possible would be one way to avoid detection, he said.

But the Malaysia Airlines scenario had too many loose ends for a terror attack, said Adam Dolnik, professor of terrorism studies at the University of Wollongong in Australia.

"Nothing from what I have seen points to that conclusion," he told AFP.

"For something this big, you would have somebody claiming it."

- THEORY: Pilot involvement -

WHY: With Malaysia confirming that communications were likely switched off manually, pilot involvement -- whether intentional or under duress -- is a possibility, some experts say.

EXPERT VIEW: "For me there´s only a few scenarios," says Paul Yap, aviation lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore.

"First, the people involved in the deliberate actions...are the pilots, one of them or both of them in cahoots.

"Then we have a scenario where terrorists make the pilots change course and switch off the transponders under duress, maybe threatening to kill of the passengers." Or, we could have a scenario where the security protocol surrounding the cockpit is compromised." Passengers have been prohibited from entering the cockpit during a flight after the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

"It’s certainly someone who knew what they were doing," said Chris De Lavigne, a vice president at business consultancy Frost & Sullivan."

It could be the pilot, the crew, it could be passengers." Malaysia Airlines has said it was "shocked" over a TV report that MH370 co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid had, along with another pilot, allowed two women into the cockpit on a flight in 2011.

- THEORY: Pilot suicide -

WHY: While rare, there have been cases of pilots crashing planes to take their own lives. In December 1997, a SilkAir Boeing 737 from Jakarta to Singapore plunged into a river in Indonesia with the loss of 104 passengers and crew. US investigators blamed pilot suicide.

EXPERT VIEW: A suicide bid "is possible and if that´s the case there might not be a lot of debris because the plane would have come down in relative structural integrity", said Terence Fan, aviation expert at Singapore Management University.

"The airplane is not meant to float and if the airplane sinks in the water, water will go inside because the door seals are not meant to seal water."

Nothing has emerged to suggest any serious psychological problems with either of the pilots who were flying MH370.

- THEORY: The plane landed and is hidden -

WHY: The lack of debris and apparent absence of any data indicating impact have led to speculation that the plane may have landed safely and be hidden in a remote location.

EXPERT VIEW: The size of the Boeing 777 and the amount of space needed for it to land make it unlikely that this was the flight´s fate, says Greg Waldron, Asia managing editor at industry publication Flightglobal.

"The triple seven is a very large aircraft that requires a long airport-size runway to land... it´s possible, but I think not probable."

But Yap believes that if those controlling the flight were skilled enough to evade military radar, "that person should most likely be able to land it safely as well". "Evidence of deliberate action does open several new leads - including the possibility that the aircraft is not lost at sea," said London-based David Kaminski-Morrow, air transport editor for Flight International.

Soejatman added that most flights have enough fuel to cover an additional two hours in the air so, given the latest data, MH370 would have been close to running out.

- THEORY: Cover up -

WHY: The apparent slowness to reveal key radar data has led to speculation that countries may know more about the plane´s likely whereabouts, but are unwilling to share due to a perceived security risk.

EXPERT VIEW: The latest information on the plane´s route poses more questions than it answers over how it remained undetected, says Soejatman.

"If it went through the northern corridor, it would have passed through so many countries. But why hasn´t anybody detected it and said anything?"

It´s extremely different to comprehend that so many countries might have seen it and kept it under wraps.

"A path through the remoter southern corridor would explain a lack of radar coverage, but would bring the motive into doubt, he said.

"It is amazing that an airplane -- and not a little airplane -- could fly so far, over multiple overlapping jurisdictions, without being detected," Ajai Sahni, executive director of India´s Institute for Conflict Management, a Delhi-based think-tank, told AFP.

"It makes one wonder, ´How much are we in control?´"
This is getting scary a whole plane goes missing in these modern times and people can't find a single clue in almost two weeks man this is really scary @Aeronaut @fatman17
The Malaysian govt has shown such height of incompetence that it's unbelievable.

The first few hours to few days when things mattered they were too busy trying to sweep their incompetence under the rug.

Now that the whole thing has totally blown in their faces they're running around all stupid.
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