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Malala will be considered for Nobel prize, hopes Jolie

its is almost certain that malala will be awarded the noble peace prize. i don't see how they can not.
You know what? Its better to go to market and buy a trophy yourself from a sports shop than yearn for a Nobel Peace Prize.
If they really respect Malala and care for her security they should never give her a noble prize. In fact she should never be given any prize by any Western government.
She would be branded as agent of the West by conspiracy theorists and that would many fold increase the threats to her life.
its is almost certain that malala will be awarded the noble peace prize. i don't see how they can not.
I don't know about Nobel Prize, but the prize for stupidity and hate mongering has to go to Australian TV. Channel Nine here was running the caption "Angelina Jolie supports Taliban girl".

These are the same people that, when police arrested anti-Muslim criminals spreading SMS messages to incite anti-Muslim riots, reported it as if police had arrested Muslims inciting violence.

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