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Malala redux (a must read)

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Jun 23, 2010
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By barakzai abdali.

"Malala's desire for an education was genuine; but she she has been thrust into the firing line by an ambitious father"

Malala: “I want to ba a doctor but my father told me you have to be a politician. But I don’t like politics.”

Father: “My daughter can be better than a doctor.”

apart from the fact that I think most politics stinks what is clear here is that even educated women are routinely being used by others and denied the right to choose."

A few things right off the bat:

1. Whatever the circumstances, however war torn a country is, most human beings accept that shooting a child (relatively speaking) in the head is wrong, period. It doesnt matter if the child openly worships Satan or walks with angels. Secular ethical and religious ethical codes all agree on this point.
2. It appears that attacking symbolic human beings whether with the establishment or resistance will create the basis for overturning your moral imperitive. Take for instance the killing of Bhutto. That move was in many ways responsible for one of the most corrupt human beings on earth being propelled into power on an emotional counterwave. Or Musharraf killing Bugti did not put a lid on Balochi resistance... it only widened its appeal.

So ethically and practically speaking its a double wrong.

However, I think her selling her story has allowed for an ability to dissect her case and understand it in the context of the wider "war on terrorism" and the cultural and historical commentary. We now have the ability to freely discuss this case and investigate it as was done with Mortensen in Three Cups of Tea since when money exchanges hands, eyes are allowed to pry.

So who is Mr. Ziauddin Yusufzai, the father?

I have been reading up on these folks. Here are some hard and fast facts. Ziauddin Yousafzai is operational and not a bystander:

"Nazim Swat Jamal Nasir, Nazim Batkhela Abdul Jabbar and Ziauddin Yousafzai said although they were satisfied with the pace of the operation, the people of Malakand division wanted elimination of the top Taliban leadership.

He is a board member of AIRRA and was an activist in his college days. AIRRA is a "think-tank" or perhaps better to be called, propaganda center, for secular militancy:
AIRRA - Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy

"With an M.A,B.Ed, Ziauddin Yousufzai is presently director of Khushal Public School & College, a renowned private educational institution in Swat. He got recognition as an activist as a student leader during his studies at Jahanzeb College Swat from1988 to 1990. In 1994, he founded a literary society named Hafiz Alpurai Pukhto Adabi Tolana and remained its president for four years. He has organized numerous Mushairas, books inauguration ceremonies and other literary programmes. He was elected as president of Private Schools Management Association (PSMA) Swat 2004 to 2006.He used this plate form to promote the grand cause of education. He is also the president of Global Peace Council, an N G O working for the peace and prosperity of the people. Moreover, he is an active member of Swat Qaumi Aman Jarga. Apart from writing critical appreciation on various books, he has three literary works to his credit."

In summary Mr. Yusufzai is not simply a 9 am to 5 pm school teacher in a made for TV movie that sees him as a simple man driven to take up a cause... rather he was already an active member of the AIRRA agenda.

To understand who these people are, we have to grasp the history of the seculo-religious struggle in Northern Pakistan. It is a separate but somewhat connected entity to the explosive struggles between nativism versus imposed communism seen in Afghanistan. In some ways, it was a softer and contained of that latter conflict with two groups pitted against each other watching the war in Afghanistan and "betting on their own horses."

So now, I want to spring board off of that sentiment used by Tor Khan regarding an ambitious father.

Where the Narrative Begins:

The story of the Gul Makai journal entries is in and of itself a fascinating story.

The name Abdul Hai Kakar should be imprinted in your mind.
Malala Yousafzai: The 'Voice of Swat Valley' - Frud Bezhan - The Atlantic
He is also a member of Farhat Taj's AIRRA:

His name is under the participants list right next to Ziauddin's name. This coterie worships local marxist leaders and eulogizes them regularly:

In that second link he is a participant in that particular meeting.

These meeting minutes above are from 2008 and the Gul Makkari dairies appear in 2009. In the Atlantic, Mr. Kakar pretty much summarizes Mr. Yusufzai's ambitions and their genesis:

"I talked to him because [I was hoping] he could find a schoolgirl for me. He tried for days and called me back and said nobody was ready to talk because everyone was afraid of the Taliban. But he hesitantly told [me] that if I agreed, then his daughter could work with me. Then I contacted her and started the diary."

So TWO POINTS. The diary's inception was not Malala's but that of the AIRRA members. Ziauddin Yusufzai claimed that he scoured his school looking for other girls who would want this BBC affiliate role and found none.. nadda...zero (yet interestingly enough the BBC found quite a few willing to talk after the shooting so I wonder how hard Mr. Yusufzai tried to find someone else to serve this rather lucrative and prestigious role).

He then admits that he wrote the diary in this DIRECT QUOTE:

"What was your (kakar's) role in the writing process and publication of her diary?
I talked to her and told her, "You can tell me on [the] telephone what you did that day, what you thought, what were your feelings, and what you saw." So [I told her] just share with me and I will take notes and then I will write it down. So, from my wife's telephone number I would call [Malala] because her [my wife's] phone was safe. So we used to talk to each other for 30 minutes each night for five or seven days [in a row]. Then after that I would send it to BBC English and Urdu to publish."
Malala Yousafzai: The 'Voice of Swat Valley' - Frud Bezhan - The Atlantic

So an 11 year old (that is how old she was at the time) was put as the front for this diary written pretty much in collusion by Ziauddin Yusufzai and his AIRRA buddy Mr. Kakar.

What are their beliefs?

n many cultures, they say, the son becomes the father and inherits him. So what is in the public domain that offers us a window into the thought processes of the AIRRA members? Well we have confirmed above Miss Andersen's membership in socialist-marxist groups and we see rather clearly that this tight knit little group has a great deal of respect for dead marxists.

We have a quote early on of their sentiments taught to the young children by the father and/or manufactured by Mr. kakar:
"In one posting on her BBC blog, she wrote, "My younger brother does not like going to school. He cries while going to school and is jubilant coming back home ... He said that whenever he saw someone he got scared that he might be kidnapped. My brother often prays 'O God bring peace to Swat and if not then bring either the US or China here.'"

But what of the real evidence regarding the affinities taught to Malala by her father??? Well we have some now thanks to the communists themselves.


This image was initially posted on a Communist website that admitted she was deemed a member of their group:
IMT sympathiser shot in Swat - Barbarism must not prevail!

Here is a copy of it:
Malala Yousafzai a Fighter For Socialism - UK Indymedia

I want to make a point that this is NOT an image depicting the supposedly benign socialism that does not make comments on religion and certain aspects of governance. That image on that podium is of two horrible human beings: Lenin and Trotsky. These two men were responsible for the horrendous murder and overturning of the true Soviet revolution of the people and of hijacking it. Lenin and Trotsky had clear disdain for all forms of religion. This is REAL COMMUNISM as espoused by KhaD and Najib. These are the aspirations of those remnants that backed Najib as their horse, hence the complexity of this story.

Here is another one with good ole daddy standing in:

Note that the broken link for these images traces back to the marxist website itself:

Not any ISI affiliated, not any American, and not any manufactured website.

And now, thanks to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, we can reconcile this information with the Red Cell Memo:


The memorandum laments how Europeans (and by extension likely other member nations) are well ahead of their governments and clearly understand that the Afghan War and welfare handouts that get eaten up by Karzai cronies are not at all paramount to European national security and effective governance:

From the memo:
Only a fraction (0.1-1.3 percent) of French and German respondents identified “Afghanistan” as the most urgent issue facing their nation in an open-ended question, according to the same polling. These publics ranked “stabilizing Afghanistan” as among the lowest priorities for US and European leaders, according to polls by the German Marshall Fund (GMF) over the past two years. According to INR polling in the fall of 2009, the view that the Afghanistan mission is a waste of resources and “not our problem” was cited as the most common reason for opposing ISAF by German respondents and was the second most common reason by French respondents. But the “not our problem” sentiment also suggests that, so for, sending troops to Afghanistan is not yet on most voters’
radar." According to INR polling in the fall of 2009, French women are 8 percentage points less likely to support the mission than are men, and German women are 22 percentage points less likely to support the war than are men. Media events that feature testimonials by Afghan women would probably be most effective if broadcast on programs that have large and disproportionately female audiences. (C//NF)"

The Bad News
An innocent child was used in a strategem as a sacrificial lamb. These AIRRA sods were even willing to put out the name of the son in one of the Gul Makkai entries as wanting an US and/or Chinese invasion of Swat, endangering his life as well.

This girl had aspirations of wanting to be a physician. Instead, as Tor Khan noted in that thread, her father had higher hopes of her being the next Benazir. Is that not sordid? Wanting your daughter to follow in the footsteps of one of the Earth's most fabulously corrupt politicians in history?

The Questions
I think PF members are asking the right ones. They are generally centered on why this personage was chosen for this media attention ala the Red Cell Memo. The answer lies in the information provided above. Why should the millions of Afghans who blog or write of such issues not have as much attention? They actually write their own blogs and probably offer the truth on the ground in the exact balanced way as opposed to the Kakar-Ziauddin filtered way.

What were her academic credentials and accomplishments? Thats a fair question. Simply talking about going to school versus going to school and being the top of your class as a female are two entirely different matters. There are numerous females in villages and cities dotting the Afghan and KP countryside who are beating out boys and other colleagues from a vast array of ethnic groups who deal with home turmoil and the war. I would think that their voice matters and their input would be as valuable.

The Good News
There are members of the general public wisening up to this controversy and how, in the manner of Kite Runner, they are being played with emotionally.

Here is a page where Soldat freaks out
The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: The Under Reported Tragedy of Malala – A Father’s Abuse | American Everyman

The Lessons:

Discerning minds should always question the narrative and try to find evidence regarding it one way or another and then use the data to make an informed decision.

The current military industrial complex has manufactured the movie by a farsiwaan named Siddik Barmak called Osama that makes Pashtuns look like molesters worthy of being taken to task with war.

The Kite Runner famously castigated Pashtuns as oppressors.

And AIRRA and the MIC certainly used the Gul Makkai diaries to perpetuate misery and putting a child in harm's way to "get their message out" through subterfuge and intrigue. It has powered the sustained occupation of FATA and Swat and also perpetuated the drone war which is now fast and catching up with Afghans across the border as well:

The currency exchange
3 million pounds is the worth of a child's life.

Oh my God are we still talking about her, it's like a modern day white man's burden where they select people from third world countries to have a pity party at...I didn't even read the whole article it was too long.
Kudos to her! She is a future prime minister!
Malala's cause is still genuine. we just dont want to work out on it... running away from movement of Girl's education is our problem that we are hatching conspiracy theories against the child.

Easy way out than to learn to accept our failures . Paint her as an Jew/CIA agent and you are absolved of your sins .
7 threads on the same subject

please for Gods sakes merge the threads or get rid of them
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