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Making a cadaver walk

Janab, one of these wrongs will mean bye bye Pakistan. The other 'wrong' will save it, Insha Allah.

Well! my argument is that the other "wrongs" in our history (MQM, Taliban, Martial Laws, Military op. in East Pakistan etc. etc.) did not do us any good....hence! this one will not either.
Well! my argument is that the other "wrongs" in our history (MQM, Taliban, Martial Laws, Military op. in East Pakistan etc. etc.) did not do us any good....hence! this one will not either.

When the body is suffering from gangrene, you sometimes have to perform drastic surgery. There is a long term loss, but the body lives. These financial terrorists need to be surgically removed.
When the body is suffering from gangrene, you sometimes have to perform drastic surgery. There is a long term loss, but the body lives. These financial terrorists need to be surgically removed.

I agree with removing these scum bags, but via the LAW - not by any other means. This is where the patience is needed.
For the erudite, self-respecting reader, I submit my humble plea as I mention the unmentionable in the next paragraph, with the promise there is a 'moral' to the story.

I got this information for a YouTube video. Somewhere in Africa, the US terrified poor, illiterate people by using Frankenstein like cadavers that moved because of electrical impulses through the muscles. They had canisters of a biological agent which they would spray upon getting close to their victims. This 'story' has stayed in the back of my mind and resurfaced recently when I put my mind to more immediate concerns: how to make the cadaverous state function? And I think I have a bright idea. This cadaver needs very close orchestration through electrical impulses. Let me elaborate.

In order to make this state move in the direction of success, the army should immediately send fully armed contingents of soldiers to each MNA and MPA, to grab them from their homes. They should be subsequently marched to the respective assemblies, sat on a chair, and a gun pointed to their heads. From this point onwards, they shall speak what they are told to speak, they shall write what they are told to write, and they shall do what they are told to do. Nutrition can be supplied through IVF and excretion can be done through tubes. They shall pass the laws and resolutions necessary for the success of this country, and make the noises that they should have been making, but aren't. The same treatment can be meted out to all other cadaverous organs of the state.

I am quite sure we will start seeing quick progress once this system is implemented. It will need to be continued, until such time that this entire army of corrupt officials passes away naturally and is replaced by patriotic, God Fearing people who have the burning desire to make Pakistan successful.

It is my earnest request to our Dear Army Chief to kindly consider this request.

@WebMaster @Horus @Oscar @The Eagle @Secur @Irfan Baloch
Isn't it strange people look for corrupt people. But those spectators got this chance every day. All they need to stand infront of parliament and see the mass gathering of corrupts in Islamabad daily.
That is not good enough. I am gobsmacked someone is willing to play dice with national security.

I am not the person in the driving seat.

By "let us hope so", I meant that people sitting in the driving seats (law and army) will work in a way to make it all happen for the country - but remain within the law.
I am not the person in the driving seat.

By "let us hope so", I meant that people sitting in the driving seats (law and army) will work in a way to make it all happen for the country - but remain within the law.

You can't 'hope so'. You need to have a concrete opinion. All Pakistanis must. This is our doom and decay that we are happy to leave issues relating to life and death of the nation in the hands of others and absolve ourselves.
You can't 'hope so'. You need to have a concrete opinion. All Pakistanis must. This is our doom and decay that we are happy to leave issues relating to life and death of the nation in the hands of others and absolve ourselves.

My concrete opinion is that we should remain within the law
My concrete opinion is that we should remain within the law

You know, the law says that in extraordinary events, every citizen becomes an Officer of the State and is eligible to take whatever action necessary under writ of Habeas Corpus.
And time we don't have. The date being thrown about is April 2018 when we won't have money to even make a budget.

They've been saying that since the 1940s when the country didn't even have an official Capital.

Maybe you could try and look past the military propaganda for a change? Difficult I know but no harm in trying.
They've been saying that since the 1940s when the country didn't even have an official Capital.

Maybe you could try and look past the military propaganda for a change? Difficult I know but no harm in trying.

You mean believe the words of corrupt financial terrorists?

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