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Major Military Operation Begins in Baluchistan

According to reports SOF components are deployed as a part of this operation....

can you confirm...?? (Yes/No)
@Foxtrot Alpha
Before you even asked this question, I actually wrote a post and then deleted it....
Yes, SOF elements are deployed, without getting into specifics and name one group or unit....

the enemy knows where the hideout is, as soon as we begin ops and leak the info, the enemy can use their sats to know the exact location, strength and equipment being used and guide the terrorists how/ where to counter-attack or ambush or retreat
PDF released the information way too late even when we were sitting on the details, we never released anything, it is just some big mouths on Twitter who have a habit of jumping the gun for some likes & retweets.....we knew the Strategy from day one & whats coming, but to such being responsible and lives of our men are important....i hope Military will control the flow of information ....
the enemy knows where the hideout is, as soon as we begin ops and leak the info, the enemy can use their sats to know the exact location, strength and equipment being used and guide the terrorists how/ where to counter-attack or ambush or retreat

A through OPSEC review is needed after this operation. All military personnel need to leave their cell phones in the barracks, and use of only encrypted military communications allowed. We can’t afford preventable leaks, they cost lives.

Also, we need a team of military analyst observing our troops with the best satellites we have access to, drone feeds from predator class drones similar to what our enemy operates, and concealed ground troops to find out our own weaknesses and debrief officers once the op is complete.

if we are using MRAPs we should evaluate the efficacy of them and figure out just what kind of vehicles we need going forward and try to procure them. We owe it to our troops. The soviets lost 75,000 in Afghanistan in 9 years while the west lost less than 3000 in 18 years. A lot has to do with survivable vehicles. Saving lives is a morale booster and saves the lives of valuable SOF troops. We also need to give the SOF troops some helicopters, if we aren’t doing so already. Even a small force used based on intelligence will go a long way in neutralizing the threats that pop-up and not costing the nation an arm and a leg, no pun intended.

Before you even asked this question, I actually wrote a post and then deleted it....
Yes, SOF elements are deployed, without getting into specifics and name one group or unit....

PDF released the information way too late even when we were sitting on the details, we never released anything, it is just some big mouths on Twitter who have a habit of jumping the gun for some likes & retweets.....we knew the Strategy from day one & whats coming, but to such being responsible and lives of our men are important....i hope Military will control the flow of information ....

Any chance the leakers can be prosecuted? Or at least reprimanded so this doesn’t happen again. ISPR should at least get anything that goes out public ally. OPSEC can be half the fight as the enemy won’t know what to expect. Our people need to learn that the public doesn't need to know the details, just to know the job was done.
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Any chance the leakers can be prosecuted? Or at least reprimanded so this doesn’t happen again. ISPR should at least get anything that goes out public ally. OPSEC can be half the fight as the enemy won’t know what to expect. Our people need to learn that the public doesn't need to know the details, just to know the job was done.
it's a very complex environment and i don't want to get into specifics....They know where the leak is & it can fire back to them....
For starters they can start taking down these so called OSINT accounts that have popped up left & right and have come up with ridiculous names i,e SOCIOINT, RUMINT ....

anyhow back to topic
UBA confirms that two of it's commanders were terminated yesterday.
One was Regional Commander and second was Camp commander....Now we all know that two of them were not just sitting alone, waiting for military to come in, so UBA has underscored the casualties....more foot soldiers diedView attachment 635209

many more cousins of .UBA,BLA. are on waiting list.NEXT FLIGHT

soon they will meet there [hoer] dutch speaking

EYzTGlKWAAEvHN7 isi.jpg
we never released anything, it is just some big mouths on Twitter who have a habit of jumping the gun for some likes & retweets.....we knew the Strategy from day one & whats coming, but to such being responsible and lives of our men are important

That is why you are a Classy member of PDF sir :) responsibly keeping us and awaam educated in these matter without compromising the safety of our boys , You are one of the reason I am still on this forum ..
It sent kids with Plastic keys round their necks as key to Heaven, so hordes and hordes of innocent expendable Irani citizens for Khemini were sent on battlefield to blow themselves in front Iraqi tanks
Yes it did. Depending on how desperate a country is and how tenacious they are at some this can happen. Geremany ~ Hitler Jugend used divisions made up of youth. Japan also used similiar tactics. In WW1 wave of afteer wave of British soldiers were wiped out. As war went on the age for recruitment went down and down.

Heaven? And what exactly do we tell our soldiers as they get ready to face enemy tanks? Shahadat? The fact is Iran was desperate. They stopped those Iraqi tanks. That is what counts. I respect that spirit. The Turks also exhibited such spirit on the Sakarya when they stopped waves of Greek invaders in suicide tactics.

This is price nations pay for freedom.
Maybe Indonesia-Aceh peace agreement can be the solution here. It has now brought peace to the region.

Can you please give the central idea of the agreement ? Thanks

People who believe that Iran is successfully tackling the combined might of West are hugely mistaken.

For now , west is applying moderate pressure via economic sanctions. Even now , they haven't applied the full might of economic coercion... As far as military might is concerned , well the only country that is pushing for hard military strikes is Israel... Non of the other parties are fully on-board with that strategy....

Iran should fear when West unanimously decides to go full on guns-blazing... They are grossly underestimating the might of west. Perhaps the tolerance and patience of west is making them emboldened.

The only active power that is taking hard steps against Iran is Israel alone.. Even the arabs are passive.
Can you please give the central idea of the agreement ? Thanks


In essence Aceh province has right similar like Federation state in USA plus they will have their own law separated from our law. Their combatant will get economic incentive so that they can integrate to the society.

Here is the agreement.

1. Administration of Government in Aceh

1.1. Law concerning Government Administration in Aceh

1.1.1. The new law on Government Administration in Aceh will be enacted and will enter into force as soon as possible and no later than 31 March 2006.

1.1.2. The new law on Government Administration in Aceh will be based on the following principles:

a) Aceh will exercise authority in all public sectors which will be held jointly with civil administration and justice, except in the areas of foreign relations, external defense, national security, monetary and fiscal matters, judicial power and religious freedom, where the policy is the authority of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the Constitution.

b) International agreements entered into by the Government of Indonesia relating to matters of special interests of Aceh will apply in consultation and approval of the Aceh legislature.

c) Decisions of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia related to Aceh will be made in consultation with and with the consent of the Aceh legislature.

d) Administrative policies adopted by the Government of Indonesia relating to Aceh will be implemented in consultation with and with the approval of the Head of the Government of Aceh.

1.1.3. The name of Aceh and the title of senior official chosen will be determined by the Aceh legislature after the upcoming general election.

1.1.4. The Aceh border refers to the border of 1 July 1956.

1.1.5. Aceh has the right to use regional symbols including flags, symbols and hymns.

1.1.6. Kanun Aceh will be rearranged for Aceh by respecting the historical traditions and customs of the people of Aceh and reflecting the current legal needs of Aceh.

1.1.7. The Wali Nanggroe Institution will be formed with all its ceremonial instruments and titles.

1.2. Political Participation

1.2.1. As soon as possible, but not more than one year after the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia agreed and will facilitate the establishment of Aceh-based political parties that meet national requirements. Understanding the aspirations of the people of Aceh for local political parties, the Government of Indonesia, within one year, or no later than 18 months from the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, will create political and legal conditions for the establishment of local political parties in Aceh in consultation with the House of Representatives. Timely implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding will contribute positively to this purpose.

1.2.2. With the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, the people of Aceh will have the right to determine candidates for the positions of all elected officials to contest elections in Aceh in April 2006 and thereafter.

1.2.3. Free and fair local elections will be held under the new law on Government Administration in Aceh to elect the Head of the Aceh Government and other elected officials in April 2006 and to elect Aceh legislators in 2009.

1.2.4. Until 2009 the Aceh legislature (DPRD) had no authority to pass any legislation without the approval of the Head of the Government of Aceh.

1.2.5. All Acehnese will be given a new identity card before the election in April 2006.

1.2.6. Full participation of all Acehnese in local and national elections will be guaranteed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

1.2.7. Outside observers will be invited to monitor elections in Aceh. Local elections can be held with outside technical assistance.

1.2.8. There will be full transparency in campaign funds.

1.3. The economy

1.3.1. Aceh has the right to obtain funds through foreign debt. Aceh has the right to set interest rates different from those stipulated by the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia).

1.3.2. Aceh has the right to set and collect local taxes to fund official internal activities. Aceh has the right to trade and business internally and internationally and attract foreign investment and tourists directly to Aceh.

1.3.3. Aceh will have authority over natural resources that live in the territorial sea around Aceh.

1.3.4. Aceh has the right to control 70 percent of the results of all current and future hydrocarbon reserves and other natural resources in the Aceh region and the territorial sea surrounding Aceh.

1.3.5. Aceh carries out the construction and management of all seaports and airports within the Aceh region.

1.3.6. Aceh will enjoy free trade with all parts of the Republic of Indonesia without tax, tariff or other obstacles.

1.3.7. Aceh will enjoy direct and unhindered access to foreign countries by sea and air.

1.3.8. The Government of Indonesia is determined to create transparency in the collection and allocation of revenues between the Central Government and Aceh de


The Free Aceh Movement (Indonesian: Gerakan Aceh Merdeka or simply GAM, Acehnese: Geurakan Acèh Meurdèka, also: Gěrakan Aceh Měrdeka[1]) was a separatist group seeking independence for the Aceh region of Sumatra from Indonesia. GAM fought against Indonesian government forces in the Aceh insurgency from 1976 to 2005, during which over 15,000 lives are believed to have been lost.[2]

The organisation surrendered its separatist intentions and dissolved its armed wing following 2005 peace agreement with the Indonesian Government, and subsequently changed its name into Aceh Transition Committee (Komite Peralihan Aceh, KPA). The Indonesian government called the group the Aceh Security Disturbance Movement.



It is clear that the reason of insurgency in Pakistan because of the resources. Look like Pakistan central government benefits more than Balochistan people in term of extracting the resources. I believe if you guys just take the economic section of Helsinke agreement, the insurgency will be disappeared. Aceh province under Helsinkee agreement can take 70 % of their resources, compare to 30 % taken by central government.
OPSEC is something we people never really understand...these pictures were supposed to be "Eyes Only" but somehow those who lack the common sense posted these on twitter for some retweets & likes....
There are more pictures with these actually but those are with held ....This is the spot where UBA Ts were captured & neutralized
View attachment 635072 View attachment 635073
@DESERT FIGHTER - one of the reason i had deleted these from your post twice , yet somehow you still posted these again :D

all of the major syrian army ops are on youtube

what are you afraid of ?
Yes it did. Depending on how desperate a country is and how tenacious they are at some this can happen. Geremany ~ Hitler Jugend used divisions made up of youth. Japan also used similiar tactics. In WW1 wave of afteer wave of British soldiers were wiped out. As war went on the age for recruitment went down and down.

Heaven? And what exactly do we tell our soldiers as they get ready to face enemy tanks? Shahadat? The fact is Iran was desperate. They stopped those Iraqi tanks. That is what counts. I respect that spirit. The Turks also exhibited such spirit on the Sakarya when they stopped waves of Greek invaders in suicide tactics.

This is price nations pay for freedom.
If that's the resolve you're talking about then by that definition African child soldiers of warlord tops the list, By the time entire comparable to Pak army numerical strength was brought down this was the tactic that was being used by IRGC , and this option was too exhausted when the citizens realized that plastics keys meant nothing.

hey stopped those Iraqi tanks. That is what counts. I respect that spirit
And not only that, they didn't shy away from obtaining weapons from Two great so-called Satans in Iran- Israel Contra affair
Pak is basically fighting an Indian-Iranian op to destabilize Baluchistan. This may be Irans response to Pak soldiers in Saudi-Yemen border.
Pak is basically fighting an Indian-Iranian op to destabilize Baluchistan. This may be Irans response to Pak soldiers in Saudi-Yemen border.
Not exactly the Iranian intrusion in Pak society is way back since Kheomi so-called revolution of elite,
not everything is sectarian hatred. conspiracy theories are our bread and butter that add spice to the news
but we Pakistanis excel in making claims without verification or proof.

our quality of proof or claim is as good as Iranian quality of proof that we are supporting funding and training the Jundullah against them.

some chain of events that may or may not be related give some strength to suspicions and the truth lies somewhere in between. our mutual relations with Iran are much better than Afghanistan. there are mutual misgivings but its everyone's guess that how far these misgivings go.
are we willing to support Jundullah to terrorize Iranians? I don't think so. we even refused to fight for UAE/ KSA campaign in Yemen let alone allow KSA or UAE or America to fund Jundullah and use our territory against Iran.

is Iran a suspect because it has business partnership in Chabahar with India? I hope not. because by that rule UAE is also our enemy for having 33% Hindu population and having billions of dollar worth of partnership with India.

there have been some "incidents" inside Iran where BLA members met unnatural end and those repeated incidents couldn't happen without local support. But I am not really sure how Iranian regime works. if it has indeed selected us for its proxy war then its a matter of concern.
our operations will be a temporary fix. our political leadership and foreign affairs personnel have to find a permanent and ever lasting solution and peace.

but I have my doubts. I would like to congratulate our foreign affairs ministry for only leaving China as a friendly neighbor and I am sure that given its performance I might see in my life time when Chinese wont be that charitable to us either. And of course our "punjabi" army will take entire blame and our own Pakistani nationals elite club of twitter and facebook will lead the charge on our army.

I really enjoy reading your posts. Well informed and balanced. +1
I really enjoy reading your posts. Well informed and balanced. +1

funny part is I am seen as less enthusiastic on launching a can of whoop *** on Iran by my armchair commanders

there are some who see through my heart and alledge that I an undercover agent of Ayatullahs and have a secret wireless set linked to top Iranian Mullahs toilet to give my reports whenever he comes to take a dump.

Iranians on the other hand see me as secret lover of Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan.
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