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Major Gaurav Arya's SECOND OPEN LETTER to Kashmiri Youths

It is VERY reassuring to know that inspite of all the abuse that is hurled on the
Indian Army by Kashmirs ; Pakistanis AND INDIAN Leftists liberals ( bleeding hearts)

Our Army is stead fast in its resolve

After a while it stops being steadfast resolve and starts to become stupid, cruel and the basis of legitimate hatred of a occupier
I dont see anything wrong with his letters

His first Letter was addressed to all Wanna be Burhan Wanis
who were romanticing the Gun and hero worshipping Him

And the second one is adressed to all stone pelters who are dying unnecessarily

They also convey the message that India is serious and no amount of deaths will
shake our resolve

He has also shown the hypocricy of the Huriyat ; whose family members are abroad

It is VERY reassuring to know that inspite of all the abuse that is hurled on the
Indian Army by Kashmirs ; Pakistanis AND INDIAN Leftists liberals ( bleeding hearts)

Our Army is stead fast in its resolve

While I understand your sentiments, and indeed share them as an Indian, yet we have to analyse the situation from a political point of view and not military.

Militarily we have achieved the task allotted - to bring down the level of violence to a level where a political dialogue can be sustained. This second aspect is missing

And when you post vitriolic posts, it shows a vindictive armed forces and not a professional armed forces. The day people like you understand that we have to win the psychological war, things will improve

People criticised Lt Gen SA Hasnain for his approach as 15 Corps Commander. That was because, the sycophant army ensured that when he said calibrated response, everyone did a CYA and said don't fire.

Even in LC there was a joke that you ask the commander before retaliating to provocative firing.

Get the drift?

After a while it stops being steadfast resolve and starts to become stupid,

Like your posts .....
Let me tell you the truth.
Well a person who served in the Indian Army for more than a decade will always tell the truth in a biased manner just as any one in similar position from Pakistan will... I would appreciated if a Kashmiri Indian soldier would have written it. Well, maybe he is...can any body confirm...
Although the ground realities differ then what is told in the letter, I hope that innocent civilians are not targeted in response to the Kashmir chaos...which unfortunately, is happening, but many Indians do not accept...
While I understand your sentiments, and indeed share them as an Indian, yet we have to analyse the situation from a political point of view and not military.

Militarily we have achieved the task allotted - to bring down the level of violence to a level where a political dialogue can be sustained. This second aspect is missing

And when you post vitriolic posts, it shows a vindictive armed forces and not a professional armed forces. The day people like you understand that we have to win the psychological war, things will improve

People criticised Lt Gen SA Hasnain for his approach as 15 Corps Commander. That was because, the sycophant army ensured that when he said calibrated response, everyone did a CYA and said don't fire.

Even in LC there was a joke that you ask the commander before retaliating to provocative firing.

Get the drift?

First Question : what is CYA

Secondly do you really think that there is ANY political solution

Let us examine the so called political demands

1 Demilitarisation
2 Withdrawl of AFSPA ; public safety act
3 Talk to Pakistan
4 Give them Pre 1953 status

There is NO question of accepting any of these demands

Demilitarisation or withdrawl of AFSPA will create an Uncontrollable Military situation
when One million people will march into Srinagar and occupy all Government buildings

Now Thirdly why should we Talk to Pakistan -- no need

Fourth if we start " DISPENSING AUTONOMY " -- all states will demand it

What is so special about Kashmiri Autonomy

Already Indians are NOT allowed to settle down in Kashmir -- THAT is enough PRIVILEGE
for Kashmiris


Rest you have written is bullcr@p too.

Go share these lies and rubbish to some RSS and BJP fool. :)

The whole WORLD knows this ; accepts this

You can keep living in DENIAL
We have WON all the FOUR wars with Pakistan

That is what matters

We have THAT PART of KASHMIR which you WANT

In 1947 Pakistan had nothing, yet we went into Kashmir, opened a direct link to China that now forms a corner stone of our foreign policy and blocked india permanently from Central Asia, Afghanistan and beyond, this made Pakistan the basis of CPEC and gave us our strategic position.
If india still had Kashmir it would be the center with a direct link in all directions

In 1965, you were losing badly in Kashmir against a country 7 times smaller, so you panicked and opened up a front near Lahore, when We never had a war or issue except for Kashmir, but your forces after entering Pakistan were brutalised

In 1971 you involved yourself in a civil war 1000 miles from Pakistan, Bangladesh is still Muslim

In Kargil, your forces were defeated and ran allowing Pakistan to occupy land.
Only indian Randi rona to the USA and the world meant pressure was put on Pakistani government who immediately ceased all supportfor the invasion th7s leaving the indians to mop up unsupported soldiers.

Your military history is pathetic and I dont mean the last thousand years, but you have come to blows with a country 7 times smaller and still not overcome them and now we have 200 nuclear war heads

All this animosity
All this emnity
All started because of your occupation of Kashmir

And we hate you for it, Pakistan is growing and with our allies we will become ever stronger with a goal to hurt, block, counter India and all because of your denial of the Kashmiris rights to freedom
response is overwhelming! pappu should also start writing letters!
badass letter by the way... very cold tone!
In 1947 Pakistan had nothing, yet we went into Kashmir, opened a direct link to China that now forms a corner stone of our foreign policy and blocked india permanently from Central Asia, Afghanistan and beyond, this made Pakistan the basis of CPEC and gave us our strategic position.
If india still had Kashmir it would be the center with a direct link in all directions

In 1965, you were losing badly in Kashmir against a country 7 times smaller, so you panicked and opened up a front near Lahore, when We never had a war or issue except for Kashmir, but your forces after entering Pakistan were brutalised

In 1971 you involved yourself in a civil war 1000 miles from Pakistan, Bangladesh is still Muslim

In Kargil, your forces were defeated and ran allowing Pakistan to occupy land.
Only indian Randi rona to the USA and the world meant pressure was put on Pakistani government who immediately ceased all supportfor the invasion th7s leaving the indians to mop up unsupported soldiers.

Your military history is pathetic and I dont mean the last thousand years, but you have come to blows with a country 7 times smaller and still not overcome them and now we have 200 nuclear war heads

All this animosity
All this emnity
All started because of your occupation of Kashmir

And we hate you for it, Pakistan is growing and with our allies we will become ever stronger with a goal to hurt, block, counter India and all because of your denial of the Kashmiris rights to freedom

You are FULLY entitled to all your DELUSIONS

The whole world KNOWS the REALITY

pappu should also start writing letters!

Pappu is learning nursery rhymes and watching Cartoons
First Question : what is CYA

Cover Your A$$!!

Secondly do you really think that there is NO political solution

There is no political initiative to reach a solution. Military was supposed to create an environment to facilitate that, it has achieved the desired levels.

Let us examine the so called political demands

1 Demilitarisation
2 Withdrawl of AFSPA ; public safety act
3 Talk to Pakistan
4 Give them Pre 1953 status

There is NO question of accepting any of these demands

This is where I say, Indians need to broaden their horizons ..... you are talking to a guy who has been there and done that, so do understand that I speak with experience.

There is no question of demilitarisation without a political settlement. No one calls for that. Neither I nor @Joe Shearer have ever said that in any forum. What is needed is to demarcate the roles of the forces. To upgrade the capability of the JKP and CAPFs for better crowd control and management with non lethal yet effective strategies. That shall entail a radical changeover in policing training and training of the officer cadre as also augmenting and changeover of the existing crowd control methods. Pellet guns don't control - they inflame.

AFSPA will remain till as such time armed forces remain. Nothing to discuss on that.

Talk to Pakistan - yes it is required. Until and unless you reach a political settlement in terms of either firming up the LC as a new IB or take some decisive steps to get back Pakistani Kashmir, the whole exercise remains futile.

Pre-1953?? Things have moved on ..

Now coming back to what is meant by political initiatives. You need to strengthen the governance, that is the first and foremost requirement.

You need to get back those who left valley (Kashmir Pandits) as also provide a secure environment for their settlement.

These are the two strong initiatives required. In addition, you need to reach a settlement with Pakistan on Kashmri one way or the other.[/QUOTE]

ALready Indians are NOT allowed to settle down in Kashmir -- THAT is enough PRIVILEGE

I can't buy land in HP, Sikkim, NE, Uttarakhand ..... there it is ... nothing special about J&K ... why are you so hell bent on making it special?

Well a person who served in the Indian Army for more than a decade will always tell the truth in a biased manner just as any one in similar position from Pakistan will... I would appreciated if a Kashmiri Indian soldier would have written it. Well, maybe he is...can any body confirm...
Although the ground realities differ then what is told in the letter, I hope that innocent civilians are not targeted in response to the Kashmir chaos...which unfortunately, is happening, but many Indians do not accept...


Secondly, there is no innocent on the street ...... the innocent are off the street .....

In a democracy, the state is the only legitimate body allowed to be violent ... rest all are antinational.
You are FULLY entitled to all your DELUSIONS

The whole world KNOWS the REALITY

Except when the world asks,
If India is 7 times bigger then Pakistan and won all the wars, how come Pakistan is still standing and in control of Azad Kashmir?
Cover Your A$$!!

There is no political initiative to reach a solution. Military was supposed to create an environment to facilitate that, it has achieved the desired levels.

This is where I say, Indians need to broaden their horizons ..... you are talking to a guy who has been there and done that, so do understand that I speak with experience.

There is no question of demilitarisation without a political settlement. No one calls for that. Neither I nor @Joe Shearer have ever said that in any forum. What is needed is to demarcate the roles of the forces. To upgrade the capability of the JKP and CAPFs for better crowd control and management with non lethal yet effective strategies. That shall entail a radical changeover in policing training and training of the officer cadre as also augmenting and changeover of the existing crowd control methods. Pellet guns don't control - they inflame.

AFSPA will remain till as such time armed forces remain. Nothing to discuss on that.

Talk to Pakistan - yes it is required. Until and unless you reach a political settlement in terms of either firming up the LC as a new IB or take some decisive steps to get back Pakistani Kashmir, the whole exercise remains futile.

Pre-1953?? Things have moved on ..

Now coming back to what is meant by political initiatives. You need to strengthen the governance, that is the first and foremost requirement.

You need to get back those who left valley (Kashmir Pandits) as also provide a secure environment for their settlement.

These are the two strong initiatives required. In addition, you need to reach a settlement with Pakistan on Kashmri one way or the other.

I can't buy land in HP, Sikkim, NE, Uttarakhand ..... there it is ... nothing special about J&K ... why are you so hell bent on making it special?

All these points have been discussed at various levels in the Government and outside
too by hundreds of experts ; journalists ; analysts ; think tanks

The BOTTOM line is the Kashmiri people's Obsession with Pakistan
And Pakistan's obsession with Kashmir

Hence there is no solution

The Kashmiris will keep suffering as long as they desire to join Pakistan

Indian Army has categorically refused moving out of Siachen

Will they accept anything that DILUTES India's Hold on Kashmir
In 1947 Pakistan had nothing, yet we went into Kashmir, opened a direct link to China that now forms a corner stone of our foreign policy and blocked india permanently from Central Asia, Afghanistan and beyond, this made Pakistan the basis of CPEC and gave us our strategic position.
If india still had Kashmir it would be the center with a direct link in all directions

In 1965, you were losing badly in Kashmir against a country 7 times smaller, so you panicked and opened up a front near Lahore, when We never had a war or issue except for Kashmir, but your forces after entering Pakistan were brutalised

In 1971 you involved yourself in a civil war 1000 miles from Pakistan, Bangladesh is still Muslim

In Kargil, your forces were defeated and ran allowing Pakistan to occupy land.
Only indian Randi rona to the USA and the world meant pressure was put on Pakistani government who immediately ceased all supportfor the invasion th7s leaving the indians to mop up unsupported soldiers.

Your military history is pathetic and I dont mean the last thousand years, but you have come to blows with a country 7 times smaller and still not overcome them and now we have 200 nuclear war heads

All this animosity
All this emnity
All started because of your occupation of Kashmir

And we hate you for it, Pakistan is growing and with our allies we will become ever stronger with a goal to hurt, block, counter India and all because of your denial of the Kashmiris rights to freedom

Says a man sitting snug in UK ... you guys tickle me!!

All these points have been discussed at various levels in the Government and outside
too by hundreds of experts ; journalists ; analysts ; think tanks

The BOTTOM line is the Kashmiri people's Obsession with Pakistan
And Pakistan's obsession with Kashmir

Hence there is no solution

The Kashmiris will keep suffering as long as they desire to join Pakistan

Spoken like a true thick head "Patriot" in India (no offence, i respect your patriotism) ....I give up

Before I do, will only say one thing. You need to win this war psychologically and perceptually. We are trying it but messing up the execution.

The only way Kashmir can be decided is through strengthening of democracy and freedom of a citizen as guaranteed under Constitution of India. Violence by Kashmiris achieves nothing, but that does not mean the state should exact retribution also.

That Article 1.1 of the same is inviolable is but a given .....

Between these two .. there is tremendous scope to work out a solution ....
Whats the point??

Summary, "Interestingly, there were some very intelligent and well thought through opinions and voices from Kashmir, who while condemning the violence by state agencies, also condemned the violence perpetrated by the Hurriyat and local leaders, including militants.

Many left leaning opinions pointed out that the Indian Army was an occupation force and was murdering Kashmiris.

Then why is the army there in Kashmir? The militant dimensions of the entire Kashmir problem are artificially manufactured by Pakistan and its "deep state" agencies.

The Kashmir issue was and remains primarily a political problem, but Pakistan has left no stone unturned in making it a military flashpoint.

Four wars and two insurgencies have proved beyond doubt that Pakistan is militarily inferior to India.

You, my Kashmiri brothers and sisters, are part of the strategic depth plan of the Pakistan Army.

That was not a resounding success because Kashmiris did not fight with the ruthless abandon of the Afghans and they still thought of the Kashmir issue as a political dispute.

As a next step, Pakistan sent in Afghan and Punjabi fighters into Kashmir.

Those fighting against the Indian Army became Mujahideen (holy warriors) and the fight itself became Jihad (holy war).

Why would a mob deliberately take a 5-year-old child to throw stones at a security force picket? They accept money from Pakistan's ISI to formant trouble in Kashmir.

And that is why the military solution to the Kashmir problem (otherwise political) lies in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Someone from Kashmir wrote a response to my article and mentioned about how he was slapped by the security forces when he was just ten.

Kashmir's "azaadi" sponsors, Pakistan, have very low international credibility.

The primary (and only) supporter of Kashmir's secession from India is a nuclear proliferator, a global leader in exporting terrorism and an international migraine.

Pakistan wants a referendum in Kashmir.

Are Kashmiris really so naive as to believe that IF Kashmir achieves this so-called "azaadi", Pakistan will quietly step back and allow Kashmir to be independent? Has Pakistan crushed the aspirations of Punjabis, Sindhis, Baluchis, Pashtun, Hazaras and other citizens of Pakistan for 70 years so that Kashmiris can walk into the sunset with music playing in the background? The primary solution of the Kashmir issue is political."
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