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Major Gaurav Arya's SECOND OPEN LETTER to Kashmiri Youths

You are his spiritual followers. He failed. And so would you

No we wont ; because Dyer was fighting for protecting his RULE in a DISTANT LAND
to which he had No connection

We are fighting for our own HISTORICAL LAND

What a dumbass trilogy so far.

Stupid letter by the officer, an equally stupid response by the the kashmiri (he was off on facts) and again a stupid letter ...

Why-- what happened
No we wont ; because Dyer was fighting for protecting his RULE in a DISTANT LAND
to which he had No connection

We are fighting for our own HISTORICAL LAND

Yes you will. You have lost a lot of historical land. Same would happen here too.

His first letter was weak on intellectual arguments, came out as a bluster. To that, another useless letter was posted as a response. Now this. What is the objective?

He is satisfying a certain population that is low on intellect and high on nationalism. He is successful in that. :)
His first letter was weak on intellectual arguments, came out as a bluster. To that, another useless letter was posted as a response. Now this. What is the objective?

So please why dont you write one

Yes you will. You have lost a lot of historical land. Same would happen here too.

NO it Wont
Kashmiris dont want dark foreign hindus in their land or oppressing them,

Why should they just accept subjugation by foreigners

I am not sure why indians think a letter written by a enemy soldier will convince them otherwise
You are his spiritual followers. He failed. And so would you.
The other day one of your pakistani fellow was calling Udham singh who killed general Dyer a terrorist.Why the double standards.
So please why dont you write one

Really? Am sure you also have been in the same boots (seeing your grasp of things across forum am assuming so).. so analyse the objective of the letter. Does it make any sense? Or would it rather make sense to address it to politicians who have a nice cozy nexus in valley with separatists? I really would like to know your views on that!

Also, would you not be in the same predicament if you had such a heavy military presence with some unsavoury characters in your household for years? Am sure you would. I certainly would be pissed off.
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Kashmiris dont want dark foreign hindus in their land or oppressing them,

Why should they just accept subjugation by foreigners

I am not sure why indians think a letter written by a enemy soldier will convince them otherwise

What matters is what Indians want

Kashmiri wishes do not matter

Yes it will. You are already mentally prepared for it thanks to the history.

You should look at your own history of separation and your own map of 14 AUG 1947

Our territory AFTER 15 August 1947 has INCREASED

We have got Hyderabad ; Junagarh ; KASHMIR ; GOA and SIKKIM

And we also took your FRIEND's Southern TIBET
The other day one of your pakistani fellow was calling Udham singh who killed general Dyer a terrorist.Why the double standards.

I don't care who says who what! TOday Dyer is spiritual leader of India. That's what matters!!
This idiot think Kashmiris read such idiotic letter.
This major needs to get mature and grow up.
You should look at your own history of separation and your own map of 14 AUG 1947

Our territory AFTER 15 August 1947 has INCREASED

We have got Hyderabad ; Junagarh ; KASHMIR ; GOA and SIKKIM

And we also took your FRIEND's Southern TIBET

We took AJK and GB. We got Gwadar from Oman. And lol at we took South Tibet from China. They declared ceasefire themselves after capturing all the area that they claimed at that time. They could have captured Arunachal Pardesh too. But declared ceasefire before that.
Really? Am sure you also have been in the same boots .. so analyse the objective of the letter. Does it make any sense? Or would it rathe make sense to address it to politicians who have a nice cozy nexus in valley with separatists? I really would like to know your views on that!

Also, would you not be in the same predicament if you had such a heavy military presence with some unsavoury characters in your household for years? Am sure you would. I certainly would be pissed off.

I dont see anything wrong with his letters

His first Letter was addressed to all Wanna be Burhan Wanis
who were romanticing the Gun and hero worshipping Him

And the second one is adressed to all stone pelters who are dying unnecessarily

They also convey the message that India is serious and no amount of deaths will
shake our resolve

He has also shown the hypocricy of the Huriyat ; whose family members are abroad

It is VERY reassuring to know that inspite of all the abuse that is hurled on the
Indian Army by Kashmirs ; Pakistanis AND INDIAN Leftists liberals ( bleeding hearts)

Our Army is stead fast in its resolve
What matters is what Indians want

Kashmiri wishes do not matter

Of course they matter, they are the people of Kashmir

And they should have a democratic right to determine their future

Instead we have foreign dark hindus occupying and oppressing the people and then claiming to be the world's largest democracy
We took AJK and GB. We got Gwadar from Oman. And lol at took South Tibet from China. They declared ceasefire themselves after capturing all the area that they claimed at that time. They could have captured Arunachal Pardesh too. But declared ceasefire before that.

We have WON all the FOUR wars with Pakistan

That is what matters

We have THAT PART of KASHMIR which you WANT
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