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Major difference between China meritocracy and many other autocratic countries.

You live in America and as such I expect you develop critical thinking. Ok I wouldn’t call you as a complete idiot.
There is no perfect government system in the world. Humans are the weakness. If there is no human every system is perfect.
Democracy in ideal form has the best system. It implements division of powers, check and balance, limited terms for politics, government controlled by the opposition.
Who controls Ccp? Who controls the chinese government? Who controls Xi Jingping? Nobody. They are God.
W Bush went to war in Iraq due to WMD but no WMD was found. Over 4000 Americans died and many more maimed. The US treasury drained. Iraq as a country destroyed and million displaced and handed over to Iran which is now US's new enemy.

Is W Bush accountable ?
W Bush went to war in Iraq due to WMD but no WMD was found. Over 4000 Americans died and many more maimed. The US treasury drained. Iraq as a country destroyed and million displaced and handed over to Iran which is now US's new enemy.

Is W Bush accountable ?
Depending on from where you look at. From the US view he is an innocent man because he does not violate US laws. From other perspective he clearly waged a war of aggression against Iraq under a false pretext.
Depending on from where you look at. From the US view he is an innocent man because he does not violate US laws. From other perspective he clearly waged a war of aggression against Iraq under a false pretext.
So who is accountable ?

Remember. Over 4000 Americans died and many more maimed. The US treasury drained. That's a crime of epic proportion.
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So who is accountable ?

Remember. Over 4000 Americans died and many more maimed. The US treasury drained. That's a crime of apix proportion.


United States has no will nor ability to reform their political system for quite a few decades. Not because United States are lack of intelligent people, but because every empire will explode by selfish, greed, immoral elites.

The expansionists of United States bring death and bomb all over the world, and call it the 3rd Wave of Democracy.

The so called American Dream is base on
  1. Extinction of Native Americans.
  2. Unlimited resource for the population in 18th-19th century.
  3. Safety environment protected by Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Now, with Coronavirus, we see clearer how flawed the American political system is, and how brainwashed their people are.
The survival of a country not only depends on their political system stability, but also the international environment and capability.

In a Jungle World Order, which is the current international system, there is no pacifier, no authority, every countries depends on themselves only. The capability to reform and resolve their social issues, improvement of living standard, defense and unity are the key for survival.

Can current western one man one vote system deliver that? Quite questionable.
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United States has no will nor ability to reform their political system for quite a few decades. Not because United States are lack of intelligent people, but because every empire will explode by selfish, greed, immoral elites.

The expansionists of United States bring death and bomb all over the world, and call it the 3rd Wave of Democracy.

The so called American Dream is base on
  1. Extinction of Native Americans.
  2. Unlimited resource for the population in 18th-19th century.
  3. Safety environment protected by Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Now, with Coronavirus, we see clearer how flawed the American political system is, and how brainwashed their people are.
The survival of a country not only depends on their political system stability, but also the international environment and capability.

In a Jungle World Order, which is the current international system, there is no pacifier, no authority, every countries depends on themselves only. The capability to reform and resolve their social issues, improvement of living standard, defense and unity are the key for survival.

Can current western one man one vote system deliver that? Quite questionable.
American two party state Electoral Democracy has reached its level of incompetence.
Anti Corruption China model vs Western model
Corruption is a lethal disease for a nation. It weaken the people's faith of the country. Corruption is the deadly real enemy of any nation.

Because the people are generally poor in developing countries, moral and self-discipline are too weak to resist the benefit of corruption. Basically almost all developing countries are deeply corrupted and that make those countries weaker and weaker. The developed countries nowadays facing the same problems due to higher Gini index and moral degeneration.

My personal view: The only way to jump out the trap in developing countries is strong and moral government.

Here is reason: Western political system such as Parliamentary System, Multi-party Competition and Free Media are just tools to deceive the mass, then get power and be rich. Those system gave mass a delusion that the government are "of the people, by the people, for the people", it's not.

There is only one major developing country(South Korea) become developed country after World War II, because US need the First Island Chain to contain China. Other successful stories are tiny countries.

As you can see the leaders of Indian, US and across European countries, the depth of the corruption is unimaginable. Not to mention the quality of lower ranking city mayors. There are few countries in the world which have NOT been controlled by bankers, transnational corporations. Iran and China are 2 of them.

Do you know any US congressman who is innocent? They are all corrupted.

Every single US president should go jail.
  1. Bush junior, start 2 wars with fabricated proof.
  2. Clinton and Hilary, the most corrupted US presents and family in recent decades. How many people they killed to cover their corruption?
  3. Obama, his cabin is full filled by Citigroup

The corruption depth of west countries are deeper than people usually thought.

In most countries, crony capitalism, entrenched corruption, a powerful security service and the absence of any rule of law has continued unchecked.

The Chinese model is strengthen the party discipline, centralize authority and control the level of corruption. After that you can use top down model to fix the system. It must be executed by a strong leader with allies in the system and public opinion support.
Depending on from where you look at. From the US view he is an innocent man because he does not violate US laws. From other perspective he clearly waged a war of aggression against Iraq under a false pretext.

Richard Nixon, who first bombed Vietnam before abandoning it, actually violated US law. He violated them so hard that he had to get a Presidential pardon from Gerald Ford (receiving a pardon is essentially an admission of guilt).

He was a rich and powerful man for his entire life.
Richard Nixon, who first bombed Vietnam before abandoning it, actually violated US law. He violated them so hard that he had to get a Presidential pardon from Gerald Ford (receiving a pardon is essentially an admission of guilt).

He was a rich and powerful man for his entire life.
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

He then added unequivocally: "I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter. From our point of view and from the charter point of view it was illegal."

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