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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain'

Next youll tell me Kim jong un believes were causing north koreas drout too right? When theres a secret, people will come up with any crazy explanation, and yes, I've read much about the haarp program, facts, about the program, not absurd conspired stories.

You seem like an educated Iranian, don't let the conspiracies poison you.

I never said those conspiracy theories are right, neither do I understand how the HAARP works clearly except general information that we read in high school books about Ionosphere and such limited details because my university major is not related to it, but the HAARP program has turned into a popular topic for conspiracy theorists, not only the president of Iran, not only the president of Venezuela, but many many others around the world, even inside the USA, even military professionals in Russia, etc. Now, I don't care about the HAARP at all, because whatever it is, I can't do anything about it nor do I know anything about it technically, so it's not like conspiracies poison me because I couldn't be anymore careless about it, but all I'm trying to get at is what Ahmadinejad is saying is not that funny, Ahmadinejad might look a stupid person to many, and sometimes he looks like a clown more than a president, but what Ahmadinejad says can't be rejected just because we don't believe him.
There are geoingeneering programs going on, conspiracists call them chemtrails or whatever they wanna call them, but is not only in Iran, most countries are being sprayed with stuff to modify the weather or god knows what
I never said those conspiracy theories are right, neither do I understand how the HAARP works clearly except general information that we read in high school books about Ionosphere and such limited details because my university major is not related to it, but the HAARP program has turned into a popular topic for conspiracy theorists, not only the president of Iran, not only the president of Venezuela, but many many others around the world, even inside the USA, even military professionals in Russia, etc. Now, I don't care about the HAARP at all, because whatever it is, I can't do anything about it nor do I know anything about it technically, so it's not like conspiracies poison me because I couldn't be anymore careless about it, but all I'm trying to get at is what Ahmadinejad is saying is not that funny, Ahmadinejad might look a stupid person to many, and sometimes he looks like a clown more than a president, but what Ahmadinejad says can't be rejected just because we don't believe him.
No...We reject his arguments and because they are absurd in the technical realm, we make fun of him. If we can 'steal' or deny rain from Iran, then why are we still HAARP-ing about global warming?
No...We reject his arguments and because they are absurd in the technical realm, we make fun of him. If we can 'steal' or deny rain from Iran, then why are we still HAARP-ing about global warming?

global warming has to do with depletion of ozone layer. something like HAARP won't have an effect on it
stupid claims like this really do nothing for his credibility... if he didnt make stupid comments and accusations like this.. maybe people would take him more seriously with other stuff that does make a little sense
Actually it is possible....you can reduce moisture content in the air....also in the air streams by using various compounds such as Silver Iodide (AgI).....SEARCH ARTIFICIAL RAIN......it has been used in China...for agriculture purposes.......It has been used as Environmental Warfare weapon....especially in Vietnam war....
Following are the links.......
Artificial Rain Making Technology Bbc News Report

Very true friend this technology has been in use for the past 10 yrs surprised to see ppl not aware of it.
countries which use this regularly are China USA Australia India others also use it

One of the main side effects of this is drying up of nearby regions.

Guys educate yourself b4 posting.
Moments after the Iranian president made the startling claim at the inauguration of a dam in a central province, it started to rain.

I think someone stole Ahmadinejad's brain first...
Very true friend this technology has been in use for the past 10 yrs surprised to see ppl not aware of it.
countries which use this regularly are China USA Australia India others also use it

One of the main side effects of this is drying up of nearby regions.

Guys educate yourself b4 posting.
Maybe you're right. Maybe there is this "technology" that can change the weather. Maybe we are even using it against Iran. Even so, how many people do you think actually believe this in total? Not very many, as youve already stated. And being the leader of a country with millions of citizens, you dont make crazy claims no one has heard about without backing them up with facts. That is, you don't make said claims unless you're a crazy person...
Maybe you're right. Maybe there is this "technology" that can change the weather. Maybe we are even using it against Iran. Even so, how many people do you think actually believe this in total? Not very many, as youve already stated. And being the leader of a country with millions of citizens, you dont make crazy claims no one has heard about without backing them up with facts. That is, you don't make said claims unless you're a crazy person...

You dont get it , the people who do matter will believe it
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