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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain'


Feb 13, 2010
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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain' - Telegraph

Moments after the Iranian president made the startling claim at the inauguration of a dam in a central province, it started to rain.

"Western countries have designed plans to cause drought in certain areas of the world, including Iran," Mr Ahmadinejad said in the city of Arak in Markazi province.

"According to reports on climate, whose accuracy has been verified, European countries are using special equipment to force clouds to dump" their water on their continent, he said.

By doing so, "they prevent rain clouds from reaching regional countries, including Iran," Mr Ahmadinejad charged.

Iran has experienced several droughts in recent years.

Mr Ahmadinejad also recalled an article by "a Western politician," whom he did not identify, in which "droughts in some regions spanning from Turkey and Iran to east of Asia are predicted for the next 30 years."

"The regions (referred to in) the article ... include countries whose culture and civilisation frighten the West," Mr Ahmadinejad said in support of his argument.

Iranian leaders claim on a daily basis that Western countries, led by arch-foe United States, devise "plots" to undermine the Islamic republic and to impede its economic and scientific development.

They also accuse world powers of colluding against Iran's national unity, independence, political establishment, culture as well as international relations.

Mr Ahmadinejad is involved in an unprecedented power struggle with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He recently refused to obey orders handed down by Ayatollah Khamenei less than two years after the pair formed a powerful political alliance to defeat anti-regime protests that swept the country.

Typical persian hypocrisy of blaming it on others. My ex-boss was Indio-Persian and used the same lame excuses all the time..even if it made him look like an !
Typical persian hypocrisy of blaming it on others. My ex-boss was Indio-Persian and used the same lame excuses all the time..even if it made him look like an !

Be quiet you racist piece of trash. You put the name Muslim on yourself and associate yourself with the Sunnah and yet hatred and racism is deep rooted in your existence. You are the one who reeks of hypocrisy. There is a place reserved for the like of you in the depths of hell.
Be quiet you racist piece of trash. You put the name Muslim on yourself and associate yourself with the Sunnah and yet hatred and racism is deep rooted in your existence. You are the one who reeks of hypocrisy. There is a place reserved for the like of you in the depths of hell.

I guess this is going to be "All make fun of iranians" thread. But seriously what was he thinking when he said that?
Why does he makes crazy statements, does it make him more popular?
lol.. i like his style! this guy doesn't give a rats @$$ to those bully boys!! doesn't matter whether there is any truth to what he says, still he has this audacity to challenge those who pursue him with contempt!!
I guess this is going to be "All make fun of iranians" thread. But seriously what was he thinking when he said that?
Why does he makes crazy statements, does it make him more popular?

Why don't you ask him next time you see him? The guy probably has a few eccentric ideas. But what's certain is that he's not losing any sleep over getting a 'good boy' pat on the back from anybody. And that's more than can be said about your leaders.
we are civilians and we don't know what kind of secret technologies countries have. he being a head of a state may know things which we find unbelievable but that doesn't mean he is wrong.

Typical persian hypocrisy of blaming it on others. My ex-boss was Indio-Persian and used the same lame excuses all the time..even if it made him look like an !

somebozo, how can someone be indio-persian? is he a parsi from india?
Western countries have designed plans to cause drought in certain areas of the world, including Iran," Mr Ahmadinejad said in the city of Arak in Markazi province.
I laughed, then stopped reading.
The AntiChrist (Dajjal) will have the premission to control the weather.
It's just me or Ahmadinejad became a fan of conspiracy theories? First he talked about the 9/11 being a false flag op (which may be true) and now this. At this rate I guess that he will end up giving a medal to Alex Jones.
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