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Maharashtra: Dead bodies of Coronavirus patients to be cremated irrespective of their religion

Nilu Pule

Mar 23, 2018
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The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation commissioner Praveen Pardeshi today issued a directive mandating cremation of dead bodies of Coronavirus patients regardless of their religion as one of the containment measures to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus in Mumbai.

In a circular issued regarding the “Disposal of Dead bodies of Covid-19”, the city civic body decreed that all those who have died of COVID-19 will be cremated irrespective of their religion, strongly advising against following the rituals that entail touching of the dead body. The edict read that the order was taken after it was brought to the notice of Commissioner Pardeshi that all the burial grounds in the city were located in highly dense localities with a high risk of contamination of dense community/residential areas in the vicinity.

Notice by Municipal Corporation
In addition, the circular also highlighted that the burial of a body packed in a plastic bag delays early decomposition of the body and poses a threat of further transmission of the virus. The notice called upon the Assistant Commissioners to inform about the same to local leaders, adding that the funeral for the deceased should not involve more than 5 people.

Read: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak: 12 members of Maharashtra family test positive, 4 of them had returned from Haj

It also instructed the hospital authority to inform the local police station before handing over the body to the relatives, contingent upon the confirmation received from the family members of abiding by the above instructions.

The notice also added that if someone is insistent on burying the dead body of a COVID-19 patient, he will be permitted only if the dead body is taken out of the Mumbai city’s jurisdiction in a burial ground and transport and other arrangements are made by the same person, following all the mandated guidelines and advised precautions as given for the disposal of dead bodies of Covid-19 patients.


Order withdrawn under pressure from Muslim groups. Read tweet of Nawab Malik.
no....there is just some change.

BMC Commissioner Praveen Pardeshi, on Monday ordered that all 'bodies must be cremated irrespective of religion', but later added allowed burials with condition
Issuing a new directive regarding the disposal of dead bodies of Coronavirus (COVID-19), BMC Commissioner Praveen Pardeshi, on Monday ordered that all 'bodies must be cremated irrespective of religion'. He further stated that burials must not be allowed as they 'risk continuing the virus' and prevents early decomposition. Moreover, the BMC also stated that funerals must not have more than 5 people and if one insists on burying, it must be taken outside Mumbai's jurisdiction.

All the dead because of Corona should be cremated because only point which has established yet is the virus gets neutralized in fire. There is no research or scientific study done about how long it can survive it buried or if body left to decompose through natural process.

I know it is hard to read or against cultural practices of some, but until the whole biology of the virus is not studied and scientifically proven, only the proven method should be followed irrespective of the religion.

Please note, even in Hindu religion, the cremating happens with lots of people and in wood pyre, which is not going to be the case in this kind of cremation, hence there is no reason to consider it as a decision for or against any particular religion.
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