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Made in KSA

A tool to pull the Harpoon missile..
The price of the tool externally (SR 35,000) thousand riyals has been localized and now costs (SR 3,000)!


The cannon plate imported must be changed every 120 rounds, now it is being locally manufactured and developed by the Saudi United Company _Technology_ Welding _ Ltd. It works with quality and efficiency for more than (400 rounds)..


The head of the Information Technology Department (John Larson) at the University of King Abdullah said that in next four years we will replace our super computer Shahin_2 with shahin_3 that will be two thousand times faster..

A huge achievement for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the formation of the best military industrial base in the region:

- Saudi Arabia Produces Unmanned CH-4/5 and Saqr 1 UAVs

- It makes 35% of the F-15SA fighter ..And upgrades the F-15S to SA Block

- It makes military and civilian transport, reconnaissance and EW aircrafts locally with Antonov

- Helicopters: Blackhawk transport and combat

- Manufacture of armored and anti-mine vehicles: Al-Masmak - Tawwik - Salman Al-Hazm - and Al-Kabal 3/2

- Making Radars, electronics, targeting pods, bombs, missiles and parts of the AMRAAM air-to-air missiles

- Manufacture of 85% ammunition and spare parts representing 90% of the needs of the armed forces..

- The manufacture of Russian weapons.. S-400 parts, Rocket launchers TOS-1, Cornet ATGM, Grenade launchers and Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns..

* Not bad for base as a start..
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Wow Congratulations to Saudi Arabia. May Saudi Arabia reach ever new heights.
i have a feeling that saudi realize that you can,t simple win a war only buying high tech weapons from others. to win a war you should built weapons by your self, what ever it can be a rock.....still it,s batter for long term project. now so many news coming about ksa - israel relation, and we all muslim pdf members ar booing KSA. But the botom line is evey one is for his own. If israel help KSA to build there own weapon industries then i have no problem with that. who am i to judge? because i have no idea about them.......:agree:
i hope May-be one day KSA will start serial production of 100% indiginous fighter jet, satalite etc etc. good luck to our KSA brother...........:enjoy:
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i have a feeling that saudi realize that you can,t simple win a war only buying high tech weapons from others. to win a war you should built weapons by your self, what ever it can be a rock.....still it,s batter for long term project. now so many news coming about ksa - israel relation, and we all muslim pdf members ar booing KSA. But the botom line is evey one is for his own. If israel help KSA to build there own weapon industries then i have no problem with that. who am i to judge? because i have no idea about them.......:agree:
i hope May-be one day KSA will start serial production of 100% indiginous fighter jet, satalite etc etc. good luck to our KSA brother...........:enjoy:
No need for Usrael, it is the US, Russia, South Korea and China who are helping KSA build its Military and civilian Industrial complex.. But it is the US mainly, the same US who has helped _still helping_ Usrael build its military industry..
Those claims about relations between KSA and Usraerl are mostly propaganda and false rumours.. Saudi Arabia will never recognize Usrael before the latter agrees on a Palestinian nation..you can be sure of that..the rest is pure speculation and wishful thinking on the part of some Zionist media..
A huge achievement for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the formation of the best military industrial base in the region:

- Saudi Arabia Produces Unmanned CH-4/5 and Saqr 1 UAVs

- It makes 35% of the F-15SA fighter ..And upgrades the F-15S to SA Block

- It makes military and civilian transport, reconnaissance and EW aircrafts locally with Antonov

- Helicopters: Blackhawk transport and combat

- Manufacture of armored and anti-mine vehicles: Al-Masmak - Tawwik - Salman Al-Hazm - and Al-Kabal 3/2

- Making Radars, electronics, targeting pods, bombs, missiles and parts of the AMRAAM air-to-air missiles

- Manufacture of 85% ammunition and spare parts representing 90% of the needs of the armed forces..

- The manufacture of Russian weapons.. S-400 parts, Rocket launchers TOS-1, Cornet ATGM, Grenade launchers and Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns..

* Not bad for base as a start..

Impressive indeed bro. Much more to come.

i have a feeling that saudi realize that you can,t simple win a war only buying high tech weapons from others. to win a war you should built weapons by your self, what ever it can be a rock.....still it,s batter for long term project. now so many news coming about ksa - israel relation, and we all muslim pdf members ar booing KSA. But the botom line is evey one is for his own. If israel help KSA to build there own weapon industries then i have no problem with that. who am i to judge? because i have no idea about them.......:agree:
i hope May-be one day KSA will start serial production of 100% indiginous fighter jet, satalite etc etc. good luck to our KSA brother...........:enjoy:

Thank you for the warm words bro and well wishes. Appreciated. However you are very wrong when it comes to Israel. As far as I can see Israel has nothing to offer KSA that our allies and possibly new partners cannot offer. The only thing that I can think of is Israel's success (partially) of combating desertification and their Unit 8200. Of course nobody is going to deny that Israelis have done well when it comes to science compared to their population (let's not forget Western support here) but we can/should only cooperate with them once trust has been established and once the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been solved or some kind of solution has been reached.

Best wishes to Bangladesh as well and I look forward to increased KSA (Arab in general) and Bangladeshi cooperation.

Anyway with hard work, dedication, good planning, unity, money and reachable goals in front of you anything is possible. KSA has all the ingredients to kickstart something very positive. It has already happened.
A tool to pull the Harpoon missile..
The price of the tool externally (SR 35,000) thousand riyals has been localized and now costs (SR 3,000)!

You know, it really doesn't take much to build a wheeled missile stand with a jack. This is like a no-brainer because of the level of ease it takes to make those, and those who build them and sell them charge 1500% over manufacturing cost.

The cannon plate imported must be changed every 120 rounds, now it is being locally manufactured and developed by the Saudi United Company _Technology_ Welding _ Ltd. It works with quality and efficiency for more than (400 rounds)..

Superb. Now they can sell them and at least break even, if not profit on them.

- Manufacture of 85% ammunition and spare parts representing 90% of the needs of the armed forces..

That is outstanding.
A huge achievement for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the formation of the best military industrial base in the region:

- Saudi Arabia Produces Unmanned CH-4/5 and Saqr 1 UAVs

- It makes 35% of the F-15SA fighter ..And upgrades the F-15S to SA Block

- It makes military and civilian transport, reconnaissance and EW aircrafts locally with Antonov

- Helicopters: Blackhawk transport and combat

- Manufacture of armored and anti-mine vehicles: Al-Masmak - Tawwik - Salman Al-Hazm - and Al-Kabal 3/2

- Making Radars, electronics, targeting pods, bombs, missiles and parts of the AMRAAM air-to-air missiles

- Manufacture of 85% ammunition and spare parts representing 90% of the needs of the armed forces..

- The manufacture of Russian weapons.. S-400 parts, Rocket launchers TOS-1, Cornet ATGM, Grenade launchers and Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns..

* Not bad for base as a start..

Regarding the aircraft and armoured vehicles, do you mean local assembly or full production of parts?
KAUST Discovery Magazine

The stories highlighted within KAUST Discovery Magazine are a snapshot of the research, discovery and innovation ongoing at KAUST.

That's impressive. I hadn't heard of that aspect of Saudi Arabia. I'll see this thread regularly.

You are welcome. This thread does not do justice. You need to visit Arab military forums for weekly updates.

For instance;


The few Arab users here (the few from KSA, including me) are not experts and KSA is a notoriously secretive nation in this regard. KSA is way ahead of what is published in public, I can assure you of that.
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