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Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan

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I have been trying to email some other researchers across the world to help put my paper in arxiv.org repository as I would need sponsorship to place my paper there according to laws of arxiv.org. The purpose is to get to the right platform where broad audience would get to know the paper and possibility of plagiarism and related issues would go away. However American agencies are stopping my emails and possibly threatening some researchers abroad in order to prevent them from sponsoring me. I would try to talk to the management of arxiv.org to ask them to place the paper in their paper repository after getting it evaluated on their own.
Here is a message a black woman in United States posted on one of the mind control related forums.

[Mind Control Research Forum] Melania Trump chooses Anti-bullying as her First Lady Cause....
Sigrid Bailey sbailey18@yahoo.com [mindcontrolresearchforum] <mindcontrolresearchforum@yahoogroups.com>
18/12/16 at 5:17 PM

And as stalking is related to anti bullying, we may get some opportunities here. Maybe some TI's with good organized stalking stories approach her on this. She is especially focusing on the young, but does not say she will not consider the problems of adults.

duration: 2+ minutes

I have been reading about her suffering over past few years and I know she is a very nice, intelligent, caring and thoughtful woman as the impression I got after reading her posts. but this message made me recall the typical innocence of so many Americans and good-natured people. I heard exactly the same comments eight years ago that people thought Michelle Obama would make personal efforts to end mind-control forever. There were talk about campaigns and letters to inform Michelle Obama about the suffering of innocent civilians targeted by US defence infrastructure. In fact I also was inclined to think there might be positive outcome of all those campaigns and letters but I could not help getting amused when I read now that now victims want to approach Melania Trump and think something good is going to come out of her personal efforts to stop mind control. I do not know anything about Melania Trump at all but I could not help recalling how mind control victims were enthusiastic when Obama took office and how most of these good but gullible people continue to innocently expect that someone would actually help them now.

Since I know about Sigrid Bailey that she is a good woman, I would invite many Americans to ask why this particular citizen has been targeted. Let us find out the citeria.

Again this is typical of the expectations of the victims of mind control people. There are people who are supposedly very passionate about human rights and are considered authority in speaking against human rights abuse everywhere but once mind control victims approach them, their balloon of great huamn rights gets punctured. Bigger the talk about huamn rights, bigger this puncture. There are so many American victims writing the stories on various forums about approaching their senator or congressmen and those great politicians supposedly filled with humanity simply forward their request to FBI after listening to stories of torture. In the justice system of any country, the state infrastructure is supposed to help investigate the crime but police and FBI are actively thwart the efforts of mind control victims to find justice and do everything possible to obstruct them in getting justice. Psychiatrists are actively bribed to detain the victims of mind control abuse since sometimes the symptoms of mind diseases are similar to those symptoms created by active mind control. A good and genuine psychiatrist would easily find the difference between disease and effect of mind control activity but a malicious psychiatrist can certainly declare the victim as mentally ill and strip the individual liberties of the victim which is otherwise a grave crime.

When I was in London, I wrote about mind control torture on me on various linked in groups. Most groups allowed my posts to stay but ironically Amnesty International London removed my posts for awareness and help. The group manager had been bribed and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

Really I also used to be so naiive and when I wrote letters to American universities and put my case on internet, I was so sure that these great places will never tolerate any abuse of human rights but now I laugh at my innocence.

All major paper in London refused to help me in any way. Many Pakistani Newspapers snubbed me saying that drugging activity in Lahore city has no cause of concern for us. We are very fine with it. You go home.

There is another chinese woman who has also been vicitim of mind control for more than fifteen years. She made this site http://peacepink.ning.com/ for mind control victims. More than ten years ago when I used to read what she wrote, I Was truly inspired how clearly she expressed concerns about mind control abuse, exposed the technology, explained her suffering and appealed to compassion of other people. She truly inspired me to follow her in discussing mind control activities. But a few years ago, I realized that they had done some damage to her brain as she was claiming to be a character from bible. I was so sadly shocked to know how she had changed over the years under mind control. Incidentally, she was a Chinese student who went to study in Australia and got noticed by American mind control infrastructure. Her name on the forum is soleilmavis. If you ever read blogs on the forum, be very careful since mind control agencies pose as victims on these open forums and write bogus stories as mentally sick people so as to damage the image of everyone on that forum a trick that also works great in broader society in many countries.

Here is an article about deceptive journalism written to dupe and deceive people by interest groups who want mind control activities to continue in their favor forever. I cannot preclude the possibility that the author got bribes or favors to write a completely false story. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/11/health/gang-stalking-targeted-individuals.html?_r=0
Though it does not change my opinion about the article, it comes with a warning that one of the major contributors was a Harvard psychologist not a psychiatrist as earlier claimed in the original version of the article.
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I cannot easily understand why there were efforts to stop my paper from going to arXiv.org. I have tried to find out what the reasoning would be.

Let us put things in context. The "decomposition I used to convert a function of two or more variables into two or more terms one of which was evaluated at initial values and the other integral(s) of the appropriate derivative(s) has not been used in applied mathematics like I have suggested in my paper. Of course other people have learnt this decomposition just like I learn from so many good papers from far more brilliant authors. Now people have found that this technique can be intelligently used at many places something which is great and remarkable and all of us would like to use it every where we can. However I feel that there might be people who have learnt this decomposition and its applications and might want to present it in a broader context(which is again great and wonderful) but if they want to give credit to some original result of calculus totally bypassing my paper (and earlier public research last year) which first explored this possibility last year and gave impetus to current research, I think this would be a bit dishonest practice. I would like to write my true and honest apology to anybody who has just good intentions for mentioning this here.

Second reason I fear is that some people want to diminish the impact of my original research before somebody else would write another possibly more comprehensive paper. Since when other researchers could get to know the original research from my paper, they would be more inclined to think of various possibilities on their own based on my paper but if somebody else writes another scholarly paper even with reference to my paper, many researchers would simply get the reference to my paper after reading possibly more comprehensive paper, again diminishing the impact of my original research.

I am not trying to deter people from doing more research. In fact, I wrote several mathematica programs so that the method could be popular and everybody would use it. I welcome more research but my only request is to give me appropriate credit and not stop other researchers from helping me place my paper on arXiv.org

I am very sure that American agencies have exact record of the people who downloaded my paper. They would have done some research about who they are and where they work etc. When needed, the agencies would move their contacts possibly having authority/other relationship with these people in various countries asking those people who downloaded the research to get quiet. This is how they work many times. They do research about contacts of people and then decide which contact to move in order to manipulate/influence people who have no bad concern otherwise.
I have claimed in the past that my emails are actively stopped. In order to see how Americans respond to my efforts to give exposure to my research, let us see what American agencies do now. I am writing individual emails to non-American members of editorial board and all authors (during past three years) whose emails are provided for the top three journals related to differential equations. These are 'journal of differential equations', 'Differential Equations' and 'international journal of differential equations and applications'. Let us see if American agencies allow my emails to reach these people in next 2-3 days. These are the people who have done research in differential equations and naturally these scholars would be most interested in knowing about new research and these would be the right people to give good advice to improve the paper. It is a bit of effort to write these emails but I am sure there would be many great people who could give me the right advice.

I am not writing to Americans since I strongly believe that these agencies harass American people and ask them to not cooperate and it is better to not put many people into problems otherwise I would love writing to American researchers and discuss my research with them. These agencies, controlled by interest groups, tell completely fabricated lies to American people and then force those who do not yield to cooperate in the name of America. I would like to tell all good American that I have never in my whole life participated in any Anti-American activity and I promise and assure them that I would never participate or sympathize with any activity that hurts Americans despite my persecution by some American agencies over past eighteen years.

Let us see what happens to my emails. Do American agencies let them reach other researchers across the world or not?
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In the past few days, American agencies have hugely increased efforts to drug my food. I would like to tell friends that there are two types of drugs. The first type of drugs are the one that are freely mixed in food and water of the city, obviously wherever they can, by American agencies and people freely keep eating that food and drinking that water or beverages. There are second type of drugs that are supposed to target a particular individual and are not given to general public. Since I have been exposing the inhuman and animal tactics of US agencies, they are trying to get me somewhere and give me special drugs. Many times the purpose of these drugs and neurotransmitters is to strip the sanity of the target and make him do subhuman things like insulting other humans and saying indecent things about other people. I have been exposed to these drugs but I mostly maintained my sanity but I would become ironic and make fun of American agencies and sometimes American people for tolerating subhuman tactics of these agencies and letting them go wild across the globe. Now I believe that purpose of new invigorated efforts to drug me with special chemicals seems that I would,under influence, say something so rude and so thoroughly indecent that it would be universally presented to good people of other nations to snub them and then make sure that I must be retarded despite protest from other good people of the world.

I still think when American agencies would have failed to get the drugs into my body, the only thing they can do is to declare me mentally ill, detain me and then give me injections so that they could get desired drugs into my body. And the people of these agencies are being totally desperate since I have been openly exposing their tactics.
I had submitted my paper to arxiv.org thinking that it would get a wider audience and then there would be little chances of plagiarism or arganized and orchestrated stealing of my work by anyone since many people would get to know who did the original research. I do not know what happened. I still think that arXiv.org administration might have made a mistake but these emails describe what is going on now. Let the people think on their own what is going on.

Subject: Re: [moderation #185062] arXiv:submit/1773408 removed
From: "Ahsan Amin" <ahsan.amin@infinitiderivatives.com>
Date: Sun, January 15, 2017 4:29 am
To: moderation@arxiv.org
Cc: ahsan.amin@infinitiderivatives.com, anan2999@yahoo.com, ahsanamin2999@gmail.com
Priority: Normal
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Dear arXiv moderation,

I submitted my paper on arxiv.org on Thursady 12th January. The paper was
placed on hold for a day. On Friday evening, when I logged into my account
I noticed that the status had changed from 'on hold' to 'submitted'. When
I looked at the definition of submitted, it told me that it was on line to
appear on the next release of papers. I was thinking that the paper would
appear in arxiv.org repository on Saturday. When it did not appear on
Saturday, I logged again and realized that arxiv submission schedules had
changed and according to new schedule the submitted paper would appear on
Sunday. The status remained submitted on Saturday as well when I logged
into the account. But this Sunday morning I received this email that my
paper had been removed. I would request arxiv administration to let me
know if there is an error that paper was removed after the status on my
account showed 'submitted' for two days.

I wish you a good day.

Kind regards,

Ahsan Amin

On Sat, January 14, 2017 2:10 pm, arXiv Moderation wrote:
> Your submission has been removed. Our volunteer moderators determined
> that your article does not contain sufficient original or substantive
> research to merit inclusion within arXiv. Please note that our moderators
> are not referees and provide no reviews with such decisions. For in-depth
> reviews of your work you would have to seek feedback from another forum.
> Please do not resubmit this paper without contacting arXiv moderation and
> obtaining a positive response. Resubmission of removed papers may result
> in the loss of your submission privileges.
> For more information on our moderation policies see:
> http://arxiv.org/help/moderation
> --
> arXiv moderation
> .
In one of my previous posts, I gave example of two women who are held under active and continuous mind control. I am aware that solilmavis has been under mind control for more than a decade. I am sure there are more than a hundreds other women like that under active mind control. Now I would like to ask good and thoughtful Americans who are not in denial why these women are being persecuted. Are these women terrorists? involved in such grave anti-American activities that they had to be dealt using extra-judicial means of retarding other humans. And this activity had to continue for more than a decade. And American agencies plan that it would continue for all the life time of these women and other men under active mind control?

Such gravely dangerous anti-American terrorist women?

No because the criteria is to retard the intelligent people of other nations and Americans who disagree or belong to communities not in power. Finding neuro-transmitters that could make people succeed especially in people of other nations is a possible warrant that they would be retarded by some American agencies. These are otherwise very good human beings.

I am so thoroughly surprised how so many Americans tolerate and sympathize with people of these agencies. I think it is absolutely animal practice to retard other human beings and I would like to call such people animals since I do not want to disgrace the word human to apply to these animal people. But it still fails me to understand how these cruel and inhuman people are accepted, followed and sometimes even praised in American society. Many people approve their machinations and in fact there are a large number of American people machinating with these animals so that this cruelty on other humans could continue. Is this a failure of good elements in American society?

Again appealing to intelligence of American people, I would like to ask how reasonable it is when some agents in these intelligence agencies who would otherwise possibly be on minimum pay in their society are making upwards of 50 millions of dollars? Do you give this kind of money even to your noble prize winners who have actually served American people and broader humanity and made Americans proud. This is typical of American defence department where so many corrupt people are continuously minting money. I believe that American defence department has to defend every rightful interest of American people in the most human possible way. But his is a bloated, and corrupt enterprise that many times follows the interests of special groups even when its actions conflict with American interests. I believe that American defence department needs intelligent and good human leadership and other talent that would actually protect the right American interests without resorting to inhuman and cruel activities especially towards peaceful and good civilians of other nations.

Many times I think America is gradually moving towards the death of American dream when we see intelligent black men and women (among others) nauseating to some people in American society being retarded by these special agencies. Is this not death of American dream where many rich and powerful people or groups retard intelligent people from less privileged communities in order to keep the composition of American elite the same. I believe that this should be grave cause of concern to American people who actually care about their country whether such activities could be justified in the America they belong to. If good Americans do believe that such activities must end, they must force their government that extra-judicial retarding of Americans and foreigners, based on whims of some people who have assumed this decision making role on their own claiming they are doing it on the behalf of American people and for the good of American people, must end forever. Any such extra-judicial decision making role to retard others by some supposedly intelligent people is prone to hurt American society and rest of the world forever and I am sure most good Americans would agree that it must end.

About other things that are going on here.
I had submitted my paper to arxiv.org thinking that it would get a wider audience and then there would be little chances of plagiarism or arganized and orchestrated stealing of my work by anyone since many people would get to know who did the original research. I do not know what happened. I still think that arXiv.org administration might have made a mistake but these emails describe what is going on now. Let the people think on their own what is going on.

Subject: Re: [moderation #185062] arXiv:submit/1773408 removed
From: "Ahsan Amin" <ahsan.amin@infinitiderivatives.com>
Date: Sun, January 15, 2017 4:29 am
To: moderation@arxiv.org
Cc: ahsan.amin@infinitiderivatives.com, anan2999@yahoo.com, ahsanamin2999@gmail.com
Priority: Normal
Options: View Full Header | Print | Download this as a file
Dear arXiv moderation,

I submitted my paper on arxiv.org on Thursady 12th January. The paper was
placed on hold for a day. On Friday evening, when I logged into my account
I noticed that the status had changed from 'on hold' to 'submitted'. When
I looked at the definition of submitted, it told me that it was on line to
appear on the next release of papers. I was thinking that the paper would
appear in arxiv.org repository on Saturday. When it did not appear on
Saturday, I logged again and realized that arxiv submission schedules had
changed and according to new schedule the submitted paper would appear on
Sunday. The status remained submitted on Saturday as well when I logged
into the account. But this Sunday morning I received this email that my
paper had been removed. I would request arxiv administration to let me
know if there is an error that paper was removed after the status on my
account showed 'submitted' for two days.

I wish you a good day.

Kind regards,

Ahsan Amin

On Sat, January 14, 2017 2:10 pm, arXiv Moderation wrote:
> Your submission has been removed. Our volunteer moderators determined
> that your article does not contain sufficient original or substantive
> research to merit inclusion within arXiv. Please note that our moderators
> are not referees and provide no reviews with such decisions. For in-depth
> reviews of your work you would have to seek feedback from another forum.
> Please do not resubmit this paper without contacting arXiv moderation and
> obtaining a positive response. Resubmission of removed papers may result
> in the loss of your submission privileges.
> For more information on our moderation policies see:
> http://arxiv.org/help/moderation
> --
> arXiv moderation
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From my experience of persecution, I can tell that Army, secret services and police all become instruments of CIA in countries where CIA wields influence. CIA knows how to move influential people in the infrastructure of law enforcement agencies and so called "guardians of frontiers" by carrot or stick.

As I mentioned previously that I have been tortured by police and Navy in Pakistan on behest of CIA. For those people who doubted it, I would again recount my experience with police and Navy in Karachi. I did not want to live with my family in Lahore so I left the city and drove to Karachi by car. Upon arrival in Karachi, my ATM card was disabled. I was stopped and repeatedly harassed by police in Karachi. I was stopped in Clifton by a police car and they took me to clifton police station on 23rd of February 2009. Police checked my car and said two front seat belts of your car carry different manufacturing dates so "your car must be stolen and we have to verify it" and reported me to their boss. I asked them to go ahead and also requested that police had repeatedly asked me the same thing that my car must be stolen in past two days so once you have verified, please write me a written statement so I can just show it to police everywhere once they would stop me in future. The Police officer agreed to that and asked me to wait in the other room. I waited there for about half an hour and the officer came again and violently slapped me several times. He said,"You are over-educated and you think of yourself as something." I was surprised since I had not told him anything personal at all. I was seriously humiliated but I knew they would beat and lock me if I responded in force. I waited another hour sitting next to locker room of the police station. After some time, Navy personnell came in three jeeps to the police station and asked me to accompany them. I was taken to compound of PNS Nigran(Navy) in Karachi where they locked me in the Navy jail. The next morning, I was taken to open compound and I was circled by more than ten people who wanted to give me injections by force. I seriously tried to resist but they continued to ask me to take injections. They were human enough to not beat me for that. I asked again and again that they were not even telling me what the injection was and "you are forcing me to take it" but they continued to decrease the diameter of circle around me and finally forcefully injected me.
Looks like Jason Borne story. Borne Identity or may be AA Identity.
My internet USB was stolen today. I always kept this device on me since I bought it as a surprise. I am now using an older USB. It has happened previously that my cell phone was blocked due to devices on the cell phone. There is a possibility that this older USB could be blocked when I would need it the most. I would also request the readers to be careful while attributing everything I might supposedly write on internet with this device since I am afraid that something can really be written by some agencies to malign me from the internet USB I actually own by planting devices on it. I would request other people to be careful and understand the possibility of other people using my device signature to give a wrong impression.
Salute to your bro to your dedication ... you have kept the thread alive alone :
I had previously requested SSRN several times to somehow make sure that my papers reach the audience in the same exact way I upload. Once they even verified my paper and satisfied me that there was no such problem. This time when I uploaded the revision of my paper in January 2017, I was completely sure that there could not be any problem. But today, when I was collecting all records and I printed my paper from SSRN website, I was shocked to know that there were no SSRN signatures on first two pages. I am writing to SSRN to know the reason. I do not blame the SSRN at all before knowing what they say and there could be some other technical problem. But I still cannot preclude the possibility that some people might have already planned to put no such signatures so that later they would have no problems in refuting the authenticity of what I have been saying and discrediting me from my research. I believe that the present government in United States is not willing to go to any extreme limit under pressure from interest groups to do something that is totally inhuman and they do not want to pressurize my country for doing anything extremely cruel. However, the interest groups and the US patrons of brain control infrastructure in my country have far larger clout with coming president Donald Trump and they would want to move him to do something that is completely wrong and totally cruel. Everybody is waiting for the transition and all preparations have been made about what to do and how to move things after the arrival of president Donald Trump.

Here is my letter to SSRN.

Ahsan Amin <ahsanamin2999@gmail.com>
3:03 PM (1 minute ago)

to support, ahsan.amin, anan2999

Dear Sir/Madam,
I uploaded revision of my paper on ssrn.com on 8th of January. Here is the link to my paper. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2872598
My author id is:435366
I have complained to SSRN before about authenticity of my research and SSRN staff was very kind to resolve my problems. When I uploaded this revision, I was sure that there could not be any problem in the future. I received the same paper I uploaded and I was not extremely careful to check all other details. However today, I noticed that first two pages of my paper revision that I uploaded on SSRN do not have SSRN paper address stamp on them. I want to request SSRN staff to fix this error. What could be the reason for this error? Are you sure that my research has been reaching the audience correctly?

Kind regards,

Ahsan Amin

support in the above email is support(AT)ssrn(DOT)com
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I had been complaining to SSRN for past few days that they had not placed SSRN paper address stamp on the first two pages of the paper. Today, they resolved my ticket saying that paper address signatures have been placed on the paper. I also received an email from SSRN that revision I submitted has been approved and PDF file had changed. In fact I did not submit any new revision and I did not upload any new PDF file and they placed signatures on the old file I had submitted on 8th January and made a revision comment and a new revision date for the paper. I will request SSRN to change the revision date to 8th January again since this new revision date is due to problem in SSRN system and not due to my activity. This is exactly the same paper I uploaded on 8th Jan and only SSRN placed their signatures on the old paper. I did not, at all, upload or change the paper now on 20th January. Here is address to my paper. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2872598
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And yet you are able to post all this info on net with CIA unable to track that and stop you ?

@Oscar since when did we start thread of jokes ?
I checked my other email today and found an email response from arXiv. They say,"Your article was released by mistake and put back on hold when realized it."
This was very interesting and funny. Of course, I do not wish to put the article on arXiv any more. I will now send it to some reputed refereed journal for publication.


When I wrote the wilmott post quoted in the above thread on another forum, I was in London where American secret services had spent hundreds of millions of dollars in drugging London city. At the same time teachers in Wisconsin had gone on strike asking for a better pay and a more financially secure future. I am very sure that if half of the money American agencies spent on drugging London city, they could have doubled the pay of the teachers asking for a pay rise in Wisconsin for at least a year.
All intelligent and educated people across the world know that arguments of the sort that 'I am more intelligent and I will make important decisions for your benefit' are almost always universally a fraud. Intelligent and educated people are not supposed to make decisions for others, they are supposed to present their arguments to others and the broader society and most people are intelligent enough that when they come across a nicely presented argument, they can actually find out whether the argument is true and it will indeed benefit most of the society. This is the very reason the societies promote dialogue and discussions on important issues so people can find out wisdom in each other's argument and make decisions about issues so that the outcome is good for the greater society.

What I mean to say is if some people are intelligent, they are not supposed to assume responsibility to impose their decisions on others citing their supposed greater intelligence as the reason. Right way in most societies is that educated and intelligent people among everyone else are supposed to present their arguments to other people and mostly majority of people will be inclined to choose the most sensible argument (as most people really have fair amount of good reasoning) if it is well presented and if somebody considers oneself intelligent this would be the right way for them to weigh in towards the benefit of the greater society instead of trying to assume power and start making decisions for others.

Now it is so hard for me to understand how in a country like America where people have sheer belief in democracy and where we have the most number of intelligent and highly educated people, how some people or agency assume power and start making extra-judicial and extra-constitutional decisions to retard others saying they are doing it for the good of American society and claiming they are intelligent enough to make the right decisions for the good of American people about who to retard and who to let live. I simply cannot believe that any educated American or any other educated human in a different country can buy this argument that some intelligent people in fact can make the right decisions about who to retard considering the good of America and its people. I believe any such thing will continue to become a greater fraud, a greater scam and a greater cancer in the society. I believe that people across all countries should have a dialogue and discussion about whether it is at all right for their society that some people could be retarded based on the decisions of some other supposedly intelligent people (mostly falsely) claiming to know that the target is in fact evil and will hurt the society.

When I wrote the wilmott post written in Feb 2011, cited in the thread linked in post 314, I quoted from wikipedia that there was anywhere between 319-654 billions dollars of defence related expenditure outside of US defence department. Do people know where most of this money is going? and how it is spent? I have repeatedly read analysts saying that Chinese defence expenditure is larger than they show on paper. Is it not true for the US defence expenditure on a far larger scale?

I have not the least intention to ask Americans to do anything that would ever jeopardize the security of even a single American anywhere in the world. But I do strongly believe that there have to be major changes in the ethics and policies of the defence department and other related agencies so that they can ensure security of American people without doing things that are below human dignity. I would like it to be a department which protects the rightful and principled interests of US and its people and ensures their security while being respected all over the world including America for its good human ethics. And I truly believe that it can in fact be done.

Regarding other things I would bring to notice of other friends that I forgot my mobilink device under the seat of my car where I had placed it fearing that there could be some attempted robbery to take things I had on myself. When I returned from office, I forgot to take it inside the house building and it remained in the car in the garage. I would seriously fear that something could be written from it that I have not written myself or it could stop working when mostly needed.
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