Sunday, January 5, 2025
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Machinations of American Embassy in Pakistan

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I strongly think that I would do a great wrong to myself by not speaking about various aspects of motivation of people actively trying to retard me for past eighteen years especially when lies and fabricated things are said about me by people out of hatred and malice. So I decided to say my mind clearly on my forum. In the meantime, I have also decided to write a letter to higher educational institutions accreditation body in United States to suspend accreditation of NYU where I was student when my religious persecution started. My letter will be primarily based on arguments I have discussed in this post.

We have seen similar phenomenon in the fight between Zac Goldsmith and Sadiq Khan where a smear campaign was launched and innovative ways used to malign Sadiq Khan. We know how easy it is to brand even those Muslims, who are great humans and are thoroughly respected in their communities for their actions and life-time contribution to the communities where they live, as terrorist affiliates solely leveraging the stigma associated with Muslim religion in eyes of many westerners.

I will start with pointing towards the Jewish character of NYU where I was a student when my persecution started and many many efforts were made to retard me while I was there. To me, Jewish Character of NYU is a very welcome thing and it is something to be cherished. But when hardliner Jews use this Jewish character to retard Muslim students and good Jews and others on the sidelines do not put up a solid opposition to hardliner Jews, this Jewish character that was to be celebrated otherwise, becomes a menace to Muslim minority students(especially if they have exceptional talent) towards which hardliner Jews hold a lot of poison and hatred and do not stop short of expressing this poison when they ask US agencies to retard Muslim students.

I, myself, admire human virtues of hard work and love for scholarship abundantly found in Jewish community and cite these virtues as the reason why they are so successful and I mention these great virtues in Jewish communities to other human communities as a model to follow if they want to succeed.

I am a staunch opponent of racial crimes against humanity everywhere and I think of holocaust in a similar light as one of the darkest chapter in the history of crimes committed due to racial reasons. But I also think that every commemoration of holocaust and every condemnation of Nazi crimes should be inclusive of condemnation of all forms of human crimes due to racism obviously starting with a condemnation of anti-semitism but also including condemnation of all other emotions of hatred due to racism. This should be a universal day when all racist crimes happening in today's world are condemned in memory of those innocent humans who had to suffer extreme torture and face death, so that none of these racist crimes are ever repeated in the history of mankind.

However sometimes I feel that a small group of Jews use the occasions of memory of holocaust to earn sympathies for Jews with the sole intention to validate injustices done by Jews in some parts of the worlds. I would caution that this is totally against the spirit of condemnation of holocaust and a great crime against the very innocent souls who became the target of worst racist cruelties ever practiced in the history of mankind. I would say that this is the worst form of hypocrisy to mention an injustice with the intention to earn sympathies to validate another injustice. Let us remember holocaust a crime solely against innocent humanity due to racism inspired motives and defeat racism everywhere in the world in any shape or form.

Many people would scoff at me when I mention holocaust and racial crimes and make a comparison between United States practice of retarding people and Nazi burning of Jews and others in gas chambers. As a proud human, who always at least tries to follow the right path for myself in life, I will like to tell people that many more humans like me would prefer violent torture of a few minutes leading to death over a whole life time of humiliation and indignation after being retarded as happens to thousands of victims of US defence department today.

When I went to NYU, I was not aware of Jewish character of the university nor did I care. As a foreigner, I only knew some people are Jews because somebody at Northwestern had casually mentioned that many Jewish names start with a J and I sensed similarity to names of Jewish friends at Northwestern. I had not the least interest in anybody's religion there. It was only when I was being actively retarded that I came to know that NYU is primarily a Jewish institution.

Though I always speak against human injustices everywhere in the world, I have no irrational emotions against Israel and many Israelis are in my professional networks. I would like all Israeli Jews and Palestinians to live in one country with absolute human equality in every way.

For years I wondered what benefit hardliner Jews of NYU would get out of retarding me and other talented Muslims like me. A lot of Israeli practice of subjugating Palestinians is based on gross human injustice. Such human injustice cannot be enforced in any human society for long but through use of sheer force against the victims of injustice. Many bigoted Israeli and other hardliner Jews think if Muslim countries develop fast, they will be more vocal and assertive against Jewish injustice against Palestinians and it might become difficult to maintain a rule of injustice by sheer force. We saw an expression of this mentality when Iraq was attacked without any evidence of wrongdoing. More than a million Muslims were killed in the war and the insurgency that followed and Iraq is a barren land now. When some hardliner Jews in educational institutions like NYU come across ambitious Muslims or Muslim foreign students with love for their parent countries, they do everything in their power to retard or fail those talented Muslims in life because they feel threatened that injustice held in place by sheer force in Israel will not last if our countries see fast growth and development. Most of these young and brilliant Muslims have no special anti-Jewish or anti-Israel feelings, as I can say from my own experience, but hardliner Jews know these young students have special feelings for their countries and then they do everything in their power to retard these young Muslim students.

I would like to ask Americans how right it is to actively thwart progress in a large part of human world only because some hardliner Jews consider it expedient to undermine the path of human progress in these counties because they think human injustice they have enforced in Israel could not be extended into the future if these countries become responsible, respectable and assertive members of league of nations by following path of fast growth and economic progress. I make the claim that Israeli-Palestinian conflict not only continues to subjugate Palestinians by force, it also continues to undermine the path of progress of many Muslim nations because of the active effort by hardliner Jews in United States to keep our countries poor and backward.

I will soon be writing a letter to educational accreditation body in United States to suspend accreditation of NYU until they take action against hardliner elements responsible for retarding talented Muslim students and until it is assured by the university that such racist and discriminatory actions will not be practiced against any Muslim student. All the people found guilty of racist crimes against Muslims must be relieved of any duty associated with the University and no other accredited institution would be allowed to hire them.

Though university accreditation body can take any decision, I will request them to know that their decision can have far-reaching implications for American society in general. Americans have to ask themselves which America they would prefer to live in and how would they like to shape the future of America. They would have to choose between an America of ethics of expediency and selective racism that would lead to a country with hollowed foundations or an America of great human ethics of Abraham Lincoln or George Washington that actually made this country great.

In whatever I wrote, I do not mean to be politically correct and I have said my mind with the intention to advocate universally accepted good principles of human equality and human justice.

I will like to say that my post must not be taken in any sort as a blanket condemnation or criticism of Jews. I mentioned just hard-liner Jews and I do not want to offend so many other good Jews who mean no ill will or malice to Muslims and others. I am a great admirer of many Jews in the profession of Mathematical finance and many other Jews who have made great contributions to sciences and technology in general. I would like to make friends with so many good Jews who share the same emotion with me and hold nothing at all against Muslims in general.
Though I posted it on a different thread, it has enough relevance to my persecution thread so I am copying my post from another thread.

I think this is a very good time for soul searching by Pakistanis as a nation. We need to also ask ourselves whether US is a real friend or an enemy in a friend's hide. I think it is in US interest to keep our nation under her influence and also keep it as backward as they can without ever making this intention obvious. US has no real interests in Pakistan that match with Pakistani interests. If there are any real interests, they are to contain our nuclear weapons while stemming rise of a 'Muslim nation' as seen by their think tanks, policy makers and neocon and jewish-hardliners. If we do not understand it, we are always going to suffer as a nation. Their biased and religiously poisoned policy makers and think tanks do not have much regard for understanding Muslims as equal humans and they are unable to grow out of their crusader hatred mentality that prevailed Europe for centuries. Though the reports of their think tanks continue to belie their nefarious intentions towards muslim countries, the US defence department officials are not stupid to let their systematic hatred and biases become obvious to our countries when they meet our officials. Most Muslim countries and their populations have no designs on US at all in their wildest imaginations but unfortunately we just cannot go to the extreme limit of changing our religion to please these people filled with systematic hatred. But it seems that many of these people do not have the capacity to acknowledge us as equal humanity as long as we remain Muslims however peace loving or cooperative our people or governments become in controlling terrorism or other expressions of hatred towards western countries.

Let us put a few facts together. How much aid US is giving us as a nation? What are our military hardware requirements that are fulfilled by sourcing military equipment from US defence companies?

US gave us 648 million US dollars in aid in 2015 as US govt source says here.

I would like to ask this question to intelligent Pakistanis whether 648 million dollars are really that important for a country the size of Pakistan that we continue to undermine our sovereignty and take decisions under US influence that hurt our country forever. When US interferes in our internal matters and many decisions that our nation takes under foreign influence have very far reaching implications though they seem benign and harmless to many ordinary Pakistanis who are not aware of mentality of US defence department at work in our nations. If any aid comes to this country, it is decided by US embassy who to give this aid and how to distribute it among Pakistanis and the aid almost always goes to US cronies who start influencing the decision making of Pakistani government so as to damage the interests of Pakistan as dictated by US agencies. In a poor country, through their aid, they maintain a class of influential and rich cronies who continue to damage the interests of Pakistan upon foreign orders.

If we are sincere as Pakistanis to put our heads together to find out ways to make our nation one of the fastest growing nations of Asia, we can achieve this goal through comprehensive planning in just five years. And we do not need any special foreign assistance for this purpose and we could do this with just indigenous resources and intelligence.

I wrote this post on a different thread and I am copying it here since it is relevant.

I feel huge pain everyday when I see my motherland lagging behind other countries in sciences and technologies. When I compare science and technology community of Pakistan to that of India, I feel that we have to urgently do something as a nation to decrease and overcome this imbalance. Even Iran has more graduates in emerging sciences and leading technologies than we have in Pakistan. Our nation must realize that we have to make a systematic plan to develop human capital in advanced sciences and technologies and provide people conducive atmosphere to develop science and technology related industries in Pakistan.

I would myself like to make a good applied mathematical technologies company that would do very advanced work in financial markets, biomedical technologies, genetic engineering, advanced medical imaging, and electromagnetics. It would have mainly peaceful agenda but I would like to work on non-aggressive defence technologies like radars that would obfuscate the enemy planes and enemy planes would not be able to shoot them down with anti-radiation missiles. I would also like to work with technologies that would shoot down any missiles and satellites entering close to our territory.

Why do our Pakistanis not realize that it is humans like us who develop such technologies in the west. We can make better technologies at a fraction of the cost. Our Pakistanis myopically shoot down their own compatriots who want to work on advanced sciences and technologies in our country. I make this claim on our PDF forum that if I am given conducive atmosphere to work, I can make most of the above claims true in 5-10 years. We can develop our own radar and anti-missile technologies and make our country safe forever. We can develop our own technologies to detect and shoot down stealth fighter planes. No country in the world would ever give us such technologies but we can do it on our own. But again dilemma is the same that our own Pakistanis create obstacles for Pakistanis who want to serve our motherland from the core of their heart.

For the sake of reference, I will like to mention for my forum friends that I have done extremely cutting edge research in the stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations, and I want to mention that due to my research, the books on stochastic processes will be re-written in next 1-3 years. And I am proud of being a Pakistani who has made this accomplishment. At this stage, I will like to add that I have been able to do this without a degree in mathematics and against all sort of odds. My highest degree is an M.A in economics. I took only five basic graduate level courses in math department at NYU where my teachers discovered my talent for applied mathematics and instigated a campaign to retard me. I truly wanted to study further mathematics but I could not continue because CIA started my persecution. They were threatened to see a talented Pakistani Muslim.

I would request my fellow Pakistanis to realize that in most of research and technology related organizations in west that hire hundreds of PhD's in technology related areas, there are only two or three people who are true brains of the research organizations and rest of the people understand and generalize their research, apply that in various details or simply serve as helping infrastructure.

I would request other Pakistanis to let me continue my work and start a research based company that would develop applied mathematical technologies in all different areas. Soon after a few years, there will be many other companies doing similar research based work. I do not like to make tall claims but I would still like to say that if I am given opportunity to work in peace, my company will be earning billions of dollars of revenue in a few years (>5 years), bringing in precious foreign exchange and will set the foundations of technological industries in our country.

This evening when I returned to my home from the office, there were three people from a psychiatrist facility already waiting for me. I was totally shocked since my family had mentioned no such intentions at all.The three staff took me with them to the psychiatrist Dr. A of facility called P in Gulberg. where I was interviewed by the psychiatrist. After a quite long interview the psychiatrist said that I was in the residual phase where there were still no symptoms of schizophrenia but it would surely come back. He said that patients of paranoid schizophrenia never recover unless they recover in the first two years of treatment. He said that symptoms had not appeared but he really had to take some action and he had to give me a small continuous dose of anti-psychotics. He has detained me on his psychiatric health facility. I continued to argue that I could periodically visit him so if the symptoms ever appear, I could start taking medication but he refused and insisted that I must be detained and anti-psychotics must be given to me.

I kept my computer with me so I am able to post on internet. If I am unable to post for a few days, it would mean that my computer has been snatched from me.
I had asked the Doctor to make a written diagnosis of my case. He wrote the following three points.

Paranoid Schizophrenia.
1. Taping doors, vents, shank, washroom.
2. Prefer eating from outside with reasoning that home food makes him fatter while food from outside has caused significant weight gain.
3. Safeguarding water bottles as if someone will pollute/mix something/medicine in water.

I will explain my point of view here for his diagnosis, point by point.

1. Taping doors, vents, shank, washroom.

I do apply a small amount of paper tape to both doors of the room when I sleep since the locks can be opened from outside. There is no special worry just that I really want to be aware if anything wrong ever happens.

I taped airconditioner air outlet when it was winters more than six months ago. Some tape came off after a few days. Most tape came off after two weeks and the outlet was open again. I did not tape it again. If it is schizophrenia, I would be taping it many times a day. I just taped it once more than six months ago and the doctor considers it as an evidence of schizophrenia. This was a one time incident more than six months ago.

I also applied two inches of tape on two holes close to top of the basin. It was also more than six months ago. The tape stayed and I never cared after that. Doctor cites it as an evidence of schizophrenia.This was a one time incident more than six months ago.

I never applied tape on the washroom doors. I did tape the shank/wash basin as I mentioned in the above but there was never tape on the washroom door. Doctor hastily added it to fabricate more substance since there was reference to tape on shank/wash basin.

2. Prefer eating from outside with reasoning that home food makes him fatter while food from outside has caused significant weight gain.

My weight actually increased significantly due to anti-psychotics that were given to me more than six months ago. When I left anti-psychotics, the weight might have slightly increased but most increase was due to anti-psychotics.
I mentioned that I do eat from home once a week. But doctor thought that I was violating the society norm in which we should always eat at home.

3. Safeguarding water bottles as if someone will pollute/mix something/medicine in water.

This is based on my mother's statement of a single incident that a few days ago, I stopped her from entering my room. There was no mention of water but she said she thought that must be the reason. I had not alluded to water and it was her reasoning. I did stop her from entering my room but she made up her reasoning that I was thinking that she would do any harm to water. I really had no such thought at all. This stopping her from entering the room was just one time incident and never a repetition. There has never been any other incident with my family when I would stop them from entering my room. Doctor cited this one time incident as evidence of schizophrenia.

Everybody in my family and people around agree that I do everything perfectly normally. I do not get angry at all. I am very very rarely if ever upset with any one and I cannot recall any incident of the sort in past few years. I am totally composed most of the times and make perfectly rational decisions and talk perfect sense.In past ten years, I never had a fight with anyone.
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3. Safeguarding water bottles as if someone will pollute/mix something/medicine in water.

This is based on my mother's statement of a single incident that a few days ago, I stopped her from entering my room. There was no mention of water but she said she thought that must be the reason. I had not alluded to water and it was her reasoning. I did stop her from entering my room but she made up her reasoning that I was thinking that she would do any harm to water. I really had no such thought at all. This stopping her from entering the room was just one time incident and never a repetition. There has never been any other incident with my family when I would stop them from entering my room. Doctor cited this one time incident as evidence of schizophrenia.

My mother had presented another evidence of schizophrenia to the doctor that I will tell friends here. I have about five soaps in my washroom some of them I tried but I did not like so I simply discontinued their use and they remained in the wash room. My mother never talked to me about the soaps. But she told the doctor that his disease is so severe he has more than five soaps in his washroom. He must be thinking something is wrong with the soaps.
Would you guys believe how the doctor responded,"Ahsan, now five soaps in the wash room are too much and I consider that really abnormal and I have started to think that this must be a disease." He continued to insist that five soaps in the washroom must be considered abnormal by me. However, he did not mention the soaps in the three symptoms he wrote for me in the diagnosis and I copied exactly in the previous post.

The doctor asked me a day after he detained me if I would like injections or pills. I said that I would prefer pills since there might be lesser side effects. He said I will start with Risp 1mg and see how it goes. The first day they gave a round indigo colored tablet wrapped in paper. I did not make a big deal and took the tablet and requested the staff to bring the tablet in original packaging the next time. The next day, the staff brought a white tablet with Risp 1 written on it wrapped in paper again. When I asked why the tablet they had given me the previous night was different. The staff replied that they could not get hold of Risp 1 mg from the market that day and they had to give me some other tablet at the start.

So I have had an unknown tablet for a day and two Risp tablets for two other days. I have already started to feel the left side of my brain being numb(I am right handed). I have started to lose facility of thought and good reasoning and yesterday, I told the doctor that drugs already had started to have an effect. I also requested the doctor that he should now let me go free since the disease was only residual as he had told me and there was no excuse about keeping me detained but the doctor did not say anything about when he would let me go out and explicitly said that he could not give me a date when he would let me leave his facility.
I met Dr. A of facility P. yesterday and requested him to let me out of detention but he said that my parents thought my disease was severe and Dr. A was not giving me enough medicine. He had still kept me on Risp 1. Dr. A said that he wanted me to meet another psychiatrist to get a second opinion and then he would know when to let me out of his facility. He mentioned another psychiatrist that I did not know from before but I yielded and said that I would be willing to have a session with Dr. N. Today morning I had a meeting with Dr. N and he was one of the nicest guys I ever came across. No psychiatrist since I came to Pakistan about 17 years ago ever gave me so much time for a single session. Finally he told me that he did not think I should be given any medicine. He also said that I should not live with my family and then frivolous issues like putting some tape on the door could not be cited to make up things like a serious disease. He really wanted me to have a plan ready to get out of my current home and live elsewhere since nobody would be able to find little issues and make a mountain out of molehill. He also told me that the practice of previous psychiatrists like giving electric shocks for several weeks at the start of the therapy without trying medicine for a long time and that too without interviewing me at the start of the therapy and many other similar issues I mentioned, seemed criminal to him and such things are called crimes in psychiatry and such psychiatrists should be punished according to law.

I met Dr. A today again who is incharge of facility P. and asked him if he would let me leave since Dr. N had already given me opinion that I was not sick. But Dr. A told me a totally different story and said that Dr. N thinks we should put you on injections. He said that Doctors say such things like,"you have no disease." to make repo with the patient. He also said that Dr. N had told me that I was in denial. I was shocked to hear such statements from Dr. A and asked him that in such a case I will like a written assessment from Dr. N as well. Dr. A agreed that he will get a written assessment from Dr. N for me. Dr. A also said that he wanted me to sign papers from him but I totally refused to sign any papers. Let us see if he threatens force to make me sign some papers. Dr. A also said that I will get a chance to talk to Dr. N again once and then he will decide my medication. He continued to insist that he wanted to give me injections for four to five years while I said that I am not ready to take any injections.

In the meeting with Dr. A yesterday, when I talked about points in his written diagnosis, he said that I just made up a diagnosis since you were insisting on written diagnosis. It was not serious. Please do not consider it a formal diagnosis.
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Since Dr. A of facility Pav. seems to be leaning towards using psychiatric criminal methods. He says, for example, on one hand that my disease is residual and symptoms have not shown up but he has detained me for more than ten days. I do not know for how longer time he plans to detain me. I think according to good psychiatric ethics and practices, you cannot detain anyone until the problem is not very sever but many psychiatrists have made a joke out of such practices. He also threatens to force injections despite saying that symptoms still have not appeared (this is how he explained residual). He continues to distort the statements of other psychiatrists to his advantage to make me falsely believe that I have a disease so that he could start to give me injections.

I have decided to approach human rights wing of Lahore High court again right after the end of my detention and I will continue to post hearings of court here in detail. If human rights wing of Lahore denies my rights due to pressure from influential people like they tried before when I went there, I will approach human rights wing of Supreme court. And if court does not give me justice, I am not afraid of any contempt of court by speaking exact truth about nature of justice system and 'contempt of court laws' in our society.

I will also say that Dr. A of facility P. had detained me more than two years ago for about fifty days. I was, at the start, writing on internet and Dr. A took my laptop and cell phone after about ten days saying that it was stopping my recovery. If I do not write here, it means that Dr. A has read what I have written here and have decided to control my internet again violating all laws of psychiatry to just save himself and hide and conceal his wrongdoings.
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I had been living alone in a two bed room in mental health facility P. since I came but five days ago the hospital administration had to accommodate another patient in my room. He was a very nice guy. He started crying, on the night he came to the hospital, lying on his bed. I tried to calm him and he was much better after a few minutes. He told me his story which I will not write but he told me that he was so suicidal that he had made all arrangements for suicide in his house and even attempted putting noose in his neck several times but something always went wrong. He was admittedly given more medicine than I was given but he was allowed to leave the facility P. yesterday after four days in the hospital. When I compare him to my case, Dr. N who interviewed me a few days ago had explicitly told me that I was not suicidal or homicidal at all so nobody could ever detain me forcefully for more than a day or two. Now I am shell shocked at the wisdom of these psychiatrists like psychiatrist A. who let suicidal patients go out of the hospital after just a few days but do not allow me to leave even after more than ten days despite knowing that I have absolutely no intention or tendencies to hurt anyone or myself ever.
I was asked to give blood yesterday evening and no doctor had seen me for past three days. I refused to give blood saying that I am here in detention and no doctor wants to see me. If no doctor has to see me, why are you detaining me? They said that Dr. N would have a meeting with me, yesterday night. I agreed to give blood and urine after that. I continued to wait but Dr. N did not come to the facility last night. I was later told that he would have a meeting with me at 10:00 A.M today. Now when I asked the hospital staff to call Dr. N and see when he would come, they became rude and belligerent and started threatening me. Yesterday, they took my blood and it seems that they might forcefully start injecting me today. I will keep the friends posted.
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I had already argued with Dr. A that I do not want injections. Another Dr. M that used to come to facility P. had prescribed injections before two years earlier but there were minor problems with my heart due to injections. He was so insensitive that he refused to decrease the injections but suggested that I should reduce weight. I had requested that the very injections decrease metabolism and increase weight and if he decreased the dose, I could lose weight more easily and heart problem would be alleviated as well but he refused. Now, Dr. A suggested an injection aripiprazole a few days ago and was very enthusiastic about it but I looked at internet and asked him that it was not good for heart Dr. A started laughing and said that all antipsychotics affect the heart and hypertension somewhat. However I totally refused to not take that injection and Dr. A did not discuss the matter with me after that.
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Several of the hospital staff just came. I was half asleep and they asked me to handover my cell phone to them. Dr. A had explicitly allowed me to keep phone earlier. I have given the phone to the staff. Let us see if he tries to control my internet to hide his criminal psychiatric practices. They have freely allowed internet to some other patients who have computers and they use hospital's wi-fi though I have my own internet device with me that I use.
Later at night last Saturday, I had a second meeting with Dr. N and he told me that he had already talked to my family and they were more worried so he decided to have a session with me again. The session on Saturday went quite well and I was able to address the worries of Dr. N. But Dr. N and I agreed that there will be another third session when my mother and myself will meet with Dr. N together to sort out everything.

Today we had a session again and my mother arrived in the clinic and Dr. N listened to me and my mother and after hearing our arguments he told me that I seemed fine and he would just ask me to keep taking a low dose of Risperidone 1 mg. He also asked my mother that some people are different and they have no psychiatric problems but we have to try to understand them. He also told me that I should keep visiting him periodically so he could stay in touch and every problem could be amicably settled. I did agree since I found him more caring and thoughtful than any other doctor I had seen since I came to Pakistan seventeen years ago. In past no psychiatrist was ready to listen to me and all of them diagnosed a disease after summary hearing. Whenever I would argue, every doctor would simply respond saying, "I am the doctor and I know what to do." Dr. N also said that he would make a recommendation to Dr. A to discharge me from his facility as he had realized that there was no need to detain me now. He said that it was now left to Dr. A who is incharge of clinic P. to make his decision when to let me walk out of his clinic.
A few minutes ago, a nurse came and said that she wanted to give me an injection. I explained to her that Dr. N has explicitly promised to give me no injections. I also explained that he had mentioned that there would be no drugs other than 1mg resperidone I was taking and that is the only drug I need to continue at the moment. Upon my explanation and insistence, the nurse went back and did not give me any injection. I am afraid that hospital administration is still trying to somehow inject me and they would probably force me to have injections despite that Dr. N had very explicitly insisted that no injections would be given to me.

What is even more interesting that Dr. A who is incharge of this psychiatric facility is not a specialist in psychiatry and is probably a psychologist (which is a diploma for people who assist psychiatrists and is not a medical degree in psychiatry. He does hold an MBBS degree). He detained me on his own for about ten days without seeing a proper psychiatrist and has been trying to somehow inject me since. My mother just called and told me that Dr. A is sick in his home and cannot come to the psychiatric facility therefore they have to detain you for one more day. There is no doctor here in the facility and I am surprised at the incompetence here when Dr. A becomes sick or something, the psychiatric facility is on its own.
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