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Mach-3 Brahmos Missile to arm India's FGFA Stealth Fighter

Zain Malik

Oct 13, 2015
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A supersonic BrahMos cruise missile may be installed on a Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) jointly developed by Russia and India, head of the Russian-Indian BrahMos Aerospace enterprise, Sudhir Mishra, said Monday. The FGFA has stealth capabilities and is based on the Russian T-50 prototype jet. The FGFA project came about following the signing of a Russian-Indian cooperation agreement on October 18, 2007.

BrahMos is a short-range supersonic missile, which has been used by the Indian Navy since 2005. The missile has a range of 180 miles and can carry a conventional warhead of up to 660 pounds.

The jet would use its stealth and speed to get into launch position and launch the BrahMos from standoff ranges.

With its Mach 3.0 speed and 180-mile range, the BrahMos missile used in combination with the PAK-FA would enable India to hit Chinese and Pakistani targets with relative impunity. A Mach 3.0-capable cruise missile is difficult to counter. According to U.S. Navy sources, the BrahMos has a particular terminal phase that makes it particularly difficult to intercept.

The completed FGFA will include a total of 43 improvements over the T-50, including stealth, supercruise, advanced sensors, networking and combat avionics. Two separate prototypes will be developed, one by Russia and a separate one by India. The Indian version will be a two-seater for pilot and co-pilot/Weapon Systems Operator (WSO).

India wants the stealth fighter jet to be inducted into the Indian Air Force much before 2024-25 - the date that was fixed for delivery. India plans to build as many as 127 fighters at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited facility in Nashik. The Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) project is estimated to cost $25 billion.
With its Mach 3.0 speed and 180-mile range, the BrahMos missile used in combination with the PAK-FA would enable India to hit Chinese and Pakistani targets with relative impunity. A Mach 3.0-capable cruise missile is difficult to counter. According to U.S. Navy sources, the BrahMos has a particular terminal phase that makes it particularly difficult to intercept.
This paragraph is a troll:lol:
The least China and Pakistan can answer with is the CX-1 combo with J-20 and J-31 respectively, since it has the same or or more than mach 3 speed and a bigger operational range of 280 km.. this means there is no impunity for the combo PAK-FA and Brahmos..
The rest of the article is interesting..
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This paragraph is a troll:lol:
The least China and Pakistan can answer with is the CX-1 combo with J-20 and J-31 respectively, since it has the same or or more than mach 3 speed and a bigger operational range of 280 km.. this means there is no impunity for the combo PAK-FA and Brahmos..
The rest of the article is interesting//
This was a Indian Site so I Pasted thea article here...You know their mentality.....
Do russians use Brahmos too ??
It is a good question but it was rumored that they want to buy it !!! Maybe in an attempt to boost the export possibilities for the missile. Russia has the same in the Brahmos JV or better missiles!? so why buy it from India..it just doesn't make sense...
.It was also rumored that Egypt was interested..

A supersonic BrahMos cruise missile may be installed on a Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) jointly developed by Russia and India, head of the Russian-Indian BrahMos Aerospace enterprise, Sudhir Mishra, said Monday. The FGFA has stealth capabilities and is based on the Russian T-50 prototype jet. The FGFA project came about following the signing of a Russian-Indian cooperation agreement on October 18, 2007.

BrahMos is a short-range supersonic missile, which has been used by the Indian Navy since 2005. The missile has a range of 180 miles and can carry a conventional warhead of up to 660 pounds.

The jet would use its stealth and speed to get into launch position and launch the BrahMos from standoff ranges.

With its Mach 3.0 speed and 180-mile range, the BrahMos missile used in combination with the PAK-FA would enable India to hit Chinese and Pakistani targets with relative impunity. A Mach 3.0-capable cruise missile is difficult to counter. According to U.S. Navy sources, the BrahMos has a particular terminal phase that makes it particularly difficult to intercept.

The completed FGFA will include a total of 43 improvements over the T-50, including stealth, supercruise, advanced sensors, networking and combat avionics. Two separate prototypes will be developed, one by Russia and a separate one by India. The Indian version will be a two-seater for pilot and co-pilot/Weapon Systems Operator (WSO).

India wants the stealth fighter jet to be inducted into the Indian Air Force much before 2024-25 - the date that was fixed for delivery. India plans to build as many as 127 fighters at the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited facility in Nashik. The Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) project is estimated to cost $25 billion.
I assume it might carry Bramhos externally as it is very big missile. So it will shoot RCS thoguh the roof. Technically possible but not advisable. My personal opinion.

The CX-1 success will be decided by how many nations express interest in purchasing the weapon.

  • According to the claims made by the Sina Military Network, the CX-1 flies faster than the Indian missile. I says, CX-1 is capable of reaching a speed of Mach 3 at 17,000 meters, whereas the BrahMos can only reach Mach 2.6 at an altitude of 14,000 meters.
  • Pakistan may be one of the first countries to show interest in the Cx-1, and China has no apprehension in selling missiles to their military forces. India certainly has to be weary of the Pakistan-China nexus, and the repercussions regarding the sale of Cx-1 to them.
  • Indian strategic positions, command /control centers and radar installations would be in jeopardy and left wide open for such a stealthy supersonic missile. Indian naval ships would also be under direct threat as their operational range is less than 300 km from the Pakistani coast.

I assume it might carry Bramhos externally as it is very big missile. So it will shoot RCS thoguh the roof. Technically possible but not advisable. My personal opinion.
India was working on a smaller version ..shorter with the same characteristics..maybe that one can be carried internally..but still, from very long distances the RCS does not matter much..
This paragraph is a troll:lol:
The least China and Pakistan can answer with is the CX-1 combo with J-20 and J-31 respectively, since it has the same or or more than mach 3 speed and a bigger operational range of 280 km.. this means there is no impunity for the combo PAK-FA and Brahmos..
The rest of the article is interesting//
180 miles is a tad bit longer than 280 km....other than that the article is basic jignoism...i stopped paying serious attention after the word 'may'.
180 miles is a tad bit longer than 280 km....other than that the article is basic jignoism...i stopped paying serious attention after the word 'may'.
Give or take it is the same .. 289.7 km for 180 miles, so there is no advantage, both missiles are in par as far as range and capabilities are concerned..
I assume it might carry Bramhos externally as it is very big missile. So it will shoot RCS thoguh the roof. Technically possible but not advisable. My personal opinion.
My first thoughts exactly. Even if it is 50 percent lighter and three meters shorter than the original, the smaller version Brahmos NG is still big (1.5 tons, 5 meters in length and 50 cm in diameter) and external carriage.



After launch, there would remain a big, non-stealthy empty pylon ....



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