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Maas is in favor of renegotiating the nuclear deal with Iran

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Fri December 4, 2020 at 1:00 PM CET· Reading time: 1 min.

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas

Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) reckons that the international nuclear deal with Iran will have to be renegotiated with the future US government under President Joe Biden. "A return to the previous agreement will not be enough," Maas told "Spiegel", according to an advance notification on Friday. "There will have to be a kind of 'nuclear deal plus', which is also in our interest."
"We have clear expectations of Iran: no nuclear weapons, but also no ballistic missile program that threatens the entire region," said Maas. In addition, Iran must play a different role in the region.
"We need this agreement precisely because we distrust Iran," emphasized the SPD politician. He has already agreed on the issue with the foreign ministers of France and Great Britain. At the same time, a signal to Iran is necessary. "The decisive factor will be whether the US relaxes economic sanctions against Iran. Both sides must come together."
The future US President Biden wants to return his country to the nuclear deal. Under the outgoing President Donald Trump, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the treaty in May 2018 and imposed new sanctions on Iran. Subsequently, Tehran gradually moved away from the agreement and increased uranium enrichment.
After returning to the agreement agreed in 2015, Biden is aiming to negotiate follow-up agreements to "tighten and extend" the nuclear restrictions on Iran, as he recently announced in an interview. It should then also be about the Iranian missile program.
This criminal terrorist trio (UK, Germany, France) who supplied Saddam Hoessein with chemical weapons want to create a Libya scenario for Iran: Pressure-Disarm-Praise-Attack, because they don't "trust" us. They want to genocide us.

Iran should answer their brutal and inhuman demand by directly flooding them with Afghan refugees and Afghan harddrugs and demand money to stop that (Erdogan played this game very well).
Plus Iran should increase the range of its missiles immediately.
We need competent military leaders who know how to hit their weak spot.
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Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) reckons that the international nuclear deal with Iran will have to be renegotiated

GOH KHORD!! The punk little b**** "+1" member of the opposing party is the least relevant, more like a bimbo toy on the arm of the actual gangsters. lol
Those familiar with classic Star Wars can imagine that Germany is the near naked princess Leia in chains kneeling at the feet of Jabba the Hut who metaphorically represents US, UK, & France.
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GOH KHORD!! The punk little b**** "+1" member of the opposing party is the least relevant, more like a bimbo toy on thar arm of the actual gangsters. lol
Those familiar with classic Star Wars can imagine that Germany is the near naked princess Leia in chains kneeling at the feet of Jabba the Hut who metaphorically represents US, UK, & France.
Years of German humiliation and "guilt" induction by the Jews into the new generation of German has produced guys like him. Remember even a display of German Reich memorabilia is unlawful in this nation.
The Germans should know that the only reason they joined the nuclear negotiations in the first place was Iran's kindness to allow them to be there. They don't have a permanent seat at the UNSC. The UK and France are there because they have the veto power, but the Germans can get kicked out of the negotiations any time if they don't know their limits.
Germany died with Hitler . Today they cant even negotiate a pipleline deal with Russia without first seeking approval from washington.

WW1/ WW2 slaughtered all the brave men out of the gene pool. only the cowards who put their hands up and accepted humiliation got to reproduce in Europe. and the results are starting to show.

todays pathetic, unrecognizable euro globalist provinces that still pretend to be sovereign nations. Trying to tell a soveriegn country like Iran to be puppets like them..... do they really not see how pathetic they look?
They want to take away Iran's missiles (huge deterrent factor for protecting the homeland) and stop supporting regional allies. Zarif and the reformists should face the death penalty if they ever engage in such a nonsense.
I think there have been warnings and hard words for zarif behind closed doors regarding even talking about missiles or anything else.
In fact, the only discussions about Iranian missiles that should ever be permitted with a foreign entity is about how great and praiseworthy the missiles are and if they ask nicely and act like humans, they might get an autographed picture in a nice khatam kari frame signed by General Hajizadeh.
The only deal the west will get is the JCPOA, not even an iota of it will be renegotiated. Time is running out for them, Rouhani and his team are almost out of the door, the next Iranian administration will not have the same level of patience with them. Few other points to note:

1)The Iranian economy whilst not in a bad shape, is far from the shape these people hoped they would achieve by their sanctions. Iran's economy is actually starting to adapt and even potential grow soon under these current sanctions. Iran may not thrive in the short term, but it will certainly not break either.

2) These people need to realise the longer they wait, the more concessions they will have to make in the future. In the early 2000's their position was "no enrichment and no centrifuges" but we saw where that got them, i.e an Iran with 12000 centrifuges. If the JCPOA fails and they're lucky enough to ever sit down with Iran at a negotiating table again, they will be dealing with an Iran with a much larger nuclear program not comparable to today.

The west has simply two options, the JCPOA or nothing. They understand this, so despite all these wishful comments some are making regarding being in favour of more talks, they will eventually just go back to the JCPOA.
They want to take away Iran's missiles (huge deterrent factor for protecting the homeland) and stop supporting regional allies. Zarif and the reformists should face the death penalty if they ever engage in such a nonsense.
Fortunately, Rouhani and Zarif cannot negotiate over Iranian ballistic missiles. Iran's nuclear program was under the control and administration of the government, while Iranian missiles for the most part are under the control and administration of the IRGC, not the government. Hence, Rouhani and Zarif cannot negotiate over the missiles without the IRGC.

However, if they do negotiate over the missiles, then that will imply that Rouhani always enjoyed the support of the IRGC and the Supreme Leader, meaning that you should "beshashi be kolle regime" in that case.
I think there have been warnings and hard words for zarif behind closed doors regarding even talking about missiles or anything else.
In fact, the only discussions about Iranian missiles that should ever be permitted with a foreign entity is about how great and praiseworthy the missiles are and if they ask nicely and act like humans, they might get an autographed picture in a nice khatam kari frame signed by General Hajizadeh.
Same s.hit they have done to countries before finally overthrowing their governments. Take away their nuclear capabilities, take away their missiles...sanction them to death, wait 10 or 20 years and attack them. It is so obvious now. Western nations should never ever be trusted by the rest of the world.
Fortunately, Rouhani and Zarif cannot negotiate over Iranian ballistic missiles. Iran's nuclear program was under the control and administration of the government, while Iranian missiles for the most part are under the control and administration of the IRGC, not the government. Hence, Rouhani and Zarif cannot negotiate over the missiles without the IRGC.

However, if they do negotiate over the missiles, then that will imply that Rouhani always enjoyed the support of the IRGC and the Supreme Leader, meaning that you should "beshashi be kolle regime" in that case.
I second that. Especially your last sentence. We all know that Khamenei and the rest of the senior mullahs with power will do everything for ''hefze ghodrat'' or the term we all know ''manafe nezaam''. But i really can not see how the nezaam will benefit if the missiles are taken away. If they ever engage in such a stupidity then they are even more dumber than we thought.
Trying to tell a soveriegn country like Iran to be puppets like them..... do they really not see how pathetic they look?

They are under a constant state of atonement over WW2, the zionists have infiltrated them quite well and are using "guilt" to keep them in check. Indeed a sad state of affairs.
In the early 2000's their position was "no enrichment and no centrifuges" but we saw where that got them, i.e an Iran with 12000 centrifuges.
Actually their first "starting" negotiating position (as per memoirs of one iranian participants) was to stop "Physics and Chemistry" subjects from being thought in the Iranian universities and I am not joking...
Iran should answer their brutal and inhuman demand by directly flooding them with Afghan refugees and Afghan harddrugs and demand money to stop that (Erdogan played this game very well).
Plus Iran should increase the range of its missiles immediately.
We need competent military leaders who know how to hit their weak spot.

None of this will be enough. Only nukes will save you.
Actually their first "starting" negotiating position (as per memoirs of one iranian participants) was to stop "Physics and Chemistry" subjects from being thought in the Iranian universities and I am not joking...

If they could have their way, they would want even more than that. The main way to deal with these people is via force, if you decide to negotiate, you need to show them 0 respect and play them like a fiddle. This will be done via negotiating over some open nuclear program whilst covertly manufacturing nuclear weapons.
Same s.hit they have done to countries before finally overthrowing their governments. Take away their nuclear capabilities, take away their missiles...sanction them to death, wait 10 or 20 years and attack them. It is so obvious now.

It is obvious to you, not quite so obvious to anyone in the Iranian government. Just like it wasn't obvious to Gaddafi. or Assad. or Saddam.

Its like these regimes live in a sort of fantasy bubble, They just don't see the impending doom. They are totally oblivious and just wait for it paralysed.
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