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‘Maalik’ ban is our lowest ebb


Feb 21, 2012
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‘Maalik’ ban is our lowest ebb
By Rafay Mahmood
Published: May 3, 2016

The ban on Maalik was nothing short of a pelvic thrust in the middle of the ballroom.

We saw light at the end of the tunnel but it turned out to be an oncoming train. After taking many groundbreaking decisions, such as the uncut release of Manto, which also featured the Indian national anthem, the Central Board of Film Certification’s (CBFC) chameleon approach has once again put the artist at a crossroads with his imagination. Post-18thAmendment, the role of the CBFC has been reduced to that of a loner at a prom night. However, that doesn’t mean the CBFC does not shake a leg every now and then. The ban on Maalik was nothing short of a pelvic thrust in the middle of the ballroom.

To be fair, the decision was nothing short of an ideal response to a national emergency; as if our nukes were at stake. Perhaps, they really were; you’re never sure when it comes to the censor boards.

SHC allows information ministry two weeks to explain ‘Maalik’ ban

The Maalik issue has nothing to do with love for the country or protecting the interests of certain ethnic groups. For no matter how twisted your understanding of patriotism is, it never results in the murder of dissent and discourse. Instead of letting people discuss and debate on what a work of art may have misrepresented, so that we could actually progress intellectually, the authorities decided to eliminate the whole point of the debate with a mere stroke of the pen. Is there any difference between them and the ones who torched Nishat cinema, dare I ask?

Something died in me the moment I discovered that the federal information ministry has slapped a ban on the film, three weeks after certification authorities had shown it the green light. Not because I am a fan of Maalik or that the film is an example of exceptional film-making. In fact, it is far from that. What the ban translates into is the fact that the big screen is clearly of no importance to the government; the very government that wants a “Say no to corruption” ad to run before the screening of every major release in congregational spaces called cinemas.

‘Maalik’ banned across Pakistan

With the Maalik ban, we have perhaps hit the bottom of the barrel, ever since Pakistani cinema saw a rebirth with Khuda Kay Liye. Not just that, it will continue to be our most embarrassing moment long after the ban is sheepishly lifted simply because the state has given a clear message to the film-makers: no matter how hard you try, if an old man, sitting in a rundown government office does not appreciate the colour of your hero’s T-shirt, your film will go to the trash can.

Frankly speaking, things are much worse than what the ban on Maalikmay signify. Pakistan does not even have censorship laws that are in harmony with modern standards. Two provinces are yet to take the idea of setting up their respective censorship boards seriously. Among the ones that exist, one board does not even enjoy the luxury of owning office space. Film certification, the world over, is switching to a rating system where instead of making excisions, you simply advise certain films for audiences of certain age brackets only. Waar was screened in Pakistani cinemas — a film full of bullets and blood — with a Universal rating. We have also been running Adult-rated films without even checking who walks into the theatre hall. Something is definitely rotten somewhere, with the stench surfacing every now and then in the shape of controversies such as the Maalik ban.

Ban on ‘Maalik’ is violating freedom of expression: Azeem

It is high time that the government started taking cinema seriously and sat down with film-makers to chalk out a clear course of action for the future. All state institutions need to know that there has to be a clear demarcation of the extent to which they can interfere in the creative industries. Replace the Motion Pictures Ordinance, 1979 and the Film Censorship Code 1980 with something more progressive and above all, easy to understand, so that the rights of film-makers can be safeguarded. If this does not happen, every time there is friction between two opposing forces in society, art will be the first and softest target.
@Muhammad Omar @django @Akheilos @waz @WAJsal @Mr.Meap @haviZsultan @EAK @Jonah Arthur @Moonlight @PaklovesTurkiye @The Eagle
‘Maalik’ ban is our lowest ebb
By Rafay Mahmood
Published: May 3, 2016

The ban on Maalik was nothing short of a pelvic thrust in the middle of the ballroom.

We saw light at the end of the tunnel but it turned out to be an oncoming train. After taking many groundbreaking decisions, such as the uncut release of Manto, which also featured the Indian national anthem, the Central Board of Film Certification’s (CBFC) chameleon approach has once again put the artist at a crossroads with his imagination. Post-18thAmendment, the role of the CBFC has been reduced to that of a loner at a prom night. However, that doesn’t mean the CBFC does not shake a leg every now and then. The ban on Maalik was nothing short of a pelvic thrust in the middle of the ballroom.

To be fair, the decision was nothing short of an ideal response to a national emergency; as if our nukes were at stake. Perhaps, they really were; you’re never sure when it comes to the censor boards.

SHC allows information ministry two weeks to explain ‘Maalik’ ban

The Maalik issue has nothing to do with love for the country or protecting the interests of certain ethnic groups. For no matter how twisted your understanding of patriotism is, it never results in the murder of dissent and discourse. Instead of letting people discuss and debate on what a work of art may have misrepresented, so that we could actually progress intellectually, the authorities decided to eliminate the whole point of the debate with a mere stroke of the pen. Is there any difference between them and the ones who torched Nishat cinema, dare I ask?

Something died in me the moment I discovered that the federal information ministry has slapped a ban on the film, three weeks after certification authorities had shown it the green light. Not because I am a fan of Maalik or that the film is an example of exceptional film-making. In fact, it is far from that. What the ban translates into is the fact that the big screen is clearly of no importance to the government; the very government that wants a “Say no to corruption” ad to run before the screening of every major release in congregational spaces called cinemas.

‘Maalik’ banned across Pakistan

With the Maalik ban, we have perhaps hit the bottom of the barrel, ever since Pakistani cinema saw a rebirth with Khuda Kay Liye. Not just that, it will continue to be our most embarrassing moment long after the ban is sheepishly lifted simply because the state has given a clear message to the film-makers: no matter how hard you try, if an old man, sitting in a rundown government office does not appreciate the colour of your hero’s T-shirt, your film will go to the trash can.

Frankly speaking, things are much worse than what the ban on Maalikmay signify. Pakistan does not even have censorship laws that are in harmony with modern standards. Two provinces are yet to take the idea of setting up their respective censorship boards seriously. Among the ones that exist, one board does not even enjoy the luxury of owning office space. Film certification, the world over, is switching to a rating system where instead of making excisions, you simply advise certain films for audiences of certain age brackets only. Waar was screened in Pakistani cinemas — a film full of bullets and blood — with a Universal rating. We have also been running Adult-rated films without even checking who walks into the theatre hall. Something is definitely rotten somewhere, with the stench surfacing every now and then in the shape of controversies such as the Maalik ban.

Ban on ‘Maalik’ is violating freedom of expression: Azeem

It is high time that the government started taking cinema seriously and sat down with film-makers to chalk out a clear course of action for the future. All state institutions need to know that there has to be a clear demarcation of the extent to which they can interfere in the creative industries. Replace the Motion Pictures Ordinance, 1979 and the Film Censorship Code 1980 with something more progressive and above all, easy to understand, so that the rights of film-makers can be safeguarded. If this does not happen, every time there is friction between two opposing forces in society, art will be the first and softest target.
@Muhammad Omar @django @Akheilos @waz @WAJsal @Mr.Meap @haviZsultan @EAK @Jonah Arthur @Moonlight @PaklovesTurkiye @The Eagle
The people at censorship board need to realize the importance of movies for the revival of Pakistan's Cinema Industry......
The people at censorship board need to realize the importance of movies for the revival of Pakistan's Cinema Industry......
We dont want Zia era censorship back in Pakistan
We dont want Zia era censorship back in Pakistan
This reminds me more of the Bhutto Era censorship, criticism of the man was not tolerated at all. (Hint FSF and Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Kasuri). Zia though didn't allow "stuff" in movies and posters and many other places. The movie Maalik is more against corrupt politicians than anything else.
This reminds me more of the Bhutto Era censorship, criticism of the man was not tolerated at all. (Hint FSF and Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Kasuri). Zia though didn't allow "stuff" in movies and posters and many other places. The movie Maalik is more against corrupt politicians than anything else.
He banned whatever he thought was against Islam and Pakistan so many poets and writers were jailed during his dictatorship
This reminds me more of the Bhutto Era censorship, criticism of the man was not tolerated at all. (Hint FSF and Nawab Mohammad Ahmad Kasuri). Zia though didn't allow "stuff" in movies and posters and many other places. The movie Maalik is more against corrupt politicians than anything else.

Reminds you of the Bhutto Era censorship ? :unsure:

Milady you weren't even born till what 30 years after ? :undecided:
We dont want Zia era censorship back in Pakistan
He banned whatever he thought was against Islam and Pakistan so many poets and writers were jailed during his dictatorship
Those who keep repeating this DO realize when Zia came to power, he was following the laws ALREADY initiated by Bhutto? Not sure why no one points to Bhutto screw ups (laws ALREADY passed or were READY to be passed during his era) which Zia just followed like a nice little soldier....Zia barely introduced a new law on his own...MOST if not all the things he is blamed for were either already established during Bhutto's era or were work almost completed when he was removed only to be blamed on Zia...

Zia inherited screwed up laws and still managed to make the country not look like an absolute begging slave like the 3 decades after him succeeded! During his era we had all our state owned institutions at their peak! From PIA to Cotton industries!


And absolutely no body blames the 3 decades of selfish people who couldnt undo a single thing that Bhutto left for us only to blame Zia coz Bhutto's followers sleep better after blaming Zia for the crimes of their dead leader who still is zinda in their brains!
Those who keep repeating this DO realize when Zia came to power, he was following the laws ALREADY initiated by Bhutto? Not sure why no one points to Bhutto screw ups (laws ALREADY passed or were READY to be passed during his era) which Zia just followed like a nice little soldier....Zia barely introduced a new law on his own...MOST if not all the things he is blamed for were either already established during Bhutto's era or were work almost completed when he was removed only to be blamed on Zia...

Zia inherited screwed up laws and still managed to make the country not look like an absolute begging slave like the 3 decades after him succeeded! During his era we had all our state owned institutions at their peak! From PIA to Cotton industries!


And absolutely no body blames the 3 decades of selfish people who couldnt undo a single thing that Bhutto left for us only to blame Zia coz Bhutto's followers sleep better after blaming Zia for the crimes of their dead leader who still is zinda in their brains!
Bhutto started the Mullahfication but Zoa but he took it from level 2 to level 100 we had floggings,severe restriction on media,hudood ordinance,strengthning of biradrism in politics,giving mullahs way too much space in politics,militarization of madrassa,paving way for black law of qisas and diyat and worse of his offences was giving us metro butt
hudood ordinance
Please read this up ...on this forum I have heard people blaming things they have no clue about just as they are fed to do so!

,strengthning of biradrism in politics
You do know Bhutto is a birdari?

Bhutto started the Mullahfication but Zoa but he took it from level 2 to level 100 we had floggings,severe restriction on media,hudood ordinance,strengthning of biradrism in politics,giving mullahs way too much space in politics,militarization of madrassa,paving way for black law of qisas and diyat and worse of his offences was giving us metro butt
Read the article I posted and you will learn that before you were born Bhutto ALREADY had each and everyone of this installed into Pakistan...Zia only followed the laws and enforced them like a good soldier....

He didnt question them - A mistake on his part prob coz he was more a soldier rather than a politician!
He banned whatever he thought was against Islam and Pakistan so many poets and writers were jailed during his dictatorship
This is hardly against Islam, plus if you read the "Tale of Exploding Mangoes" it tells he banned more than just anti-Islam, for example he banned this:

Guess why?.
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I think laws were always there and will be there, its enterpretation and implementation based on that enterpretation that makes a difference. Because constitution is almost the same of 1971. As they say detail is devil. So Zia had his contribution, and everyone before and after him. Zia was profound 'mard e momin' so he is prominent than others.

@Akheilos what you think :D
Noora appeasement of India and particularly Modi. Anything that challenges these people, they don't like. They ban and censor stuff and they like to call themselves the champions of democracy.
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This is hardly against Islam, plus if you read the "Tale of Exploding Mangoes" it tells he banned more than just anti-Islam, for example he banned this:

Guess why?.

Noora appeasement of India and particularly Modi. Anything that challenges these people, they don't like. They ban and censor stuff and they like to call themselves the champions of democracy.
What has India to do with all this???
Please don't tell me that censor bord members are RAW agent

What has India to do with all this???
Please don't tell me that censor bord members are RAW agent

Rajoo, you going to deny that Nawaz Sharif isn't Modi's yaar?
Rajoo, you going to deny that Nawaz Sharif isn't Modi's yaar?
First this matter is to do with Sherrif and his yaari with Modi???

Secondly they are counterparts of the two Asian neighbors. So what's big deal if both don't used to take cheapshots on each other?
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