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Luxembourg "increases" its presence in Mali.... sends a second soldier !

European countries need to spend more on their defence. They can't let your country and mine shoulder all the burden.
European countries need to spend more on their defence. They can't let your country and mine shoulder all the burden.


Don't count on us mate ,our politicians are lying sacks of sh#t.They've promised to raise the Defence budget to 2% by 2017.This year it was 1.4%,i saw the budget draft for 2016 and it was 1.7%.A step in the right direction,finally !(i thought) but then i saw that thay took military pensions (which until now were paid from social security funds) and put them in the Defence budget.If you discount them,the budget is still 1.4% .It's disgusting,i'm abandoning all hope.I guess next year they'll be putting God knows what in there just to have 2% on paper ......
(and rich) country.

lot of it is artificial (tax haven and dependant on proximity to Brussels)

but hey, we would rather be defenceless. Your country is smart one.

I don't know what you mean with this. I mean i do, but it can mean at least three things and i don't know which.

Switzerland recently turned down in a referendum additional aircraft (Gripen) and as for Slovenia, well, let's not go there, i'll just get a headache....

Don't count on us mate ,our politicians are lying sacks of sh#t.They've promised to raise the Defence budget to 2% by 2017.This year it was 1.4%,i saw the budget draft for 2016 and it was 1.7%.A step in the right direction,finally !(i thought) but then i saw that thay took military pensions (which until now were paid from social security funds) and put them in the Defence budget.If you discount them,the budget is still 1.4% .It's disgusting,i'm abandoning all hope.I guess next year they'll be putting God knows what in there just to have 2% on paper ......

I'm not really angry at you guys,but at all other European military powers.... Uk,Spain,Italy etc.
How would they react if these attacks happened in their countries,but we didn't send any help ? :disagree:
Better to ask the African Union to provide the troops. :disagree:

Oh GOD,what would we do if America wasn't here. :coffee:

European countries need to spend more on their defence. They can't let your country and mine shoulder all the burden.

You guys have a budget that is bigger than ours,yet you aren't engaged in multiple overseas operations,it won't kill you to send hundreds of soldiers in Africa... ?
You guys have a budget that is bigger than ours,yet you aren't engaged in multiple overseas operations,it won't kill you to send hundreds of soldiers in Africa... ?

UK army needs to stay at home incase the less savory parts of London and northern post industrial cities decide to riot. :lol: Bobbies don't carry guns afterall...

UK army needs to stay at home incase the less savory parts of London and northern post industrial cities decide to riot. :lol: Bobbies don't carry guns afterall...

uk understands it does not have empire anymore, and they rely heavily on USA. Brits are pragmatic people not emotional.
I'm not really angry at you guys,but at all other European military powers.... Uk,Spain,Italy etc.

Oh GOD,what would we do if America wasn't here. :coffee:
uhm.... pay a lot more tax (or spend less on non-defence) + have defence expenditures easily exceeding 2% of GPD?
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uhm.... pay a lot more tax (or spend less on non-defence) + have defence expenditures easily exceeding 2% of GPD?

Why should i pay even more taxes ? I am already heavily taxed,no need for more. :angel:
Spend budgets of immigration and so called 'integration' to defence. Prolem solved.
Or stop spending money for third world corrupt countries ? Problem solved.
I'm not really angry at you guys,but at all other European military powers.... Uk,Spain,Italy etc.
How would they react if these attacks happened in their countries,but we didn't send any help ? :disagree:
Better to ask the African Union to provide the troops. :disagree:

Oh GOD,what would we do if America wasn't here. :coffee:

You guys have a budget that is bigger than ours,yet you aren't engaged in multiple overseas operations,it won't kill you to send hundreds of soldiers in Africa... ?
1) We have no historical connection to Mali
2) The Paris attacks had no connection to Mali
1) We have no historical connection to Mali
2) The Paris attacks had no connection to Mali

France since day one has requested help from the EU members,yet nobody dared to send any fighting troops to support. (I won't talk about these dozens of soldiers sent for training.... Lol.). An union of 28 members,and nobody dares to do shit. No wonder people overseas are making fun of Europe. All talks,no actions... 'Yeah we stand with France,all our sympathy',but when it comes to act you see nobody.
Nobody denied that. But aren't we fighting terrorism ? It should be a common fight.

Toutefois, ce dont les forces françaises ont besoin, c'est bien d'être appuyées/soulagées par des troupes capables de remplir des missions offensives et de nature antiterroriste.

Un GTIA belge dans la BSS en 2016? Le projet prend forme... : Lignes de défense

Même pas en rêve. :taz: :chilli::victory::bounce::nana:

The words "war","military" seem to be taboo for most of European leaders.:sick:



Don't count on us mate ,our politicians are lying sacks of sh#t.They've promised to raise the Defence budget to 2% by 2017.This year it was 1.4%,i saw the budget draft for 2016 and it was 1.7%.A step in the right direction,finally !(i thought) but then i saw that thay took military pensions (which until now were paid from social security funds) and put them in the Defence budget.If you discount them,the budget is still 1.4% .It's disgusting,i'm abandoning all hope.I guess next year they'll be putting God knows what in there just to have 2% on paper ......
As i said,and will say again,the US is here,why spending money on military ?
The Americans are here,they will die for you,no need to spend money on defence. (Mentality in Brussels.) :disagree:
When they'll realize that they should spend more,it'll be too late. (or realize that cuting their armies to a nowhere level was a bad decision..)
This Changes Everything...Again
Don't count on us mate ,our politicians are lying sacks of sh#t.They've promised to raise the Defence budget to 2% by 2017.This year it was 1.4%,i saw the budget draft for 2016 and it was 1.7%.

A higher defense budget doesn't mean a better military.

Ironically (in modern times) the less defenses a country has the better it tends to do.

Research has proven that. The more money spend on civil projects bring more benefits than money spend on military.
As i said,and will say again,the US is here,why spending money on military ?
The Americans are here,they will die for you,no need to spend money on defence. (Mentality in Brussels.) :disagree:
When they'll realize that they should spend more,it'll be too late. (or realize that cuting their armies to a nowhere level was a bad decision..)

Yep,that's the ideea.You wanna' hear something more absurd,even funny in a tragic way ? This year,the year of our Lord 2015,the Romanian Ministery of Defence has returned some 300 million euros back to the state budget because it didn't spend the money.Yes,they're rolling in T55 tanks,have 60's era Volhov AA system ,fly Mig 21's and they returned 300 million....."here,have them back,we generally have no ideea what we would need these for !"........

The solo-soldier must've gotten lonely and requested someone else to come.
I hope the second soldier is either oposite sex or homo. :P
1) We have no historical connection to Mali
2) The Paris attacks had no connection to Mali

You forgot to read Penguin's links, Steve!
According to 42.7, all nations have the obligation to contribute ( unless unable : pacifist, no army, etc ).
The shape of the contribution is then negotiated one on one by France with each EU nation concerned.
So ...

if the UK or anyone can free men in Mali by sending replacements and that either those troops or the
money allotted to their tasking/mission or both can be re-used by us over Iraq/Syria, it's all good!!

This is an incredibly flexible solution, from political objections to discrepancies in mil power between
countries etc, the return of experience of which will be interesting ( since it is its first implementation ).

Good day all, Tay.

P.S. Gab mec, if the Belgians go and learn quickly, they may be more useful than a
common neighbour? Mais bon, un GTIA au complet ...:cheesy: :omghaha:
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