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That already expired when we acknowledge Tibet as Chinese territory.

With respect Syama Ayas, I don't believe that. And I doubt you'll find any Chinese here who do.

Their political value, is in aggravating China. And they have performed this task well. Check the Dalai Lama's recent comments on Liu Xiaobo for example.

I just hope they were worth it.
@ the Kanna guy, have some shame and stop making up lies. You work for china state media dont you? Won't they reprimand you for propaganda if they found out?

Fateh I dont even buy this guy is working with the Chinese media. he is an attention whore who wants thanks and what better way than to say I Love China on this forum ?? :P
Fateh I dont even buy this guy is working with the Chinese media. he is an attention whore who wants thanks and what better way than to say I Love China on this forum ?? :P

Not only him but there are many persons who think they can get popular by posting anti-india crap...and this exists among members from all nationalities.
Good now ask the Sri Lankan army to go on a genocide YET AGAIN in the Northern and Eastern parts against innocent Tamils branding them as LTTE.

Oh so you Indians call it genocide when Sri Lanka go after one of the biggest dreaded terrorist group LTTE in the world ??

This shows Indians still support LTTE terrorists.
Oh so you Indians call it genocide when Sri Lanka go after one of the biggest dreaded terrorist group LTTE in the world ??

This shows Indians still support LTTE terrorists.

You know nilch about why the LTTE came about or the genocide carried out in Puthukudiyiruppu and Mullaithivu on the Tamil civilians especially women, children and elders. Heavy artillery was used to flatten our entire villages by the maniacal army.

So better not comment on things that are beyond your ken or those happenings that dont come in the Frontier Post.
Oh so you Indians call it genocide when Sri Lanka go after one of the biggest dreaded terrorist group LTTE in the world ??

This shows Indians still support LTTE terrorists.

Most idiotic statement ever.....

Almost 100,000 people died in the Civil War in Sri Lanka. What would you call that, a surgical strike against a terrorist group?

As much as you want to rile up Indian sentiments by calling all pro-Tamil statements as pro-terrorists, it just shows your ignorance in the matter.
Most idiotic statement ever.....

Almost 100,000 people died in the Civil War in Sri Lanka. What would you call that, a surgical strike against a terrorist group?

As much as you want to rile up Indian sentiments by calling all pro-Tamil statements as pro-terrorists, it just shows your ignorance in the matter.

how dare u to talk like this???
jana is always right:P
Terrorist camp in indian soil - what india doing other than denying it?
Sri Lankan PM says LTTE operating 3 camps in Tamil Nadu India

Sri Lankan Prime Minister D.M.Jayaratna told Parliament today that Indian intelligence reports have revealed that three LTTE camps are secretly operating in Tamil Nadu in South India and are engaged in training cadres to carry out assassinations of VVIPs.

He said the camps are operating under the leadership of Pulendra Master who was a close associate of former LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman.

He also said the LTTE was re-organizing itself overseas . “In the USA, V.Rudrakumaran is involved in the revival plans while in Norway it is a person identified as Nediyavan while in India an LTTE operative who fled to India identified as Vinayagam is behind the move," he said.

PM says LTTE operating 3 camps in Tamil Nadu, warns of possible small scale attacks

“These camps are being operated with the objective of assassinating Indian political leaders as well as re-establishing the LTTE bases in Sri Lanka,” the Prime Minister said while opening the debate on the extension of the emergency.

Where is this sentence from the link you have given.?

Why was it edited.?

This is the reason Sri Lankan’s hate India

Now Sri Lankan PM Openly declared it


No, its you hate Indians because your myth have been busted many times. Sri Lankans love Indians. Few handshakes... :lol: :rofl:


You know nilch about why the LTTE came about or the genocide carried out in Puthukudiyiruppu and Mullaithivu on the Tamil civilians especially women, children and elders. Heavy artillery was used to flatten our entire villages by the maniacal army.

So better not comment on things that are beyond your ken or those happenings that dont come in the Frontier Post.

Oh yeh only Indians know why Indians had created terrorist organisation LTTE .

LTTE is the first terror group in the world that had created suicide bombing . LTTE had killed hundreds of civilians and they had used own Tamil Sri Lankans as human shields.

And Indian politicians, intelligence had given LTTE terrorists full support.

now coming to your crying over shelling and all first of all arent you and your politicians are interfering in Sri Lankan internal affairs ?

and if you think you have all the rights to do so then India did the same Genocide in Mezoram and against Sikhs the Golden temple episode and your operations against Naxals are also in the same breath.
Manipur people are facing same
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