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Lt. G Shahid Aziz - Kargil


Jan 27, 2008
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Musharraf Should be Court Marshaled Immediately.


Musharraf Should be Court Marshaled Immediately.

But Musharraff is retired, how can he be court-martialled?
Besides, he is out of the country. Who can touch him now?
Who is Lt. general Aziz, any brief introduction about him.
But Musharraff is retired, how can he be court-martialled?
Besides, he is out of the country. Who can touch him now?

I don't know if Pakistan is some exception. But traditionally military personnel can be court-marshalled even after retirement. The courts can chase personnel even after retirement, like their military titles. :)
With respect to Musharraff, it will at least stop him from wet-dreaming about returning as Pakistan's president.
I don't know if Pakistan is some exception. But traditionally military personnel can be court-marshalled even after retirement. The courts can chase personnel even after retirement, like their military titles. :)
With respect to Musharraff, it will at least stop him from wet-dreaming about returning as Pakistan's president.

There is a cut-off date for that regn to apply. Relates to the Army Act and applicable servce rules. Will not apply in perpetuity.
Just watching the vids liked in the first post abt Gen Aziz now. Wealth of info there. :)
Looks like Musharraf is sre@wed, Nawaz Sharif is being given a clean chit by everyone - next Government - Nawaz Sharif.
I liked the part where the ex DGISI calls Musharraf a compulsive liar, who lies on every matter, even his book is filled with lies, we Indians have been telling you the same from day 1 :lol:
Looks like Musharraf is sre@wed, Nawaz Sharif is being given a clean chit by everyone - next Government - Nawaz Sharif.

Its hard to call it a "clean chit" for Nawaz Sharif. Since their statements seem to indicate that Nawaz Sharif was told some things but not the whole picture. So Nawaz Sharif cannot claim that it happened behind his back.

Actually Brig Shaukat Kadir seems to have more accurately put it:
“While preparations for executing the plan began in November/ December 1999, the subject was casually broached with the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, some time in December, presenting the same argument that the freedom struggle in Kashmir needed a fillip, which could be provided by an incursion into these territories, left unoccupied by the Indians during winters. It would also repay them for their incursion into Siachin.
In fact, it would hurt them more. Nawaz Sharif, being the kind of person he is, accepted the statement at face value. Nor did the military leadership, as it is supposed to, present a complete analysis of the scale of the operation or its possible outcome, with a political aim, and how the military operation would achieve the political aim.”

To my mind, that seems credible. But the underlined part is important; Nawaz Sharif being an opportunist that he is, was just piggy-backing on the plan. If it worked; then as the story goes "Nawaz would get Kashmir" which can be the crowning glory of any PM in Pakistan. And he did not believe that the plan could go awry; since he was not told enough about it or he just did not have the capability to analyse the plan and its pros and cons.
Its hard to call it a "clean chit" for Nawaz Sharif. Since their statements seem to indicate that Nawaz Sharif was told some things but not the whole picture. So Nawaz Sharif cannot claim that it happened behind his back.

Actually Brig Shaukat Kadir seems to have more accurately put it:
“While preparations for executing the plan began in November/ December 1999, the subject was casually broached with the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, some time in December, presenting the same argument that the freedom struggle in Kashmir needed a fillip, which could be provided by an incursion into these territories, left unoccupied by the Indians during winters. It would also repay them for their incursion into Siachin.
In fact, it would hurt them more. Nawaz Sharif, being the kind of person he is, accepted the statement at face value. Nor did the military leadership, as it is supposed to, present a complete analysis of the scale of the operation or its possible outcome, with a political aim, and how the military operation would achieve the political aim.”

To my mind, that seems credible. But the underlined part is important; Nawaz Sharif being an opportunist that he is, was just piggy-backing on the plan. If it worked; then as the story goes "Nawaz would get Kashmir" which can be the crowning glory of any PM in Pakistan. And he did not believe that the plan could go awry; since he was not told enough about it or he just did not have the capability to analyse the plan and its pros and cons.

The timing of the book release - Musharraf's NDTV lying session and his rants on TV makes him an instant hero in Pakistan - Kayani and the ex DGISI giving a clean chit to Nawaz Sharif - Musharraf being blamed for hiding corruption, Musharraf being blamed for bringing in WOT - so effectively he'll remain absconding out of fear and whatever mileage he received from the TV adventurism gets nullified - Nawaz Sharif being propped up and washed off his sins of selling Pakistan cheaply to India and the US - next possible ruler of Pakistan looks like Nawaz Sharif.
The timing of the book release - Musharraf's NDTV lying session and his rants on TV makes him an instant hero in Pakistan - Kayani and the ex DGISI giving a clean chit to Nawaz Sharif - Musharraf being blamed for hiding corruption, Musharraf being blamed for bringing in WOT - so effectively he'll remain absconding out of fear and whatever mileage he received from the TV adventurism gets nullified - Nawaz Sharif being propped up and washed off his sins of selling Pakistan cheaply to India and the US - next possible ruler of Pakistan looks like Nawaz Sharif.

Whether Nawaz Sharif makes it to the throne or not is for the people of Pakistan to decide.
If Musharraff had any worthwhile chance of gaining the popular fancy; he would have returned to Pakistan by now. But he has not; which speaks a lot.

As for the rest, I'm just closely going through both interviews again right now; so I'll wait a while.
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