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LRSAM (Navy) and Nirbhay tests early next year : DRDO cheif


Feb 12, 2010
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LRSAM will be tested in Jan/Feb in Israel followed by more tests in India. Nirbhay also in final stage. So early next year three big tests coming.... :)

February trial for naval air defence missile
Submitted by admin4 on 16 November 2011 - 4:58pm

New Delhi : India will conduct trials before February next year of a 70-km long-range surface-to-air missile or LR-SAM for the Indian Navy.

The missile will have the capability to intercept incoming enemy cruise missiles and combat jets targeting its warships at sea. India has a joint venture for this missile with Israel.

"This missile will be test-fired in January or February next year in Israel," senior officials of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) told reporters here.

The missile will be ready for induction into the navy soon after the next series of tests.

After the first series of tests in Israel, the missile trials will also be held in India.

The Indian Army too is looking at a variant of this missile to meet its requirement for a medium-range surface-to-air air defence missile with a 70-km range.

February trial for naval air defence missile | TwoCircles.net

Nirbhay Cruise Missile Test Next Year

New Delhi, Nov 16 (IANS): India will test its indigenously developed Nirbhay subsonic cruise missile in early 2012, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief V.K. Saraswat said Wednesday.

At a press conference here, Saraswat said the Nirbhay missile was going through its final integration stage.

"It is going through the final integration stage now. We will test the missile early next year," he said.

Nirbhay will be the second cruise missile from India's own defence research stable, with it having successfully designed and developed the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile jointly with Russia and inducting it into its armed forces.

BrahMos can attain cruise speeds of up to 2.8 Mach or almost three times the speed of sound. Nirbhay, being a subsonic cruise missile, attains speeds less than 1 Mach or 1,225 kmph.

Nirbhay Cruise Missile Test Next Year
India developing capabilities to protect space-based assets and cyber warfare

Published: Wednesday, Nov 16, 2011, 17:20 IST
Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI

Making it clear that it was against the use of space for warfare, India Wednesday said it is developing capabilities to protect its space-based assets such as satellites.

"We don't believe in use of space for warfare. Our philosophy is to use it only as resource... We have to make sure that our assets are protected and access is not denied. DRDO has a programme to protect our assets in space," DRDO Chief VK Saraswat told reporters here.

Noting that India needs to take care of this area in the light of the fact that other countries are gearing up their space based offensive programs, Saraswat said, "DRDO has a programme to protect our space based assets and to ensure continuity of access there."

On new threats emerging in the area of cyber space, he said two DRDO labs are working in this areas to develop suitable technology.

"There are new threats emerging in the field of cyber warfare. Two DRDO labs are working specially in this area. We are trying to see various ways to make our team competent in this regard so that we can monitor the flow of cyber traffic and look at the ways to encrypt and disrupt them," he said.

DRDO took up the project following a number of recent cyber attack on government website from groups of hackers based outside India.

India developing capabilities to protect space-based assets - India - DNA
India to test fire Long Range Surface to Air Missile in 2012.

NEW DELHI: India will test-fire early next year the 70-km Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LR-SAM), which will help the Navy protect its warships from incoming enemy cruise missiles and fighter aircraft.

The LR-SAM is an over USD 500 million joint venture with Israel.

"The missile will be test-fired by January or February next year in Israel," a senior DRDO official told reporters here.

The missiles will be inducted by the Indian Navy for protecting its warships from incoming enemy cruise missiles and fighter aircraft.

The DRDO official said the missile will be ready to be offered for induction into the armed forces after the completion of eight scheduled test-firings.

He said after the initial test, two to three launches of the missiles will be done in India also.
The missile to be produced under the project will also be provided to the Indian Army for its Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MR-SAM) requirements.

The range of the missile to be provided to the Army will also be 70 Km.

Meanwhile, during a press conference on the successful test-firing of the Agni-4 missile, DRDO Chief V K Saraswat said the sub-sonic cruise missile Nirbhay will be test-fired in the early part of 2012.

"The missile is being integrated and will be test-fired early next year," he said.

The missile will be second cruise missile in Indian inventory after the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, which has been developed jointly by India and Russia.

India to test fire Long Range Surface to Air Missile in 2012 - The Economic Times
Good article.So this 70 km range version of Barak 8 will also be used by Indian Army-well,that's something new.Any way,good news.
By the way,if former ACM P.V.Naik is to be believed,this version will not be used by IAF.Instead they will use the extended range version of 120 km range which will use a solid fuel booster in addition to the duel pulse rocket motor onboard the Barak 8 MRSAM.
awesome news

induct this in sufficient numbers
Good article.So this 70 km range version of Barak 8 will also be used by Indian Army-well,that's something new.Any way,good news.
By the way,if former ACM P.V.Naik is to be believed,this version will not be used by IAF.Instead they will use the extended range version of 120 km range which will use a solid fuel booster in addition to the duel pulse rocket motor onboard the Barak 8 MRSAM.

Actually it is like this...

LRSAM (Navy) 70 km.
MRSAM (Air force) 110 km.
Actually it is like this...

LRSAM (Navy) 70 km.
MRSAM (Air force) 110 km.

Yeah,right.The IAF version will be 110 km range.I hope P 17A FFGs and P 15B DDGs will also get them onboard.By the way Kinetic,is there any chance of P 28A ASW corvettes getting atleast the 70 km range version of Barak 8?? Considering the size of the corvettes of 110 meter length,there shouldn't be any problem equipping them with Barak 8 MRSAMs.What do you say??
Yeah,right.The IAF version will be 110 km range.I hope P 17A FFGs and P 15B DDGs will also get them onboard.By the way Kinetic,is there any chance of P 28A ASW corvettes getting atleast the 70 km range version of Barak 8?? Considering the size of the corvettes of 110 meter length,there shouldn't be any problem equipping them with Barak 8 MRSAMs.What do you say??

Yes P-28A can get LRSAM but than it has to be MF-STAR onboard. I hope Navy has a plan for that. I also think Navy wil consider MRSAM over LRSAM in future.
love the news..we are doing well in all modern complicated projects...than why the hell we are not making field guns :(
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