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LRS-B Details Emerge: Major Testing, Risk Reduction Complete


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
WASHINGTON — The two designs competing to be the US Air Force's next generation bomber have undergone extensive testing by the service and are far more mature than previously known, to a level nearly unheard of in the Pentagon before a contract award, Defense News has learned.

The designs also feature significantly improved stealth capabilities when compared to the B-2 and still feature plans for future certification of nuclear weaponry and the ability to be optionally manned.

Considered one of the US Air Force's three top acquisition priorities, the Long Range Strike-Bomber (LRS-B) program has been kept primarily in the dark as the service weighs two competing proposals, one from Northrop Grumman, and the other from a team of Boeing and Lockheed Martin. A contract award is expected soon, with indications it could come before the end of September.

On Tuesday, the Air Force held a meeting with outside stakeholders laying out new details on the secretive bomber. According to two individuals with knowledge of the meeting, the service has conducted far greater testing of the bomber designs than is normal for a pre-award program.

One source said the Air Force officials who briefed made it clear that both designs are "very mature," having undergone wind tunnel testing and extensive survivability tests to evaluate the design from all angles. However, neither design has actually flown, both sources said.

Final requirements on the program were locked down in May 2013, the source said. Since then, the two design teams have been developing and testing their systems, while the service has been focused on doing extensive risk reduction.

A second source cited the Air Force briefers as saying that those designs are very different from each other, with widely different teams on subsystems such as the engines, electronic warfare suites and comms systems. Most of those subcontractors will not be announced when the winner is picked, the second source understands.

"[There is] much greater fidelity than we've ever seen before for a pre-EMD program," the first source said. "It's really different. They've spent a couple years doing these tests."

The source quoted an official as saying risk reduction has been done "down to the access panels."

"The risk reduction is done. The designs are technically mature. And we're ready to move," that same official reportedly said, adding that the bomber program has the "highest level of maturity I've seen in an aircraft build."

The testing, unusual this early in the acquisition process, is in part because the bomber program is being handled by the Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO), a small group inside Air Force acquisitions which handles secretive programs such as the service's X-37B space plane.

As its name implies, the RCO follows a different acquisition path than the rest of the service, with more freedom in how it procures technologies. The decision to let them take lead on the program was made back in 2011 under then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, following a review of what went wrong with a previously aborted bomber program.

The RCO's involvement also adds an interesting twist to the long-standing Air Force claim that the bomber will draw from existing technologies. Some observers believed the Air Force might use off-the-shelf commercial tech to help keep the price down, but the RCO has access to existing technologies that most people may never have heard of.

"We're about three years more downstream from where EMD contracts normally are," the first source said. "They've decided to award at a much higher level of maturity and design where they've done a lot of thinking about how to transition to EMD ... and that might be a legacy of the RCO approach."

The briefers avoided giving details about when or how they might select the winning company, but did offer some general insights into the future of the program:

When the contract is awarded, it will come in two parts — an EMD contract that is cost-plus incentive free, and an agreement on the first five low-rate initial production lots that is fixed-price incentive free. Those first five lots will cover the production of 21 bombers.

Shortly after the contract is awarded, the service will share details on the development costs for the program. Operations and sustainment cost estimates, however, won't come until Milestone C, down the road.

The bomber design will have a robust electronic attack element on board.

Although the bomber will not be nuclear-certified from the get-go, it will have nuclear-strike software and hardware produced on the very first aircraft. The certification process requires having five identical production models with the same configuration and software, so do not expect nuclear certification to come until the service has enough models produced so it can do the nuclear certification without halting other test requirements.

The plan is still for the bomber to be optionally manned. However, first flights will be manned, and it is unclear if the ability to do unmanned operations will be built into the early production models or added later. The first source indicated that capability is not a "short term priority."

The service remains focused on using an open-architecture approach which will allow future additions to be made with less costs.

Both sources said the Air Force officials are claiming a significant improvement in low observability from the B-2, with multiple references made to improved materials that were not available when the Spirit fleet was designed.

As to size, the briefers were apparently cagey. However, they did apparently indicate that a UCLASS-size design was too small and the B-2 design was too large.

"The words and body language were that it's not as big as the B-2," the first source said. "But so much is driven by engine technology."

The second source agreed but said that a smaller plane doesn't necessitate a smaller range if the service is willing to trade payload for range. Notably, the service briefers apparently downplayed payload gross weight and instead emphasized the ability to carry multiple types of munitions — selectability between large and small weapons.

A third source, who was not in the meeting but has knowledge of program discussion, believes a design could feature "about 20 percent less payload and 20 percent less range" than the B-2. That source also believes that whichever team wins will produce a flying-wing design, perhaps similar to the UCLASS designs put forth from Boeing and Northrop.

Overall, the sources agreed, the meeting gave attendees a sense that the US Air Force has a much better handle on the bomber program than had been expected. This is important given that members of Congress are already lining up to demand greater oversight on the program.

"They were determined to show competence, and they succeeded, in my mind," the second source said. "This is a well-run program. They were very mindful of the cost issues and were determined to get in front of that."

LRS-B Details Emerge: Major Testing, Risk Reduction Complete
B-3: The Inside Story of America's Next Bomber

Sometime in the next several weeks, the U.S. Air Force will award a contract for the first long-range bomber America has developed since the Cold War ended a quarter-century ago. The service plans to buy 80-100 bombers at a production cost of $550 million in 2010 dollars, with initial operational capability achieved in 2025. The plane will probably be designated B-3, because the last two heavy bombers the Air Force bought were designated B-1 and B-2.

It’s a secret program, so the Air Force hasn’t said much else. Secrecy is necessary not only to prevent potential enemies from building effective defenses against the bomber, but also to minimize the likelihood that foreign hackers can steal its sensitive technology. However, there are many things that can be disclosed about the Long-Range Strike Bomber — LRS-B as it is usually called in the Air Force — without compromising its security or operational effectiveness. Here are a few of the most important facts that help put the impending award in proper fiscal, strategic, and technological perspective.

Cost. Cost is typically the most controversial aspect of a new weapons program, so the Air Force has capped the production cost of the plane at $550 million in 2010 dollars, which is the baseline year when LRS-B began. In fact, it has made that price-tag a “key performance parameter” in the development plan to discipline design tradeoffs. The $550 million figure assumes a production run of 100 planes. In today’s dollars, with five additional years of inflation, that works out to about $600 million per bomber, or roughly twice the price of a Boeing 777 widebody jetliner. However, while the $550 million includes the cost of engines and other on-board equipment, it does not include the cost of developing the plane. That component of the total cost included numerous uncertainties that could not be estimated reliably at the time the production cost was set.


Requirements. LRS-B will replace the oldest bombers in the current fleet, many of which now exceed half a century in age, with a plane that gives the president the option of holding any target at risk, anywhere on the planet. That includes deeply buried and mobile targets such as ballistic-missile transporters, so in addition to the requisite range and payload, the bomber must be able to operate autonomously in hostile air space for extended periods. In order to survive such harrowing engagements, the bomber will incorporate the latest low-observable (“stealth”) technology to evade enemy interception, and will also host a sophisticated electronic-warfare suite for jamming enemy radar.

Because LRS-B will be taking over much of the strategic deterrence mission from the current bomber fleet, it must not only be able to deliver nuclear gravity bombs and standoff munitions, but also to operate in an environment where nuclear weapons are detonating nearby. There are limits to what any plane can endure in a nuclear environment, but the requirement for nuclear operations dictates some design features of the airframe and an ability to function when communication channels have been shut down by electromagnetic pulse and other nuclear effects. LRS-B will not be certified for nuclear strikes until after its conventional capabilities are confirmed, but each production plane will contain all the necessary wiring for nuclear operations.

Technology. LRS-B is part of a “family” of long-range strike systems that includes aircraft like the B-1 and B-2 bombers, munitions, sensors, networks, and electronic-warfare systems. Some of these other systems will facilitate the new bomber’s ability to find fleeting targets, and the plane therefore will carry an extensive array of secure communications links. However, because it must be able to accomplish missions even when those links are silenced, the bomber will be equipped with its own suite of sensors such as a multifunction, phased-array radar and self-protection systems that can deploy countermeasures against hostile aircraft. Much of this technology has been “re-purposed” from other programs such as the F-35 fighter to hold down costs and speed development.

Some of the design features of the B-3 were first explored in a previous program called the Next Generation Bomber that was canceled in 2009. The current program begun in 2010 has already engaged in three years of research and parts prototyping to reduce risk during development. Despite the use of mature technology in many parts of the airframe, there are major integration challenges associated with some aspects of development such as integrating the engines and antennas; these subsystems cannot be allowed to compromise survivability in the final design. All of the technical interfaces comply with open-architecture standards that will enable easy refresh of technology and avoid locking the Air Force into reliance on particular contractors.

Plan. Because there are still major uncertainties associated with integrating such a complex combat system, the Air Force will use a “cost-plus” contract during the development phase that protects the winning team from excessive losses while incentivizing cost discipline. Once production begins, though, the contract type switches to a fixed-price vehicle under which industry will incur significant losses if it fails to perform. The plan assumes that technical uncertainties will be largely resolved before production commences, and thus that responsibility for any cost overruns or schedule slippage will reside with the contractors.

The Air Force’s acquisition plan emphasizes that the government will own the technical baseline of the program, meaning the intellectual property, so that it does not become dependent on the proprietary technology of a few vendors. It also stresses the importance of fielding a system that can be sustained over a multi-decade service life at reasonable cost. Maintenance of low-observable features on some legacy planes has been extremely costly and difficult, so the bomber plan aims at developing an airframe that is as easily supported as mature combat systems like its F-15E fighter-bomber. Execution of the acquisition plan is being led by the Air Force’s Rapid Capabilities Office, which has a reputation for being brilliant but demanding.

Teams. Two industry teams are competing for the bomber award. One is led by Boeing with Lockheed Martin as a key subcontractor. The other is led by Northrop Grumman. Boeing has built most of the Air Force’s heavy bombers, and collaborated with Lockheed Martin on its stealthy F-35 fighter. Lockheed Martin also is prime contractor on the tri-service F-35 fighter, with Northrop Grumman as a major subcontractor. Northrop Grumman also built the B-2 bomber, the world’s first truly stealthy long-range bomber. Boeing was a major subcontractor on the B-2. In sum, the two teams pursuing the LRS-B award include all the companies that could credibly claim to be capable of integrating the new bomber.

The Pratt & Whitney engine unit of United Technologies will likely supply the engines. However, there will be few additional details on the subcontractors supporting the winning team, because the Air Force does not want to make it any easier for foreign governments to conduct espionage. On-line penetration of subcontractor networks is a favorite tactic of state-sponsored Chinese and Russian hackers. The two industry teams have adopted opposite strategies in telling their bomber stories, with Boeing-Lockheed saying virtually nothing in public, while Northrop Grumman has mounted a major public-relations campaign. (Boeing and Lockheed Martin contribute to my think tank; Lockheed is a consulting client).

The bottom line on the Long Range Strike Bomber program is that the Air Force has applied just about every available lesson from past acquisition efforts to fashion a program that should succeed well in the absence of political interference. It will not be cheap, but the service is overdue to replace its aging Cold War bomber fleet with a new strike aircraft that can survivably attack the full spectrum of likely targets in a future war. The service stabilized its bomber requirements years ago and has put its A-Team of acquisition experts in charge of the program. It is using cost and competition to discipline the outcome. So if ever there was a development program that measured up to the best practices of the military acquisition community, this is it.

B-3: The Inside Story of America's Next Bomber
I wonder if the design will be shown when the winner is announced?
Apparently Air Force officials hinted that work on the LRS-B has been going on longer than we've realized.
B-3: Sometime in the next several weeks, the U.S. Air Force will award a contract for the first long-range bomber America has developed since the Cold War ended a quarter-century ago. The service plans to buy 80-100 bombers at a production cost of $550 million in 2010 dollars, with initial operational capability achieved in 2025.


There are no words to define the B2's capability. B3 will be B2 + all other technological and capability improvements made since the B2 was inducted. Looking forward to another "Ghost" strike platform :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

I'm not going to hold my breath. Most of the program is still classified.

I have a feeling, it'll be similar to the B2 in some physical manner (and of course, I'd personally LOVE that :tup:). But it makes sense, all materials, computing and other technological advances that have happened since the B2's induction, should be put onto a similar platform that's already proven its aerodynamics and all. Plus, the B2 was WAY ahead of her time, this thing was Alien shiit when it was designed.

I think from the pictures above, the one that kind of resembles the B2, with angled wings, might be the one. But I am holding my breath till the announcement comes.
There are no words to define the B2's capability. B3 will be B2 + all other technological and capability improvements made since the B2 was inducted. Looking forward to another "Ghost" strike platform :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:

I have a feeling, it'll be similar to the B2 in some physical manner (and of course, I'd personally LOVE that :tup:). But it makes sense, all materials, computing and other technological advances that have happened since the B2's induction, should be put onto a similar platform that's already proven its aerodynamics and all. Plus, the B2 was WAY ahead of her time, this thing was Alien shiit when it was designed.

I think from the pictures above, the one that kind of resembles the B2, with angled wings, might be the one. But I am holding my breath till the announcement comes.
Is LRS-B will be subsonic or supersonic? Thank you:usflag::usflag:
Most likely subsonic

I'd be very surprised if its going to be a subsonic plane. The entire theater has changed, with China (and soon to follow Russia) building large quantities of high speed ballistic missiles (Mach 8-10) and Hypersonic vehicles. We can't be flying these puppies from Whiteman and estimating they'll reach the target in 36 hours. I think you'll see some sort of a repeat of a Blackbird type speedy platform, but much more sophisticated.
Traditional flywing designs, like the CGI of NG's likely entry, aren't well-suited for supersonic travel - a SBiDiR-FW design would allow for supersonic flight in a flying wing config though.

NASA - Silent and Efficient Supersonic Bi-Directional Flying Wing.

The amount of money that is and will be spent on R&D is to essentially meet future needs and to over come today's standards. Whether LM or Boeing get the contract, I figured there would be extensive support from NASA and even from DARPA on some next generation stuff.
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