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Low fertility to keep Bangladesh population at 20 crore in 2045

Just reunite with the west Pakistan and your problem will be solved.
Here we are suffering from over fertility :lol:

Over fertility is not bad if you can export the excess. 8-)

Just like fruit.

How about to send Bangladesh women to China?

No one is stopping you if you want to become Bangladesh internet sensation and bridegroom. Watch this Korean guy's channel, he lives in Bangladesh.

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We need to urbanise in an efficient manner like Singapore has to even have a shot at offering high standards of living to 200 million people.

The new build cities in Uttara and Purbachal are like the HDB flats in S'pore.
Just reunite with the west Pakistan and your problem will be solved.
Here we are suffering from over fertility :lol:
Please do your country a favor by controlling births. Many of our people in the east do not know or tend to forget that family planning started when Ayub Khan was the President of then Pakistan.

Now, that effort is bearing fruits in the east but without a good result in the west. Pakistani people must be aware that overpopulation is a curse.

West had about 25 million people in 1947 and east had about 35 million. East is winning the race against overpopulation and in West this word has become a taboo.

The Mother Earth cannot support any more mouths. So, Pakistan must take the issue seriously.
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BD must do more when it comes to education and economic participation of women.

In my opinion 200m is too much and we must dampen the curve. In the 90s there was projection of BD reaching 250m, in the 2000s it fell to 220m and now 200m.

As a country lets work on quality not quantity. I see no reason why we can not arrest growth. Our girls are getting universal primary education at least, the 30% women who work wont have loads of children. Upper and middle classes who compose of around 20% of the population no longer has more than 2 kids. I am hopefull of beating this prediction.
Please do your country a favor by controlling births. Many of our people in the east do not know or tend to forget that family planning started when Ayub Khan was the President of then Pakistan.

Now, that effort is bearing fruits in the east but without a good result in the west. Pakistani people must be aware that overpopulation is a curse.

West had about 25 million people in 1947 and east had about 35 million. East is winning the race against overpopulation and in West this word has become a taboo.

The Mother Earth cannot support any more mouths. So, Pakistan must take the issue seriously.
Doubt Ayub Khan's efforts yielded any results in BD given that birth rate was roaring till early 90s.
Effective birth control in Bd started in the 90's, thanks to NGOs, Khaleda and Hasina.
Over fertility is not bad if you can export the excess. 8-)

Just like fruit.
I think we should export ours and strengthen the rupee and economy :lol:

Please do your country a favor by controlling births. Many of our people in the east do not know or tend to forget that family planning started when Ayub Khan was the President of then Pakistan.

Now, that effort is bearing fruits in the east but without a good result in the west. Pakistani people must be aware that overpopulation is a curse.

West had about 25 million people in 1947 and east had about 35 million. East is winning the race against overpopulation and in West this word has become a taboo.

The Mother Earth cannot support any more mouths. So, Pakistan must take the issue seriously.
Glad to know someone from the west did something good for the Bangladeshis.
Actually here as what's this thread is about .Bangladesh is suffering from low births which is also a not good thing. Same what Russia is facing. It should be balanced and in between.
We face overpopulation because of I guess low literacy rate and religious leaders here being against birth control measures.
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Doubt Ayub Khan's efforts yielded any results in BD given that birth rate was roaring till early 90s.
Effective birth control in Bd started in the 90's, thanks to NGOs, Khaleda and Hasina.
Every good effort needs to start at some time and the results are not immediately achieved.

The credit of starting the family planning certainly goes to Ayub Khan that kept on improving after 1971. President Ershad and all other leaders have equally contributed to make the family planning a success.

We must praise the initiator President Ayub Khan.
BD won't have a declining population. That I don't believe because the numbers of refugees aren't considered, however, BD will sustain its current size which is fine by me. It'll help a lot!
The number of refugees is about 1 million. So, add this figure with the 268 million native people. No big difference.

Do not expect the BD society will allow the Rohingya to go without family planning.
How about we introduce a permit system?

Every person will require a permit from Ministry of family planning to have a second child.

Our slum dwellers are producing like rabbits without any future planning!
BD must do more when it comes to education and economic participation of women.

In my opinion 200m is too much and we must dampen the curve. In the 90s there was projection of BD reaching 250m, in the 2000s it fell to 220m and now 200m.

As a country lets work on quality not quantity. I see no reason why we can not arrest growth. Our girls are getting universal primary education at least, the 30% women who work wont have loads of children. Upper and middle classes who compose of around 20% of the population no longer has more than 2 kids. I am hopefull of beating this prediction.

Nothing can be done at this stage to make it stop much below 200m. The momentum build up from previous generation is too strong to stop abruptly now.

All you say is already being done and BD's population growth is at 1% now, equal with India at 1% also but higher than Sri Lanka at 0.5%.

Over the next 2-3 decades it will decline to zero and then go into negative territory in the next half of this century,
The new build cities in Uttara and Purbachal are like the HDB flats in S'pore.
Granted Purbachal is well planned but it is an outlier and only accessible to the wealthy. If we want to uplift the entire population to high standards of living though, we need tens of millions of high rise apartments. This can be done in a planned manner around SEPZs along with other necessary infrastructure such as bus/rail rapid transit lines, etc.
Over fertility is not bad if you can export the excess. 8-)

Just like fruit.
Yes, it is a great idea. But, the idea must be supported by the would-be mothers who would keep their boys 18 years in the womb, and teach them languages and workplace technical things before giving birth.

This is how you will get ripened delicious fruits who would be remitting dollars from the ME to Hasina Bibi from day one after the birth.

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