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‘Lovers of Musharraf’

This really tells how much you do your homework before coming here and posting endlessly on different threads, posts which have high grade english but no soul to talk about.

It was Gilani who had talked about sending ISI chief to India, not Zardari, get your facts right.

It was Gilani who talked, but Zardari who decided. Later Gilani backtracked, this time Kiyaniji decided.

We don't have a presidential system nor is Zardari running the govt, President is a symbol of federation, so he being powerless is what is his job. PM is the real head of the govt and runs the show.

When Zardari came to power, all the powers were vested with President at that time. Musharraf literally changed your system to presidential system for his purpose.

And as for handing over the nuke button, again lack of knowledge leads to such statements. First of all its not a nuke button, its the seat of the Chairman of National Command Authority, NCA comprises of many members established for the control and final decision making authority for release of nuclear weapon, so no single person has the nuke button, its a multi tier system. Musharaf had taken the seat of the chairman by promulgating ordinance in this regard as he was running the govt at that time, an ordinance is a temporary arrangement bypassing the parliament for quick enforcement of something, which needs to be approved by the assembly if it has to be made into a law at a later stage, if not done the ordinance expires. As per law PM being the head of the govt, should also be the Chairman of NCA, so in this case the ordinance was expiring on 28th Nov, with no plans to get it approved from parliament as they won't allow it, due to PM being the real Chairman NCA. So he is not relinquished anything from him, rather the rightful person to chair the seat has gotten his power pack.

This is your home work ??

Huh?!! You just said what I said in a formal language. The simple fact of the matter is that the nuke button(I would still refer to it as that because it all comes down to that) which was nominally(I stress this word) in Zardari's control was reliquished and given to Gilani, who is more trustworthy from a PA's perspective rightnow.

Who runs the show makes a lot of difference, continuing the policy and implementation are two different things. Security deterioration did not played the major factor, rather lack of vision and future course of action lead to economic turmoil. Electricity crises took the toll, a crisis which began in PPP govt time, not during Musharaf time. The leadership of PPP led to such mistrust from investors and local people, that people shipped off billions abroad, investors took out their money, only due to mistrust as corrupt leaders were in power now, and current rankings of Pakistan in corruption and the inefficiency of NAB anti-corruption laws had lead to massive corruption. So many other crisis worked as fuel to the fire.
When the oligarchs of our country become selfish and compromise the security of Pakistan, the military has to come in to get hold of such guys. Zardari with his henchman Rehman Malik the most corrupt people in Pakistan are a security risk to Pakistan.

I agree with you that mistrust of the leadership led to lack of investments and shipping off the money.

But the rot in the system started in Musharraf's era, it is just that Musharraf kept a tight control over everything, so that nothing came out. But one thing, Musharraf was very good in dealing US pressure. While PPP Govt succumbs to it more often than not. If you had said that Musharraf was better because he handled US pressure better, I would have agree with you.

Again gravely mistaken, he negotiates with the military leaders of US with regards to the WoP and the requirements of PA, he doesn't negotiates with the president of USA. And he is negotiating with them for 2 years now, if the precedent had been set, 2 years are more then enough to see the request come from his side. He has one more year to go, which he will use to fight the foreign funded menace and try to take Pakistan out of this troubled times.

hmm..then our military leaders can discuss. Anyway, as I said, India is not in hurry, I believe the request would come from Pakistan itself.
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It was Gilani who talked, but Zardari who decided. Later Gilani backtracked, this time Kiyaniji decided.

When Zardari came to power, all the powers were vested with President at that time. Musharraf literally changed your system to presidential system for his purpose.

Huh?!! You just said what I said in a formal language. The simple fact of the matter is that the nuke button(I would still refer to it as that because it all comes down to that) which was nominally(I stress this word) in Zardari's control was reliquished and given to Gilani, who is more trustworthy from a PA's perspective rightnow.

I agree with you that mistrust of the leadership led to lack of investments and shipping off the money.

But the rot in the system started in Musharraf's era, it is just that Musharraf kept a tight control over everything, so that nothing came out. But one thing, Musharraf was very good in dealing US pressure. While PPP Govt succumbs to it more often than not. If you had said that Musharraf was better because he handled US pressure better, I would have agree with you.

hmm..then our military leaders can discuss. Anyway, as I said, India is not in hurry, I believe the request would come from Pakistan itself.

Why are you then entering into discussion when you have come up with a biased point of view made up already related to Pakistan ?? After reading nearly all your posts which are specifically related to Pakistan, you try to show that your point of view is 101% correct & you are an expert on Pakistan based on the biased media reports which you people read in India and then try that others embrace the same point of view over here.

if you want a serious discussion then embrace the reality and facts too which we being in Pakistan see, hear and watch. But if you come with a biased approach based on the media reports then very soon no one is gonna indulge in a serious discussion with you as it would be wastage of their time, just like i have wasted my time by indulging in a discussion with you, as the end result even after giving you proper facts is the same.

90 posts in a single day (must be a record for PDF), with major posts done on threads related to Pakistan does speaks the agenda with which you seem to be here.

Hope Meerut has not seen a rainy day today that you had to give so much time to PDF ??
Why are you then entering into discussion when you have come up with a biased point of view made up already related to Pakistan ?? After reading nearly all your posts which are specifically related to Pakistan, you try to show that your point of view is 101% correct & you are an expert on Pakistan based on the biased media reports which you people read in India and then try that others embrace the same point of view over here.

if you want a serious discussion then embrace the reality and facts too which we being in Pakistan see, hear and watch. But if you come with a biased approach based on the media reports then very soon no one is gonna indulge in a serious discussion with you as it would be wastage of their time, just like i have wasted my time by indulging in a discussion with you, as the end result even after giving you proper facts is the same.

Arey bhai, you are extending my point about one post to all my other posts. I dont know why you want to do that. And if my views were formed based on reports read in India, I would have blamed everything on Pakistan, never acknowledged links with TTP and so many other things which I have posted. By the way, you have not given me one new info, you have just posted what is common knowledge , that is one of the reason for me to lose interest in debating on this topic. You are saying the same thing differently, everytime, you insinuate that I dont know anything at all. It is both humiliating and boring to set the record straight each time. So, I said, fine, lets agree to disagree. Now, you portray that as my retreat due to lack of knowledge. It is just not right.

90 posts in a single day (must be a record for PDF), with major posts done on threads related to Pakistan does speaks the agenda with which you seem to be here.

Hope Meerut has not seen a rainy day today that you had to give so much time to PDF ??

This is new forum to me, I am intriuged and interested. Its novelty appeals to me. As it get older to me, you will see me less and less. Again you insinuate that I am here with some malicious agenda. And you expect me to indulge in a debate!

Someone should tell you that you dont cast suspicions after every post on the posters knowledge, intentions and skill.

As for the weather in Meerut, I wouldnt know. Maybe now you will say:" you live in India, yet dont know about the weather of an Indian city, yet you post as an expert about Pakistan. You have not done your homework. ".:hitwall:

If you dont want me to post in certain threads or about certain topics or about certain personalities, do tell me and I will follow your instruction. If you are uncomfortable with the content of my post, then delete them as you like. Infact, I am amazed why you havent already done that, as you seem to fear some great agenda behind my posts!
Congrats to lovers of Musharraf and all Pakistanis that 2 years are now complete :victory:

I hope to see General Musharraf in action sooooooon
I have got to say after reading his book 'In the Line of Fire', he's the coolest Pakistani President EVAAAARRRRR!!

He died almost twice from suicide attacks? Just wow.
WOW.It really amazes me to see lovers of musharraf..You ppl are ignoring that it was musharraf the one who allowed US to get involved in pakistan..You ppl say zardari is puppet of America,so tell me what was musharraf,Didn't he took aid from america,didn't he brought US army in pakistan for afghanstan fight,if now this would happened,so all mullahs and you ppl were going to say wat the hell president did,that time where were you all when he invited US army to pak in 2001?.its simply kool to see your double standard
i wander what rich london/New york/Dubai borough Shaukat Aziz lives in now. Until Pakistanis see that leaders are not built on what its relations with America and what it did in the war on terror we will never have a true leader. Japan was annialated after world war 2 only country in the world to feel a nuclear bomb some 62 years ago. Just look at where Japan is now its unreal. Pakistan leaders need to think about vastly reforming our welfare system that includes education and healthcare. Alot of blame is laid on the military in Pakistan, without it the kind of politicians it had it would have been sold of as a country. True Leaders of the people need to emerge not leaders of the Elite!
We need to get rid of family political party system.
We must say no to zardari bhutto family and we must say no to sharif family.
WOW.It really amazes me to see lovers of musharraf..You ppl are ignoring that it was musharraf the one who allowed US to get involved in pakistan..You ppl say zardari is puppet of America,so tell me what was musharraf,Didn't he took aid from america,didn't he brought US army in pakistan for afghanstan fight,if now this would happened,so all mullahs and you ppl were going to say wat the hell president did,that time where were you all when he invited US army to pak in 2001?.its simply kool to see your double standard

Nope. Remember 'We'll bomb you back to the stone age' and 'Either your with us or against us.' Musharraf had no choice but to comply with their demands, however under no circumstances whatsoever did he EVER allow drone attacks into the country. I'm not saying that it never happened, I'm saying the attacks did not happen with Musharraf's permission!

Yeah, and when Zardari walks on into the office, one of the first things he does is LEGALIZE the drone attacks!

Musharraf was indeed one of the most [probably THE most] awesome dictators in the entire world and the one who did the MOST for Pakistan. He saved Pakistan from becoming a failed state. He rose our economy by 550%. And he freed the media from all unnecessary regulations.

Even after all this, he goes to India and debates about various issues knowing he would be 'grilled' at the IndiaToday enclave but he did not care. Now, I dont see any other leader of Pakistan doing such a brave move.

Do you?
i wander what rich london/New york/Dubai borough Shaukat Aziz lives in now.

They all live in posh areas so why target Shaukat Aziz. Look at NS who was an ordinary businessman and now he owns Itefaq Groups. Nawaz Sharif's net worth is probably around half a billion dollars or more. How did he get this money? I am sure this is 90% corruption money. Look at this story:

Senator Dar’s handwritten statement, given before a magistrate back on April 25, 2000, had alleged that Sharif brothers used the Hudaibya Paper Mills as cover for money laundering during the late 1990s.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | ?Sharifs used paper mill to whiten money?

Until Pakistanis see that leaders are not built on what its relations with America and what it did in the war on terror we will never have a true leader.

Pakistan is not on moon so it is supposed to have good relations with all other countries. Don't worry about the relationship with the US because important thing is the performance of the individual for Pakistan.

Japan was annialated after world war 2 only country in the world to feel a nuclear bomb some 62 years ago. Just look at where Japan is now its unreal.

Please read about the Marshall plan afetr WWII launched by the US as that wil help you understand why Japan grew.

Pakistan leaders need to think about vastly reforming our welfare system that includes education and healthcare. Alot of blame is laid on the military in Pakistan, without it the kind of politicians it had it would have been sold of as a country. True Leaders of the people need to emerge not leaders of the Elite!

Agree 100%.
WOW.It really amazes me to see lovers of musharraf..You ppl are ignoring that it was musharraf the one who allowed US to get involved in pakistan..

No sor it has been the case since the independence of Pakistan and only Musharraf can't be blamed.

You ppl say zardari is puppet of America,so tell me what was musharraf,Didn't he took aid from america,

Please tell me a govt which didn't get the US aid.

didn't he brought US army in pakistan for afghanstan fight,if now this would happened,so all mullahs and you ppl were going to say wat the hell president did,that time where were you all when he invited US army to pak in 2001?.its simply kool to see your double standard

What are you talking about? Gen. Musharraf allowed US to use Pakistani basses for logistics support and anyone would have done the same. NS nad BB both agreed with this approach.
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