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‘Lovers of Musharraf’

I support zardari..atleast he didn't came from back door like ur lover musharaf...

Zardari has been the singular most disliked person in recent memory who has been known as the corruption king in all the circles of Pakistan ever since he came to light in the 90s...
We see all sorts of mismanagement and corruption nowadays which had not manifested in the Musharraf era.

Agreed that Musharraf did come through the backdoor but he did some good things when he was in power so that is why many like him still.
On the other hand currently we see a government which has the audacity to tell us to boycott sugar if it is being hoarded by the sugar mafia...we all know that the current government has many sugar mill owners but being the government it wields a power and that power has to be used to help the people...now instead of doing their job they come up with such nonsense!
If tomorrow same things happen with wheat, will they tell us to boycott that as well?
The energy crisis and the associated distortion of facts has been noted by all...the government was willing to bring in decade old equipment on rent for billions of dollars instead of clearing the IPP dues...and this was to be a temporary measure...what a huge blunder and still defended to the last till most in the country were crying foul and up in anger...
We could not imagine such open disregard for the entire public in nearly every aspect a few years ago and that is why there is a large support for Musharraf....

Whereas many do not agree with Musharraf's jump into WOT, a vast number of Pakistanis agree that he was a very good administrator and a person who had a lot of qualities...to some he was the best thing...to some he made big mistakes...but most agree that many things he did were good...at least Musharraf does have some pros vs his cons...

Regarding the backdoor issue, Zardari did the same thing by not honoring his commitment to the charter of democracy, he was saying he does not want to be the president and then did so...he said that it is all politics...
How does a man imprisoned for more than a decade be respected by the nation, especially now that he even admits that the palace in UK is his?
Knowing that this is the test of democracy, our president is seen all around the world on expensive trips with a huge entourage whereas the trips are mostly not even official...other than this all he talks about is his wife and that democracy is the best revenge...this is no way a man in his position should behave in the current circumstances...he should have taken this opportunity to redeem himself but he has proven all his critics absolutely right so far...
Where is Zardari even in the war against terror we are fighting?
Most of IDPs, Army, Police and all the other victims of bombings have so far not seen their president amongst them...what should we credit Zardari with?

The issue is not only alleged corruption but personal integrity as well...
This man was nearly on his deathbed since he did not come to court 99% of the time because of his failing health...how devoted he is that when he is made president he stays abroad on foreign trips nearly throughout the year and his health is no longer an issue?
A wonderful thing this is to see and behold, a miracle truly...
Maybe our current president has access to the fountain of youth that a bedridden and ailing politician became so vigorous and energetic when made a president...i wish we had the same tonic with us when Quaid e Azam was alive...
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I respected Musharraf, he was one of the more honest polticians that seen things as they were and was as honest as a poltican could be about it...As much as I respect democracy I belive he was good for Pakistan. Too much religion has ruined Pakistans rule by a honest man.
The issue is not only alleged corruption but personal integrity as well..

This is one of the main issues but most of the PPPP supporters will not understand just like NS supporters. I hope that senior leadership of the PPPP realize the damage this one person has caused to the PPPP.
Since, this is a thread of Musharraf's fans, I wont say much lest I hurt others. All I will say is that if you compare Zardari and Musharraf. Zardari, at worst, corrupted. At best, he is well-intentioned but powerless and foolish.

Musharraf, at worst, is dangerous to everyone and anyone. At best, he lies to everyone just out of habit.

A lot of money was taken by Musharraf during his era as representative of Pakistan, if that money had been utilized well, then Pakistan would have been in so much better position. Instead, all the money vanished.

As for Nawaz, he is opportunist, he will side with anyone.

From, Pakistan's POV, Pakistan needs a dynamic, honest, young, new leader who can really care for people and country instead of his own selfish ends.

From India's POV, it doesnt matter who comes to power. The real power rests with PA, who formulate the foreign policy. India has never negotiated/talked with PA so far directly. But the when PA and civil administration was controlled by Musharraf and we talked with him, the results were positive for us. Maybe we should start negotiating with Kiyaniji.
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Since, this is a thread of Musharraf's fans, I wont say much lets I hurt others. All I will say is that if you compare Zardari and Musharraf. Zardari, at worst, corrupted. At best, he is well-intentioned but powerless and foolish.

Musharraf, at worst, is dangerous to everyone and anyone. At best, he lies to everyone just out of habit.

A lot of money was taken by Musharraf during his era as representative of Pakistan, if that money had been utilized well, then Pakistan would have been in so much better position. Instead, all the money vanished.

As for Nawaz, he is opportunist, he will side with anyone.

From, Pakistan's POV, Pakistan needs a dynamic, honest, young, new leader who can really care for people and country instead of his own selfish ends.

From India's POV, it doesnt matter who comes to power. The real power rests with PA, who formulate the foreign policy. India has never negotiated/talked with PA so far directly. But the when PA and civil administration was controlled by Musharraf and we talked with him, the results were positive for us. Maybe we should start negotiating with Kiyaniji.

At best, he is well-intentioned but powerless and foolish.

You seriously need to have a thorough look regarding personality of Zardari and his intentions related to Pakistan.

A lot of money was taken by Musharraf during his era as representative of Pakistan, if that money had been utilized well, then Pakistan would have been in so much better position. Instead, all the money vanished.

You seriously need to study the state of economy under Musharaf time period and the record of how much money taken and where it went is very clear. The fact that under his rule we did not had to go to IMF with its economy shattering policies is a testament that where the money was going in, this PPP govt nearly made Pakistan go bankrupt and had to once again go to IMF to beg for loans. Leaving many other sectors performance on you to look into and then judge your statement.

Maybe we should start negotiating with Kiyaniji.

Not possible for the time being nor will happen in future.
He saved Pak from becoming a failed state by raising the economy by 500% which is a pretty awesome accomplishment.
At best, he is well-intentioned but powerless and foolish.

You seriously need to have a thorough look regarding personality of Zardari and his intentions related to Pakistan.

I would love to be enlightened.

A lot of money was taken by Musharraf during his era as representative of Pakistan, if that money had been utilized well, then Pakistan would have been in so much better position. Instead, all the money vanished.

You seriously need to study the state of economy under Musharaf time period and the record of how much money taken and where it went is very clear. The fact that under his rule we did not had to go to IMF with its economy shattering policies is a testament that where the money was going in, this PPP govt nearly made Pakistan go bankrupt and had to once again go to IMF to beg for loans. Leaving many other sectors performance on you to look into and then judge your statement.

But all that happened as soon as Musharraf left! So, isnt it obvious that the problems started and were not solved in Musharraf's rule.

Maybe we should start negotiating with Kiyaniji.

Not possible for the time being nor will happen in future.

Why not?
I would love to be enlightened.

Well if you can come up with the statement of his well intentioned, then i believe you can also check out his record and current rule actions from multiple sources, just like the ones on which you based your earlier view.

But all that happened as soon as Musharraf left! So, isnt it obvious that the problems started and were not solved in Musharraf's rule.

I don't understand, you give statements as if you have done your homework but that is not the case. So why don't you do a very thorough study that what were the conditions due to which this govt failed to control the economy, to hide their own incompetency PPP govt blamed everything on Musharaf, so don't go on PPP statements. Just as a head start, take a hint about PPP govt incompetence that they did not had a Finance Minister for nearly one and a half year and the finance ministry was being run by an adviser, an investment banker yet again like the previous one.

Plus, the above two topics have been discussed in very lengthy detail on different other threads, so repeating them again is of no use. Better you take out sometime and do some searching, you will find the threads telling the economic activities done during Musharaf time and then how this PPP govt wrecked everything.

becoz he is busy in the WoP and he has no intention to get into politics, he will serve Pakistan to the best of his abilities just like he has been doing till now and then take a graceful leave to be remembered as one of the best COAS Pakistan ever saw. I wish he continues as he is a great asset to Pakistan.
Musharraf the same guy that keeps himself in the public limelight with sometimes bullsh*t allegations?. You see Pakistan has the best leaders in the world for asking for aid its initiated programmes such as the friends of Pakistan. Pakistan needs investment! our politicians do not see this. We need well rounded politicians not mr 10% the same guy that was wanted by Switzerland for fraud. As a Pakistani the state this country is in it is an embarrassment to the great fathers that found it espicially Quadi Azam and Allama Iqbal. Indian diplomacy with pakistan will only work if it directly talks to the Military. Instead of coming out with the same old crap in the media everyday
Well if you can come up with the statement of his well intentioned, then i believe you can also check out his record and current rule actions from multiple sources, just like the ones on which you based your earlier view.

Sir, I have done my homework and I have reached my conclusion. You can of course, give your side of the story. Thus far, Zardari was not in anyway, dangerous to Pakistan. Of course, he is warm with India and has tried to make concessions, but he those concessions were shot down by Kiyaniji. Sending ISI chief immediately after mumbai was one such concession, which was shot down. Zardari is not really powerful, he has even been armtwisted into relinquishing his nominal control over nuke button and this was given to Gilani.

I don't understand, you give statements as if you have done your homework but that is not the case. So why don't you do a very thorough study that what were the conditions due to which this govt failed to control the economy, to hide their own incompetency PPP govt blamed everything on Musharaf, so don't go on PPP statements. Just as a head start, take a hint about PPP govt incompetence that they did not had a Finance Minister for nearly one and a half year and the finance ministry was being run by an adviser, an investment banker yet again like the previous one.

Did PPP bring about any explicit changes in economic policy, if not then, how can the economy suddenly go downwards? Result of Musharraf's rule! The question is not who was running a ministry, the question is about policies. The policies remained same, but the security situation deteriorated, again due to Musharraf's regime's lack of prompt actions when the problem was small. Musharraf let the talibs grown roots and get big in Pakistan. Once he left, PPP was forced to go after Talibs, security worsened.

Now, dont get me wrong. I am not supporter of Zardari, I frankly like Mushy and his loose talk. Mushy is more vulnerable to praise and concessions can be expected from him when he was in power. In contrast, Zardari has been powerless to deliver for us and Kiyani has been not entertaining us yet. Kiyani also comes across as more serious type, unlike Musharraf who was game.

BTW, I only get to know what is of importance to India. So, I may have missed something that is only Pakistan-centric. If you have such points please do post them or atleast give link. I would appreciate it.

becoz he is busy in the WoP and he has no intention to get into politics, he will serve Pakistan to the best of his abilities just like he has been doing till now and then take a graceful leave to be remembered as one of the best COAS Pakistan ever saw. I wish he continues as he is a great asset to Pakistan.

But he does negotiate with US! So, the precedent is set. I think sooner than later the request will come from Pakistani side itself.
Musharraf the same guy that keeps himself in the public limelight with sometimes bullsh*t allegations?. You see Pakistan has the best leaders in the world for asking for aid its initiated programmes such as the friends of Pakistan. Pakistan needs investment! our politicians do not see this. We need well rounded politicians not mr 10% the same guy that was wanted by Switzerland for fraud. As a Pakistani the state this country is in it is an embarrassment to the great fathers that found it espicially Quadi Azam and Allama Iqbal. Indian diplomacy with pakistan will only work if it directly talks to the Military. Instead of coming out with the same old crap in the media everyday

Very honest assessment.:)
Sir, I have done my homework and I have reached my conclusion. You can of course, give your side of the story. Thus far, Zardari was not in anyway, dangerous to Pakistan. Of course, he is warm with India and has tried to make concessions, but he those concessions were shot down by Kiyaniji. Sending ISI chief immediately after mumbai was one such concession, which was shot down. Zardari is not really powerful, he has even been armtwisted into relinquishing his nominal control over nuke button and this was given to Gilani.

This really tells how much you do your homework before coming here and posting endlessly on different threads, posts which have high grade english but no soul to talk about.

It was Gilani who had talked about sending ISI chief to India, not Zardari, get your facts right.

We don't have a presidential system nor is Zardari running the govt, President is a symbol of federation, so he being powerless is what is his job. PM is the real head of the govt and runs the show.

And as for handing over the nuke button, again lack of knowledge leads to such statements. First of all its not a nuke button, its the seat of the Chairman of National Command Authority, NCA comprises of many members established for the control and final decision making authority for release of nuclear weapon, so no single person has the nuke button, its a multi tier system. Musharaf had taken the seat of the chairman by promulgating ordinance in this regard as he was running the govt at that time, an ordinance is a temporary arrangement bypassing the parliament for quick enforcement of something, which needs to be approved by the assembly if it has to be made into a law at a later stage, if not done the ordinance expires. As per law PM being the head of the govt, should also be the Chairman of NCA, so in this case the ordinance was expiring on 28th Nov, with no plans to get it approved from parliament as they won't allow it, due to PM being the real Chairman NCA. So he is not relinquished anything from him, rather the rightful person to chair the seat has gotten his power pack.

This is your home work ??

Did PPP bring about any explicit changes in economic policy, if not then, how can the economy suddenly go downwards? Result of Musharraf's rule! The question is not who was running a ministry, the question is about policies. The policies remained same, but the security situation deteriorated, again due to Musharraf's regime's lack of prompt actions when the problem was small. Musharraf let the talibs grown roots and get big in Pakistan. Once he left, PPP was forced to go after Talibs, security worsened.

Now, dont get me wrong. I am not supporter of Zardari, I frankly like Mushy and his loose talk. Mushy is more vulnerable to praise and concessions can be expected from him when he was in power. In contrast, Zardari has been powerless to deliver for us and Kiyani has been not entertaining us yet. Kiyani also comes across as more serious type, unlike Musharraf who was game.

BTW, I only get to know what is of importance to India. So, I may have missed something that is only Pakistan-centric. If you have such points please do post them or atleast give link. I would appreciate it.

Who runs the show makes a lot of difference, continuing the policy and implementation are two different things. Security deterioration did not played the major factor, rather lack of vision and future course of action lead to economic turmoil. Electricity crises took the toll, a crisis which began in PPP govt time, not during Musharaf time. The leadership of PPP led to such mistrust from investors and local people, that people shipped off billions abroad, investors took out their money, only due to mistrust as corrupt leaders were in power now, and current rankings of Pakistan in corruption and the inefficiency of NAB anti-corruption laws had lead to massive corruption. So many other crisis worked as fuel to the fire.
When the oligarchs of our country become selfish and compromise the security of Pakistan, the military has to come in to get hold of such guys. Zardari with his henchman Rehman Malik the most corrupt people in Pakistan are a security risk to Pakistan.

But he does negotiate with US! So, the precedent is set. I think sooner than later the request will come from Pakistani side itself.

Again gravely mistaken, he negotiates with the military leaders of US with regards to the WoP and the requirements of PA, he doesn't negotiates with the president of USA. And he is negotiating with them for 2 years now, if the precedent had been set, 2 years are more then enough to see the request come from his side. He has one more year to go, which he will use to fight the foreign funded menace and try to take Pakistan out of this troubled times.
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