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Loot sale : Entire Karachi Port leased to Abu Dhabi for 50 years for $50 million dollars. Chief economist general asim munir

Can anyone put up the details rather than everyone speculating.
Details are not important. Important is you gave away the key of a door to outsiders from where 300 millions get food and many other important exports. Many dum **** idiots do not realizing. This is total security brech and great treason to nation
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Hard to break it to Pakistanis but c corruption is so common and so ACCEPTED BY SOCIETY that if we give all state enterprises for free (worth billions of dollars) it will still be better since
We will save billions in loses (efficiency loses for even profit making) and corruption
Money is not big thing you idiot. You gave away your security dam **** idiot. Try to understand the consequences
Would you be more respectable. The news is misleading. Whether its right or not it is important that right info is shared. Then we should argue its morality.

Hard to break it to Pakistanis but c corruption is so common and so ACCEPTED BY SOCIETY that if we give all state enterprises for free (worth billions of dollars) it will still be better since
We will save billions in loses (efficiency loses for even profit making) and corruption
True. It has become norm.
Would you be more respectable. The news is misleading. Whether its right or not it is important that right info is shared. Then we should argue its morality.
I have no respect for idiots whos stupidity going to harm 300 millions. Roswell hotel is gone deny me islambad karachi and lahore airports are already gone. If Pigeon closes the eyes cat do not go away. Dont lie to nation. If you lie i will come hard on you..
I have no respect for idiots whos stupidity going to harm 300 millions. Roswell hotel is gone deny me islambad karachi and lahore airports are already gone. If Pigeon closes the eyes cat do not go away. Dont lie to nation. If you lie i will come hard on you..
Better to give everything for free to just to get rid of corruption
I have no respect for idiots whos stupidity going to harm 300 millions. Roswell hotel is gone deny me islambad karachi and lahore airports are already gone. If Pigeon closes the eyes cat do not go away. Dont lie to nation. If you lie i will come hard on you..
Man relax I simply told the information shared is misleading. You need to understand opinions could differ and people can have different way of dealing with info.
Better to give everything for free to just to get rid of corruption
And I have no respect for flag which you have in your dp. That flag represents treason

It's only 3-4 berths not the whole port.
Even If I accept your arrangement 2 or 3 berth then they will take all of them one by they have money time and brains. You know how malik raiaz occupied and built baria twon. He started from som kinals and occupied land on name of tehy simlaath. They samlath means no owner free ka mal..
And I have no respect for flag which you have in your dp. That flag represents treason

Even If I accept your arrangement 2 or 3 berth then they will take all of them one by they have money time and brains. You know how malik raiaz occupied and built baria twon. He started from som kinals and occupied land on name of tehy simlaath. They samlath means no owner free ka mal..
I know

British and Americans can't be Pakistani

They are traitors

Regardless we can't vote so don't worry we can't effect your decisions except for main sahab
My advise to Pakistani for free

First decide what do you want ?
Do you want communism or do you want capitalism

Before you say Islam, Islam is basically capitalism (right own things and build wealth after you pay zakat and taxes)

Because most of people are confused what they want ..

Blame Malik riaz but you haven't o be specific what he has done wrong

Last I check buying cheap undeveloped land, developing it and selling it expensive isn't a crime

My advise to Pakistani for free

First decide what do you want ?
Do you want communism or do you want capitalism

Before you say Islam, Islam is basically capitalism (right own things and build wealth after you pay zakat and taxes)

Because most of people are confused what they want ..

Blame all you can about Malik riaz but you have to be specific what he has done wrong

Last I check buying cheap undeveloped land, developing it and sell
My forecast about a month ago. Quite close:

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There are few things in the world that'll annoy the Chinese... Karachi is one of them.

I remember an uncle telling a joke, "if America invades, even they'll ignore Karachi." The city is only on the spectrum out of courtesy; it's a unique animal where the actual, accessible city is relatively small compared to its geographic size. Much of it is undiscovered country.
Lol, patriotism at its best. Well when you let baboons drive your country.

Congratulations to soldiers, hope this does something for you. Rest of Pakistan will suffer by another brilliant idea you flawlessly executed. Time for ISPR tobrelease another patriotic song I think.
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