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look whats flying in US CBG no fly zone

I thought US carriers maintained a no fly zone even in non war situation. the carrier below seems to be completely un aware of presence of drone, which seems to be flying right on top of it......


A statement from Cmdr. Kevin Stephens, spokesman for the U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet, said that on the morning of January 12, an Iranian drone flew toward both the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and the USS Harry S. Truman, both of which were operating in international waters in the gulf.

A Navy helicopter launched from the Truman then determined that the unmanned aerial vehicle wasn't weaponized.

"Because the UAV was unarmed and posed no risk to the carrier's flight operations (since it wasn't flying at the time), we determined that ... the Iranian UAV's actions posed no danger to the ship," Stephens said in his statement. "It was however, abnormal and unprofessional."

Iran has broadcast video on local television that has been billed as capturing the incident.

The Navy, however, is not confirming that the video is authentic. Navy officials said the video shows nothing that cannot already be seen on many maritime videos available on social media.
well I do agree with one thing....totally uncalled for , un necessary and un professional of Iranians to do such a thing while coming out of sanctions after 40 years
I thought US carriers maintained a no fly zone even in non war situation. the carrier below seems to be completely un aware of presence of drone, which seems to be flying right on top of it......

No country can declare a No-Fly Zone in International Water in peace time without UN approval, unilaterally declare or impose a No-Fly Zone is an act of war. And usually NFZ only applies when a country is in belligerent state (i.e. At War with someone) cause then you had your Casus Belli and It would not be an Act of War as you are already in a war....

US Navy Ship maintain a Identification Zone in peace time, which mean all unknown bogey have to be identified within a certain range within the Carrier Group. And even tho imposing a NFZ is an act of war, that does not take away one's right to self defence, so if the bogey (unknown contact) was Identified and deemed hostile, US warship can still shoot it down as an act of self defence.

In this case, the navy have send out a chopper to ID the bogey and turns out it's not a threat, and then there would be no inherit right to self-defence and then there will not be anything done on it except let it pass. It not just applies to aircraft, ships too, remember the time a few years ago when a US Cruiser tailing the Chinese CV-16 then one of the Chinese Tank landing dock cut across the cruiser within 500 yards. Even that is not a threat (unless the LST start raking the Cruiser with gun fire), it's unethical, non-seamanlike and unprofessional, but albeit, it's not illegal.
This isn't news worthy. If the US regarded it as a threat, they would have shot it down. This isn't some sort of "Iranian military victory", the US just doesn't want to make a fuss about a minor thing, especially since the US is constantly spying on Iran with it's own far stealthier drones.
I thought US carriers maintained a no fly zone even in non war situation. the carrier below seems to be completely un aware of presence of drone, which seems to be flying right on top of it......

As it says in the article:
The video shows a ship covered in fighter jets steaming through the blue seas. Cmdr. William Marks, a U.S. Navy spokesman, said in an statement that he could not confirm the authenticity of the video, but he added that an Iranian drone was spotted flying around the French carrier Charles de Gaulle and the American carrier USS Harry S. Truman on Jan. 12 in the Persian Gulf. The drone was unarmed and determined not to be a threat, but Marks said the incident is still considered “abnormal and unprofessional.”

Both aircraft carriers were traveling through international waters, where they have been launching fighter jets to carry out airstrikes against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria. Marks said a U.S. Navy helicopter was launched from the Truman to get a closer look at the drone, and personnel on board determined it was not armed before it traveled directly over the ship.

Had it been determined a threat is would have been a different matter alltogether.

From CNN
A Navy helicopter launched from the Truman then determined that the unmanned aerial vehicle wasn't weaponized.

"Because the UAV was unarmed and posed no risk to the carrier's flight operations (since it wasn't flying at the time), we determined that ... the Iranian UAV's actions posed no danger to the ship," Stephens said in his statement. "It was however, abnormal and unprofessional."

The Navy, however, is not confirming that the video is authentic. Navy officials said the video shows nothing that cannot already be seen on many maritime videos available on social media.


Iranian navy comment: Hilarious!
The Associated Press could not independently verify the footage. Cmdr. Kevin Stephens, a spokesman for the Navy's 5th Fleet based in Bahrain, said an unarmed Iranian drone flew near the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and "directly over" the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman on Jan. 12 as the vessels were in international waters in the Persian Gulf.

He said the drone "posed no danger to the ship," as the unmanned aircraft was unarmed and the carrier wasn't conducting flight operations at the time.

"It was, however, abnormal and unprofessional," Stephens said. He added that the Navy was "not in a position to verify the authenticity of the video, as there are countless examples of similar footage to be found on the Internet."

Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, the commander of Iran's navy, called the drone overflight "a sign of bravery."

It "allowed our men to go so close to the warship and shoot such a beautiful and accurate footage of the combat units of the foreign forces," he told state television.

IIRC the whole point of using a drone/UAV is that your people aren't close but your camera is.:crazy:

Here's a reasonable assessment

Also of interest



maybe it's time to build a microwave weapon to knock these mosquito's out of the air or use our laser weapons to destroy it's optical system.

Seriously what's wrong with the Mullah's?? They are just coming out of a long period of global sanctions/isolation after Obama fought an uphill battle against republicans/congress(who were and still are against this deal) to clinch this deal that led to sanctions being lifted, yet the Mullah's are still indulging in unnecessary provocations for propaganda purposes. :disagree: This is not the time to be doing such things, it's uncalled for.
The U.S navy is far more powerful and has more capabilities than the top next 5 naval powers combined(i.e the other P4 powers ). For Iran who has one of the worse navy in the middle East(forget about the world) to even claim such propaganda news as some sort of achievement is just funny. The U.S Navy NEED JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS AT MOST TO WIPE OUT IRAN'S ENTIRE NAVY IF IT REALLY WANTED TO.

Iran should focus on improving its economy, mending ties with the west, opening up to world trade, stop overextending/involving itself in unnecessary sectarian conflicts in the Arab world and avoid making radical empty rhetoric against Israel and the west every now and then for no real purpose/gain, all these are needed for Iran to tap it's real potential and its entrepreneurial/smart youths who until now have mostly been immigrating to the U.S,U.K,Europe as soon as they have the opportunity to do so, giving the sad state of the country's economic environment/sanctions. Cool heads will hopefully prevail in Tehran. We don't want to go back to the past period of isolation/sanctions.
It is important for the Iranians to do stunts like this to show their population that they are "strong" to divert attention from the compromises that they agreed to as part of the nuclear deal. USA is happy to let them thump their chest to this effect.

Quid pro quo.

Seriously what's wrong with the Mullah's?? They are just coming out of a long period of global sanctions/isolation after Obama fought an uphill battle against republicans/congress(who were and still are against this deal) to clinch this deal that led to sanctions being lifted, yet the Mullah's are still indulging in unnecessary provocations for propaganda purposes. :disagree: This is not the time to be doing such things, it's uncalled for.
The U.S navy is far more powerful and has more capabilities than the top next 5 naval powers combined(i.e the other P4 powers ). For Iran who has one of the worse navy in the middle East(forget about the world) to even claim such propaganda news as some sort of achievement is just funny. The U.S Navy NEED JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS AT MOST TO WIPE OUT IRAN'S ENTIRE NAVY IF IT REALLY WANTED TO.

Iran should focus on improving its economy, mending ties with the west, opening up to world trade, stop overextending/involving itself in unnecessary sectarian conflicts in the Arab world and avoid making radical empty rhetoric against Israel and the west every now and then for no real purpose/gain, all these are needed for Iran to tap it's real potential and its entrepreneurial/smart youths who until now have mostly been immigrating to the U.S,U.K,Europe as soon as they have the opportunity to do so, giving the sad state of the country's economic environment/sanctions. Cool heads will hopefully prevail in Tehran. We don't want to go back to the past period of isolation/sanctions.

1. Public consumption

2. Iran is opening up to foreign investment and cooperation

3. One step at a time, my English patriot friend.
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